剧集 | 难得幸福(2015) | 导航列表
这是托马斯 杰斐逊 [美国第三任总统 独♥立♥宣言主要起草人]
This is Thomas Jefferson
美国 我移居之所的国父 [雕像位于南达科他州的拉什莫尔山国家纪念公园 其余三人为华盛顿老罗斯福和林肯]
founding father of my adopted home of America
which I love with all my heart
但是 操 他一定要写这一条
But then, fuck, he had to go and write that line,
生活 自♥由♥ 对快乐的追逐
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
生活 当然 自♥由♥ 我理解这些基本的概念
Life, sure. Liberty, I understand the basic concept.
但是快乐 我的意思是 什么才是这操蛋的快乐
But happiness? I mean, what the fuck is happiness?
一辆宝马 一千个脸书好友
A BMW? 1,000 Facebook friends?
百万个推特粉丝 我希望他能更诚实点儿
A million Twitter followers? I wish he had been more honest.
开诚布公地说 生活 自♥由♥ 对快乐的追逐
I wish he had just said, "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,
whatever the fuck that is."
别老是让我们瞎猜 汤姆 [托马斯的简写]
Just don't keep us guessing, Tom.
猜 追逐 最后失败
Guessing and pursuing and failing.
操♥你♥妈♥ 托马斯 杰斐逊
Fuck you, Thomas Jefferson!
如果你很开心 你就拍拍手
♪ If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands ♪
如果你很开心 你就拍拍手
♪ if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands ♪
如果你很开心 那就操蛋的表现出来
♪ if you're happy and you know it, then motherfucking show it ♪
如果你很开心 那就拍你操蛋的手
♪ if you're happy and you know it, clap your motherfucking hands ♪
如果你很开心 你就拍拍手
♪ if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. ♪
♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪
♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪
♪ you look like a monkey ♪
♪ And you smell like one, too. ♪
The game is half over, people.
-开始吧 -快说 快说
- Here we go. - Speech, speech.
那么 他们跨在坟墓上生产
Well, "they give birth astride a grave,
the light gleams an instant,
then it is night once more."
半途 兄弟 如果你熬过了这一周
Half run? Buddy, you're gonna be lucky
if you make it to the end of the week.
她是对的 爸爸
She's right, dad.
四十四岁 就像一百万岁一样
44, that's like a million.
-喔 -嘿 嘿 妈妈要
- Whoo! - Hey, hey, mom is...
mom's almost as old as me.
But mom's pretty.
-谢谢 朱尔斯 太谢谢你了 -噢 别说了
- Thanks, Jules, so much. - Oh! Give it up.
-噢 注意礼节 先生 -等等
- Oh, manners, mister. - Wait, get, get...
没错 像大人一样 要有礼节 对吗 朱利叶斯
yeah, have some manners like the adults. Right, Julius?
嗯 嗯 嗯
Num, num, num!
I have that one.
I have, like, five of that one.
Mine are pretty good, though.
Mine came in a set,
但是我还有龙型直升机 [乐高套装#2521]
so I also have the dragon helicopter
and Sensei Wu.
Yours is junk.
嘿 嘿 你们知道我注意到你家小孩的什么事吗
Hey, hey, you know what I've noticed about your kid?
-他就是个混♥蛋♥ -没错 他就是个操蛋的混♥蛋♥
- He's an asshole. - Yes, he's a fucking asshole.
-我不知道这是怎么发生的 但是 -所以不仅仅是对朱利叶斯
- I don't know how that happened, but... - So it's not just Julius?
不不不 他对谁都表现的像个混♥蛋♥ 孩子们讨厌他
No, no, he's an asshole to everybody. Kids hate him.
他是个混♥蛋♥ 因为他爸爸也是个混♥蛋♥
He's an asshole because his father was an asshole.
依旧是 你的前任也是个混♥蛋♥
Still. Your ex is still an asshole.
An asshole doesn't fall far from the tree.
- He'll grow out of it. - I don't think that's the kind of assholeness you outgrow.
我们只是希望 你懂的 一根平均值的鸡♥巴♥ 平凡无奇的鸡♥巴♥
We're just hoping for, you know, an average prick. Just a run-of-the-mill dick.
我不懂 汤姆 几年前 朱尔斯也可能是个混♥蛋♥
I don't know, Thom. Couple years from now, Jules could be an asshole, too.
我不这么觉得 或许是一个娘炮
I don't think so. A pussy, maybe.
那么 我宁可要一个混♥蛋♥ 总比娘炮好
Well, I would rather have an asshole than a pussy.
It is tough out there, people.
Asshole's not a bad way to go.
-也不错嘛 -女士们 快来
- Not a bad way to go. - Come on, lady.
Oh, my God.
你问我 朱利叶斯只是过于开心
You ask me, Julius is just too happy.
-过于开心 -你让一个小孩在这样的世界里快乐生活
- Too happy? - You make a kid happy in this world,
这是在害他们 那是虐待儿童
you're setting them up. That's child abuse.
相信我 汤姆 取得快乐的唯一方式
Trust me, Thom. Your only shot at happiness in this world
是拥有一个悲惨的童年 越悲惨 越快乐
is a miserable childhood. The shittier the better.
That's what I should call my book.
没错 《悲惨的快乐》汤姆 佩恩著
Yeah, "The Joy of Misery" by Thom Payne.
-一本书 -没错
- A book? - Yeah.
-什么书 -没扯淡呢
- What's a book? - Yeah, no shit.
没事儿 他们在看冰雪奇缘
It's okay. They're watching "Frozen."
看 娘炮
See? Pussy.
Speaking of pussies,
Monica is getting hers done.
-她的什么 -阴♥部♥ [双关]
- Her what? - Her pussy.
-做什么 -变紧致
- Done? - Tightened.
-你♥他♥妈♥到底在说什么 -什么
- What the fuck are you talking about? - What?
她三十七岁了 已经有小孩了 她想要更紧致的阴♥部♥
She's 37, she's done having kids, she wants a tighter cooch.
一派胡言 她的阴♥部♥对杰森来说完全足够了
That's bullshit. That's totally for Jason.
我不知道 我的姐姐生了三个小孩
I don't know. My sister had three kids.
She said she can park her car up in there now.
-是像smart那样的车 -她开悍马 [smart为奔驰旗下的小型车 仅有两人座 悍马原为通用旗下的大型越野车]
- But like a smart car. - The girl drives a hummer.
等一下 我要理顺一下
Wait a min I want to get this straight.
Her pussy is good enough for him to fuck,
good enough for him to eat,
good enough to bear his child,
now he just wants it tighter?
Think he should just go fuck himself.
Can he say how tight he wants it?
Well, she's at a beer can now.
所以 他可能想要烈酒杯那么小
So he probably wants, what, a shot glass?
He looks like a pencil dick to me.
Maybe she should just go with sharpener.
他可以做一个手术 你知道 像是测试阴♥道♥一样
Could he go in the surgery and,you know, like test the vagina?
哟 医生 你很接近了 但你还要再猜个一两次
Yo, Doc, you're close, but can you give it another turn or two?
-噢 天哪 -像是 莱斯科先生 我回到二十二岁时候的样子
- Oh, my God. - Mr Lesko, I got it down to a 22-year-old.
从法律的角度说 我只能回到十八岁时候的样子
Legally, I can only go to an 18.
嘿 医生 当你做到那里的时候
Hey, Doc, while you're down there,
can you loosen up her shithole?
好的 他们要来了 要来了
Okay, they're coming. They're coming.
Where's the joint?
乔治 是一只非常 非常好的猴子
"George was a very, very good monkey."
He was also very curious."
And he was a real pain in the butt.
-爸爸 -他该被打一顿
- Dad. - He deserved a good slap,
somebody to teach him a lesson.
"You can't just steal a spaceship
然后飞到月球上 猴孩儿
and fly it to the moon, monkey boy."
爸爸 正常点念
Dad, read it normal.
嘿 嘿 我爱你 哥们儿
Hey, hey. I love you, buddy.
You're old.
我不是老了 我是 我是 我是
I'm not old. I'm... I'm... I'm...
I'm oldish.
Are you going to die?
我要死了吗 男孩
Am I gonna die? Boy...
You know,
真♥相♥是 朱利叶斯 我要死了
the truth is, Julius, I am going to die,
但要很久 很久之后
but not for a very, very long time.
首先 要开始像这么说话
First I got to start speaking like this.
接着 我开始掉牙
And then I got to start losing my teeth.
Then I got to start pooping in my diapers.
嘿 明天什么计划
Hey, how about tomorrow
在五个朋友吃点汉堡 接着去开心农场
we get burgers at Five Guys, then Funny Farm?
You know the drill.
你喜欢这样吗 好棒
You like that? Yeah.
噢 好棒 宝贝 操♥我♥的屁♥股♥
剧集 | 难得幸福(2015) | 导航列表