剧集 | 夜夜迷离(2001) | 导航列表
mr Jeremy Bell investigates aviation disasters.
他啜饮着残骸 他试图理解这些碎片
He sips through the wreckage. He tries to make sense of the broken pieces.
He thinks he's putting the puzzle together.
But what happens when you find an extra piece?
歌♥手 歌♥手 我是一名歌♥手
Singer, the singer. I'm a singer.
这次 我们会没事的 先生
This one, we're going to be fine, sir.
Get you to lay down right here.
伙计们 我不在飞机上
Guys, I wasn't on the plane.
我是负责调查的 你怎么这么快就来了
I'm an investigator in charge. How'd you get here so fast?
是的 教训 贝尔不 我知道 我知道 其实我就在现场 但你不会相信的
Yeah, lessons. Bell No, I know, I know, I'm actually at the site, but you're not gonna believe this.
我看到它倒下了 这是正确的
I saw it go down. That's right.
I'll be here with the NTSB.
And you saw the plane go down?
Well, they ought to be on that.
Not the same odds that anyone survive this thing.
很容易 第一次飞机失事 伙计们
It's easy. 1st plane crash, guys.
Well, keep looking for the living.
You never know anything is possible.
Why did you get through the hand?
I want to singer the singers.
我要去拉嘿 约翰·格瓦 你好吗
I'm going to pull the Hey, john Gerva, how you doing?
好吧 我们早上五点在做的那个
All right, the one we doing up at 05:00 a.m.
在英语 我就是睡不着
in English. I just couldn't sleep.
好吧 我是国家运输安全委员会的杰里米·贝尔
All right. My name is Jeremy Bell from the National Transportation Safety Board.
I'm the leading investigator in charge Flight 106♥4♥ from Boston with scheduled to land in Seattle at 05:45 a.m.
然而 雷达和无线电联络在大约5时28分失去
Radar and radio contact, however, was lost at approximately 05:28.
比尔先生在他的遥控器上有人生还的可能性然而 搜救工作仍在继续 我们正在听取所有协调机构的简报
MR Bill The likelihood of anyone surviving his remote However, the search and rescue efforts are continuing, and we're just in the process of getting briefed, okay, by all the coordinating agencies.
所以当我们知道更多的时候 我们你真的看到飞机坠毁了吗
So when we know more, we Is it true you saw the plane go down?
所以当我们知道更多的时候 我们会告诉你的
So when we know more, we will, we're going to let you know.
好吗 现在这个是关闭的
OK? And that's going to be off for now.
人 谢谢你 歌♥手 哦 对不起 你是德国人吗
People. Thank you. Singer. Oh, excuse me, are you Germany?
邮件是的 我能做什么
Mail Yes. What can I
为你做什么 我的家人都在飞机上
do for you? My family was on the plane.
哦 对不起 祝你划船愉快
Oh, I'm sorry. Have a nice row.
还不错 你叫什么名字
It's not bad. What's your name?
马里兰州 马里兰州 我要给你家庭事务主任的电♥话♥号♥码
Maryland. maryland. And I'm going to give you the number of our family Affairs Officer.
她叫吉尔·科宾顿 你还没跟她说过话
Her name is Jill Cobington. You haven't spoken to her.
Can you take me there to the plane?
Joe Coventon is going to do that now.
我要你打给她 因为她已经知道你是谁了 她在等电♥话♥
I want you to call her, because she already knows who you are, and she's expecting a call.
没有人了 你认为他们痛苦吗
There's no one left. Do you think they suffered?
It's high on what and fear They must have had fear.
马修有只小熊 你能帮我拿一下吗
Matthew had this little bear. Could you get that for me?
Know what I'm going to do?
I'm going to call Joe for you.
现在 我在做什么
Right now, what am I doing?
这是 这是 没事的
This is it is it's okay.
抱歉 你刚才讲的是一个想法
Sorry, you've been through an idea.
没关系 我带你去喝一杯
It's okay. I'm going to take you a drink.
你好 约翰 我是约翰尼 你好吗
OK Hello, john, it's Johnny. How are you?
现在 我们找到了一个很大的机身和terracon好的 MS
Now, we find a big chuck of the fuselage and the terracon OK, MS.
飞机以右低机头姿态进入树林 与右滚一致
plane entered the trees in a right low nose attitude, consistent with the right roll.
右翼被剪断了 好像是穿过了树林
The right wing sheared off and kind of swathed through the trees.
机身管断了 跳上了山坡
Fuselage tube broke apart and skipped up the hill.
现在 机身地面上有一条裂缝
Now, there's a fracture, a crack in the fusilage ground.
要么是撞到树 要么是撞到地面
It's caused either by impact with a tree or the ground.
我有五十块 跟地面门说 我不会收回的
I got 50 bucks, said with the ground doors, won't take that back.
50个在树上 你在
50 on the trees. You're on.
你们都错了 这架飞机在坠毁前在空中解体了
You're both wrong. This plane came apart in the air before the crash.
I don't know how you can be so sure.
我是说 不用光谱分♥析♥ 你就会发现我是对的
I mean, without a spectrographic analysis, you'll see that I'm right.
麦罗 能派辆吊车过来吗
Mellow base, can I get a crane up here, please?
我拿到了客舱区 今天我想回到这个话题
I got the cabin section. I want to bring it back to that today.
约翰 真是个好地狱
Hey, john, yeah, great of a hell.
我们MS 这个我把它放到购物车里是十个歌♥手歌♥手们
We MS. This I'll take it to the cart is ten Singer The singers.
你好 阿曼达 不 这是哈里
Hello, amanda. No, this is Harry.
哦 室友 是的 对的 嗨
Oh, the roommate. Yeah, right. Hi.
这是我们曾经见过的 这是一个男人
This is we met once. This is a man.
是爸爸 嗨 你好 她走了
Is dad. Hi, hi. She's gone.
贝利先生知道吗 哦 对了
MR Belly know that? Oh, that's right.
春假 听着 她没打算给我个惊喜然后上了飞机 对吧
Spring Break. Listen, she didn't decide to surprise me and get on the plane, did she?
贝尔先生 我不知道该说什么
MR Bell I don't know what to say.
Was she coming to see me?
贝尔先生 我不明白你在做什么
MR Bell I don't understand what you do this.
Tell me what She come back to see me?
Did she or did she not get on the plane?
她走了 哦 我知道 啊 好吧 对不起 对不起
She's gone. Oh, I know. Ah, OK, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
谢谢你 不 不 不
Thank you. No, no, no.
Space Singer
Singer the im No one would wear that top with that skirt.
再找一具躯干 而且没有罢♥工♥
Find another torso. And no strikes.
你知道 现在的年轻人 你以为他们会有点时尚感 他们都是懒汉
You know, young people today, you think they'd have some sense of fashion, they're all slobs.
I've got a daughter in college got a little metal ball stuck in her tongue.
这应该是有吸引力的 商店
That's supposed to be attractive. Shop.
有什么事吗 怎么了 你得自己留着
What's up? What's the matter? You have to keep this yourself.
我想要球队的名单 我想让媒体知道这很棒
I want the list of team, you know, I want the press to know that's great.
名单上有79名乘客中的8名机组人员 假设没有截肢者
Eight crew members of 79 passengers on the list, assuming no amputees.
那是174年 手臂连接或断开
That's 174. Arms connected or disconnected.
现在 先生们和我 第一个手臂75个傻瓜
Now, you gentlemen and me, arm number one 75 fools.
她好吧 我想我女儿也在这趟航♥班♥上
She All right. I think my daughter is on this flight.
她不会坐乘客位的除非她没有我的通行证因为他女儿也坐飞机 不可能
She wouldn't be on the passenger unless she flies without a ticket on my pass Since his daughter was on a flight, it's impossible.
His daughter died two years ago.
Singer Admin Singer Sorry to bother you.
I just wanted to thank you for being such a gentleman this morning.
我想 你没事吧 我把它放在这里
I thought, you okay, I'm just gonna put it right over here.
Sometimes it's nice to have something in your room that's not from the hotel.
是的 我一定 我一定睡了不 4到5个小时你的枕头让你儿子睡得很好
Yeah, I must have, I must have slept no, four or 5 h And your pillow has your son done it to Good sound.
I spoke to Joe Carlington Oh, good.
That's good to talk about it.
丹是我丈夫 我对我最小的孩子很满意
Um, dan was my husband, and, um, I'm happy with my youngest.
这是萨曼莎 她排行中间 是儿子 12岁 哈姆利15岁
It's Samantha. She was the middle, she was son, she was twelve, and Hamley was 15.
And I'd come out to take care of my mother.
你能相信吗 但她周二去世了
Um, can you believe this? But she passed away Tuesday.
Everyone was coming for the funeral.
你女儿 她很可爱 我一点也不惊讶
Your daughter, she's lovely. Well, I'm not surprised.
You must be crazy about her.
现在的歌♥手 喂 喂 你好 我是拉姆斯代尔医生
Singer now. Now, now, hello, this is dr Ramsdale.
Can you come down to the coroners?
Stand at the site
马上 我马上就来 一切都好
right away. I'll be right. Everything Okay,
谢谢你的到来 我们把所有碎片拼在一起 现在我们确定了不在乘客名单上的尸体的身份
thanks for coming. We fit all pieces together, and we now have positive ID on the body that's not on passenger list.
来看看 爸爸 是的 哦 谢天谢地
Take a look. Dad. Yes. Oh, thank God.
哦亲爱的 你根本不知道
Oh honey. You have no idea.
So can I call you back in a few minutes?
我将解释 好的 好的 我爱你
I'll explain. OK, OK, I-I love you.
你准备好了吗 Apell吗 你知道吗
Are you ready? Apell? You know what?
我都看过了 我觉得你没看过
I've seen it all OK, I don't think you've seen that.
得到你吗 好吧 我们查了王子号♥
Get you? All right? We ran the prince.
这是毫无疑问的 这是你的
There's no doubt about it. That's you.
That must have been quite a dream.
他们来点餐 我叫他们别吵醒你
They came to take the food order, and I told them not to wake you.
哦 没关系 我就不在乘客名单上了
Oh, that's all right. Well, I wouldn't be on the passenger list.
Probably would have one for me.
五 三 哦 很好 你在航♥空♥公♥司♥工作吗
Five, three, oh, that's nice. Do you work for the airlines?
不 是国家运输安全委员会
No, the National Transportation Safety Board.
这是让人安心 我不是特别喜欢坐飞机 你要去哪里
It's reassuring. I don't particularly like to fly, so where are you heading?
I'm actually heading to see my daughter.
哦 好的 哦 哇 她是可爱的
Oh, okay. Oh, wow. She's lovely.
剧集 | 夜夜迷离(2001) | 导航列表