剧集 | 谋杀(2011) | 导航列表
蓝色制♥服♥ 上好浆
So... it's dress blues, extra starched,
白手套 鞋子擦亮 全副武装
white gloves, spit shine, whole nine.
敲敲门 她打开门
Knock, knock. She opens the door.
- 只开着无线电 - 是谈话节目 还是Kube 93(音乐广播)?
Nothing on but the radio. Talk or Kube 93?
我还没碰她呢 就已经尼亚加拉大瀑布一泻千里了
I haven't even touched her yet, it's already Niagara Falls.
- 不得不违法一下 - 在哪儿呢
Had to break some laws. Where is it?
Well, at least in a couple of months,
这一次小挫败 不会影响你们的化学反应
that foot of glass between you won't affect your chemistry.
It's like drinking water.
你需要的营养都有了 胆固醇就留给奶牛吧
Get those nutrients you need, leave the cholesterol in the cow.
Your mom breast-feed you until puberty or something?
嘿 初乳可就不同 富含生命必须的营养什么的
Hey, colostrum, on the other hand, is filled with life-giving nutrients and whatnot.
Here I thought I was a pervert.
怎样 Melloy? 什么情况?
What up, Melloy? What do you got?
无名女尸 短期住客两小时前发现的
A Jane Doe. Transient found her a couple hours ago.
被扯开的垃圾袋盖着 没注意到味道
Ripped open the garbage bag covering her, didn't notice the smell.
- 验尸官在路上了? - 木错
- The coroner's en route? - Yup.
"木错" 真的么? "木错"?
"Yup. " Seriously? "Yup"?
要说"是 长官" "不 长官"
It's "yes, sir," "no, sir. "
拜托 你是白♥痴♥吗? "木错"
I mean, seriously. Are you an idiot? "Yup. "
有脑子么? "木有"
Got a brain? "Nope. "
Never seen that before.
Almost cut her head clean off.
你脑子有病啊?! 你这个白♥痴♥疯婆娘 你干什么啊
What the hell is wrong with you?! You stupid, crazy bitch, what are you doing?!
我什么都没想干 天啊 Bullet
I'm not doing anything. God, Bullet.
我没想跳下去的 好吗 我就是想看看水面
I wasn't gonna jump. Okay? I just wanted to look at the water.
过来 过来 你看
Come here. Come here. Look at it.
在船只 垃圾和人类的东西破坏之前
Before the boats and garbage and people and stuff mess it up,
是那么平静干净 知道吗?
it's so smooth and clean, you know?
就像玻璃 很完美
Like glass. It's perfect.
I just wanted to look at it.
You crazy bitch.
Cops ran us out from under the bridge.
是啊 今早这群混♥蛋♥把我们从公园都轰走了
Yeah. Douchebags kicked us out of the park this morning.
Some sort of citywide sweep.
管他呢 谁怕谁
Oh, whatever. Eat me.
You know maybe we can get beds at Beacon.
无所谓 我还没确定准备接受耶稣作我的主
Whatever. I'm not sure I'm ready to accept Jesus as my lord.
Never got open beds anyways.
是 不过好歹今早菜单上有鸡蛋和培根
Yeah, well, at least they got eggs and bacon on the menu this morning.
- 你肚子饿吗 - 我讨厌培根
- You hungry? - I hate bacon.
哥们儿 别再跑了 拜托 我饿啊
Oh, dude, quit tripping. Come on, I'm starving.
Look, we'll find a place to squat.
It's still early.
走吧 来
Let's go. Come on.
I'd estimate her age at 16 or 17.
Cause of death is multiple sharp-force injuries across the neck region.
Cut marks are visible on the cervical vertebrae.
Vaginal bruising is present.
He raped her?
- 有留下"名片"么? - 没 他肯定是用了安全套
Leave a calling card, too? No, he must have used a condom.
好极了 就在我们带队的时候 发生这种事
Lovely. Just as we're leading the pack, this.
We're gonna be chasing down hookers and hobos,
rounding up the usual suspects on pedophile mile for months.
没错 我们必须这么做 忍♥着吧
Yeah, well, we got to, so suck it up.
What if we fob her off?
我说真的 接下来到谁了?
I'm serious. Who's up next?
Jablonski It's Jablonski.
Even that guy's not gonna take some hooker dumped in Katmandu.
- Timbuktu - 随便了
- Timbuktu. - Whatever.
这里没事儿了 医生?
We done here, doc?
她有反抗 有抵抗伤 弄断了手指
She fought back. Defense wounds- broke her finger.
Your Romeo used a weapon with a serrated edge.
从后面挟持她 弄伤了她的脊髓数次
Held her from behind, nicked her spinal cord several times.
在受害人反抗时 这样做是需要很大力气的
It takes a lot of strength to do that while the victim's fighting.
He hating on working girls?
- 或许只是这个女孩? - 因为她不肯吞下去?
Maybe just this girl? 'Cause she wouldn't swallow?
- 这是你经验之谈么? - 等指纹有结果了 会联♥系♥你们的
You speaking from experience? We'll call you when we get a hit on the prints.
祝你警长考试顺利 Holder
And, uh, good luck on the sergeant's exam, Holder.
- 多谢 医生 - 他还没通过呢
Thanks, doc. He hasn't passed it yet.
No need to blow smoke up his ass already.
我告诉你 Jablonski是咱的人
I'm telling you- Jablonski's our man.
他不会接受的 绝对
He ain't gonna take it. No doubt.
他会的 会的 让我来谈
He'll do it. He'll do it. Just let me do the talking.
Heading in.
- 怎么? 你把那戒指也偷了? - 是
- What's that? You jack that ring, too? - Yeah.
Lyric was telling me about this blue ring her grandmother used to have.
她总想偷走 可是...
She would always try to steal it, but...
- 我就想 这是蓝的 - 那你会给她吗?
I figure, it's blue. So, are you gonna give it to her?
- 不知道 - 你应该给
I don't know. You should.
你爱她 瞧你啊
You love her. Look at you!
闭嘴 闭嘴啦
Shut up. Shut up!
不 Twitch要是知道你对他马子下手 会杀了你的
No. Twitch will kill you if he thinks you're moving in on his woman.
- 她才不是他马子 - 我听说他们俩有一腿
- She ain't his woman. - I heard they hooked up.
They're squatting together at the hotel.
You think them playing house means jack?
不 那个杂种是在利用她 我要给他点颜色瞧瞧
No, that low-rent punk is using her! I'm gonna kick his shitty white ass!
Yeah. He ain't all that.
That boy ain't packing nothing down them Sean Johns!
- 那你就告诉她啊 笨蛋 - 告诉她什么
So, tell her, dumbass. Tell her what?
That you like her?
Don't just sit with it, walking around with it like you do.
过来 让我看看
Come here. Let me see it.
- 为什么? - Bullet 快点
Why? Bullet, come on.
- "Bullet 我爱你" - 来 让我拍下来
- "Bullet, I love you. " - Here, let me get this.
闭嘴啦 快点站好了
Oh, shut up, man. Come on. Stand still.
当然 我愿意接这个无名女尸
Sure, I'll take the Jane Doe.
真的 你确定 Jablonski?
Yeah? You sure, Jablonski?
你在约克大道抓了我的毒贩 穷♥人♥区
You take my drug dealer down at York Ave. The projects.
Williams那个活儿? 那干得可是够漂亮
The Williams job? That's a slam dunk.
除非你是想死在黑帮地盘 我反正是不想
If you want to hang down in banger land. Which I, for one, do not.
就这么定了 要喝个汽水吗?
Done... and done. You want a soda or something?
好 低糖的 如果有的话
Yeah, diet, if they got it.
- 控制体重 - 是啊 我没有 真棒
Watching the weight. Yeah, not me. Good on you.
- 咱们走吧 - 你有案卷吗?
Let's go. You got a case file?
有 有 拿几个文件送去签字就行了
Yeah, yeah, just got to sign off on some of the paperwork.
Uh, I'll get it back to you.
华盛顿州监狱 劳♥改♥局
SARAH LINDEN 23843 Cove Road NW, Vashon Island, WA 98090
Ah! Don't do that!
- Cody! - 怎么了?
Cody! What?
- 你是不知道你脸上那表情啊 - 你这个坏蛋
Oh, man, you should see your face. You're a jerk!
You want to get off the island later?
- 去市中心 看乐队表演什么的 - 我很想
Get downtown, catch a band or something? I would love to...
but I'm working the afternoon shift.
是吗? 可是名册上没有你啊
Yeah? You weren't on the roster.
我知道 不过Ron临时批准的
I know, but Ron approved it last minute.
不过在那之前 我完全有空
But until then... I'm free and clear.
嘿 喔喔 慢着
Hey. Whoa, whoa. Hold up.
L- let's just...
Come here.
Oh, my God.
Ray Seward 这份死刑执行书命令在30天后 对你执行死刑
Ray Seward, this death warrant orders your execution in 30 days' time for the crime of murder
因杀害Trisha Ann Seward 被判处一级谋杀
剧集 | 谋杀(2011) | 导航列表