It all started back when I was in high school.
我在旧金山湾区长大 对电子设备情有独钟
I grew up in the San Francisco Bay area. I really enjoyed electronics
当时我运气很好 参与了一个NASA在山景城艾姆斯研究中心的项目
I was lucky enough to get involved in a program at NASA Ames Research Centre in Mountain View
Three of us from local high schools got involved.
当时 名叫 IMLAC 的早期矢量绘图计算机图形系统诞生了
What was coming out at the time were early vector drawing computer graphic systems called IMLACs.
它看着很笨重 不过更像 PC
Well, it’s a really clunky looking thing, but it really does look a lot like a PC
It’s got a keyboard, it’s got a mouse
史蒂夫·克里 霍华德·帕默和我可以随意使用这些花哨的电脑图形
Steve Colley, Howard Palmer, and myself were given free rein of all of this fancy computer graphics
我们的挑战是搞清楚用 IMLAC 能做什么
We were given the challenge to figure out what you could do with an IMLAC
一台 IMLAC 真的能可视化3D世界吗?
Could an IMLAC really visualize a 3D world?
So, Steve Colley started by creating a program that could do hidden line removal dynamically and visualize a cube rotating.
It was one of those things where you, you look at it, and you’re just sort of blowed over at how cool it was.
然后 倘若有许多方块堆成阵列 我们从内部生成视角会看到什么?
So, the next thing was, what if you had multiple cubes and instead Generated a perspective of being inside this rays of blocks or cubes
That essentially becomes a maze
The first thing that I remember seeing was an environment that you were in
你懂的 “哇哦!”
and I, you know, was like, ‘Woah!’
我们创造了第一人称俯视迷宫的视角 有点像走迷宫游戏
So, we were able to create a visualization from first person looking down a maze and it was kind of a maze game
as far as ‘Well, can you find the exit?’
我们继续下去: “如果我们有两台 IMLAC 让它们聊天会怎么样?”
That then continued on as to, ‘What if we had two IMLACs and we had them talk to each other?’
格雷格·汤普森从艾姆斯中心升学去 MIT 时带着一大堆有用的程序
When Greg Thompson came to MIT from Ames, he brought a whole bunch of usable programs
but the one that he brought that was really the coolest
人们有时候叫它《迷宫》 有时候叫它《迷宫战争》
Was this thing that they called, ‘Maze,’ and sometimes ‘Maze War.’
大卫写了个程序 你输入指令启动《迷宫》时
Dave wrote the program that, when you type to start up Maze,
程序会把《迷宫》下载到你的 IMLAC 上 接着充当通讯枢纽
it would download into your IMLAC the Maze game and then acted as the communication hub
连通所有 MAC 上正在玩《迷宫》的 IMLAC
to exchange messages between all of the IMLACs at Project MAC that were playing the game.
你移♥动♥时 所有人收到一条短消息
When you moved, a little message went out to everybody,
更新由主机程序处理 它可以看到每位玩家的位置
and the updating part was handled in the mainframe program because it had a vision of where each player was.
如果它能看到你 你在它的视野中 它就会画出你的化身
If he could see you, if you were in his view it would draw a representation of yourself.
All we had there, really, was we could draw the person’s name.
这样也挺好 要是我们能把它变得更像游戏 让玩家互相射击呢?
That was good. Well what if we could turn it more into a game and shoot each other?
Now, you didn’t actually…You couldn’t really draw a gun but, from the first person perspective,
we would draw a representation of a bullet going down the hallway.
如果某个玩家处在子弹当前飞到的方格中 他就死了
and so, if he is in the square that the bullet reached at that point in time, it would declare that other player’s dead,
其他玩家会收到你死了的消息 程序会画出一场爆♥炸♥
and the other player would get a message that you’re dead, and it would create a visualization of explosions, essentially, on the screen
游戏会罗列最多八位玩家 显示命中数和射击数 你可以拿来算分
along with your name. Up to eight players, we would have two numbers of hits and shots, so you could kind of track the score.
我们的 IMLAC 数量够多 多到可以有不错的对局
We had enough IMLACs, we could get some pretty good games going.
研究人员会半夜邀请朋友 让他们把在宿舍里做题的时间
The researches are spending late nights inviting their friends to get into Project MAC to play this game at late hours
拿来跑去 MAC 项目玩这个游戏
as opposed to doing the problem set they were probably supposed to be doing in their dorm rooms.
各个实验室的人都会跑来玩 那可是有足足五层实验室的大楼
People would come in from all over the lab which was, you know, this large building with about five floors of it.
J.C.R Licklider himself, we’re seeing playing the game sometimes
and people would sit around and cheer, cheer their favorite players on.
It was kind of like eSports. I guess it’s kind of like eSports.
Very primitive eSports.
程序会把《迷宫》下载到你的 IMLAC 上
It would download into your IMLAC, the Maze Game,
and then acted as the communication hub.
That basically enabled it to be played over the Internet.
你可以直接加入 立刻成为玩家 想走就走
You could just come in, start up an instance of being a player in the game, and off you went
可以射击 追逐其他玩家
You could shoot, you could chase each other around,
you could have a lot of fun.
We pioneered online gaming.
非常惊人 太惊人了
It was shocking. It’s totally shocking.
The concept, first person shooter, didn’t exist.
It was one of those many things that was kind of retrofitted.
Maze itself appeared in late 1973.
多年过去 玩游戏的硬件提升越来越大
Years went by, and the hardware for playing games improved more and more and more, and
one of the first things that people wanted to write for anything that had graphics was a version of Maze.
一旦一款 PC 上市 无数的《迷宫》仿品就跟着出现
Once the PCs came out, billions and billions of knock offs
And, you know, you can trace the lineage to things like Doom.
I could see that it would catch on,
也很高兴恰巧成为开启 FPS 之路的贡献者之一
and I was happy to have happened in to be one of the contributors in getting it started.
These days, people see, like, Fortnite, and they assume humble rendering has always been.
No, we came from very, very humble beginnings,
beginnings of games like Battlezone in which it was just vector lines.
Battlezone was a brilliant application
对我来说它太引人入胜了 我彻底迷上了它
It was so compelling to me, and I just got totally hooked.
The first time you saw that, everything you needed to know about a first person shooter was already defined.
The first person shooter is the closest thing you can be to being in an environment in reality
因为顾名思义 第一人称意味着从你的视角出发 《战争地带》就是如此
because first person means, by definition. That it’s from your sight, and that was Battlezone.
I remember, as a kid, you put your face through the gunner mechanism,
然后转动视角 感觉自己仿佛就身处那台坦克之中
and then you could turn, and then I felt like I was there. I felt like I was in, like, that tank.
沉浸感太强了 你被带入游戏世界中 感染力极大
It was so immersive. You’re brought into that world, and it was so powerful
我当时在想: “未来的一切都会像它一样运作”
and I was thinking ‘This is the way everything’s going to work in the future.’
Battlezone is a masterful game and,
如果你没有玩过矢量街机……独♥立♥街机版 你得去试试
if you haven’t played it On a vector arcade stand up arcade version, you’d need to.
一定要用摇杆操作 原汁原味地游玩
Use the joysticks, play it like it was meant to be played,
because that experience is extraordinary.
我不停地玩 水平高到完全输不了
I just played and played, and I got so good that I got to the point where I would not lose.
There are things in Battlezone that Carmack and Romero had to learn
比如背后中弹 看到敌人以及雷达和主动雷达的重要性
like being shot at from behind, being able to see the enemy and the importance of a radar and auto radar.
艾德·罗特伯格最先想到并解决了它们 不是吗?
Ed Rotberg figured them out for the very first time and mastered them, right?
我前阵子又玩了玩它 宝刀未老啊
I tried playing it recently, and I’m still pretty good.
我的手感还在 真是奇怪 这都三十多年了
I still have that feel for the game which is so weird. It’s been 30-something years.
它太美了 如诗如画 绝妙不已
It’s beautiful. It’s like a poem. It’s fantastic.
I can’t overstate its importance enough.
There’s games out there that basically prove something that would otherwise be thought to be impossible.
It sort of set a bar in a number of different dimensions
that really forced me to rethink about what these immersive experiences would really mean.
直到看见别人动手你才会想: “那我也做得到”
You don’t think, ‘Oh, I could do that,’ until you see somebody else do it.
我想制♥作♥一款游戏 开始我用的是 Apple II
So, I wanted to build a game, and I started out working on Apple II’s.
我当时完全着迷了 Apple II上面有一些图像游戏
I was really obsessed. The Apple II had some games that were images,
你可以点击某个物品 转到另一张图像
and you can, like, click on something, you go to another image and,
you get about 10-20 images, you fill up a floppy. I thought,
我想: “肯定有办法创造更生动的世界”
‘There must be a way to create a world that’s more alive.’
我把3D当作压缩技术 用非常非常小的文件生成世界
I came to 3D as a compression technology to generate the world and have a very, very, very tiny file that does it,
and I heard that Apple was going to be putting out a new computer.
On January 24, Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh.
我付了钱 没过多久店里就给我打电♥话♥说: “你的 Mac 到了”
I put money down on it. Soon after, the store gives me a call and says, ‘Your Mac is here.’
每家商店只有一台 Mac
Every store only got one Mac.
所以他们在开箱之前就给了我他们的展示机 这真的是很有风度
So, they were giving me their demonstration computer before they even opened it up. I thought that was really classy of them.
It was, to me, the future of computing,
and I saw what the game I was building as the future of gaming.
可以说 鼠标操作视角有至少一半是我发明的
I invented at least half of mouselook, if you will.
拿起鼠标 左右移♥动♥ 角色会左右转向
You take the mouse, and you move left and right, you’d turn left and right.
既然不能上下看 我的做法是将鼠标向上移 角色就会向前移♥动♥
Since I couldn’t look up and down, what I did is, move the mouse up, you’d go forward
向下移 角色后退 事实证明这是个非常顺滑的交互界面
and move the mouse down, you’d go backwards, and that proved to be a very, very smooth interface.
I learned something very interesting.
As soon as I added sound to the game, like running into a wall,
the perception of the speed of the game doubled.
There’s sort of a real close link between your auditory system and your visual system
当它们配对时 真实感肯定会提升
And, when they match up, there’s certainly a heightened sense of realism
《殖民地》是双碟装 一张是完整游戏
The Colony shipped on two discs: one was the game, and the full game.
The other was just the sounds.
总的来说 音效全是我做的
Basically, I did all the sounds.
手边有什么就录什么 很有乐子
recording whatever, whatever I get my hands on. That was a lot of fun.
I had built the very, very first corridor.
I could see down, at the end of it, was this turn.
I was very, very surprised at how compelling it was.
你被拖入这个世界中 无法自拔
You’re pulled into the world, and you can’t stop.
根本移不开视线 它可不是闹着玩的
You can’t look away. It was quite something.
Colony had a number of different pieces.
你从飞船开始 飞船是安全区 你可以在这里学习如何交互
You start on the ship. The ship was a safe place where you could actually learn the interfaces.
实际上 整款游戏最大的难题是搞清楚如何下飞船
and, actually, it turned out the hardest puzzle in the game was figuring out how to get off the ship.
我放了个气闸 觉得: “谁都明白气闸的工作原理”
I put an airlock there, and I figured, ‘Everybody knows how an airlock works.’
结果并不是这样 大家都走向气闸 开门进去
No, everybody goes in the airlock, opens the door, they go on in,
然后打开第二道门 死掉
they go on in, they open the second door, die.
终于走出飞船后 你发现自己身处一个类似《战争地带》的世界
So, what happens when you finally do get outside, you’re in a Battlezone-like world.
其实就是《战争地带》 我用这些生物替换了坦克
It was Battlezone. I replaced the tanks with these creatures,
but it felt good.
This is a family colony that had been set up,
所有成年人都被杀了 你正处于一个非常非常危险的世界
all the adults were killed, you’re in a world that’s very, very dangerous.