剧集 | 善缘医院(2017) | 导航列表
"It's coming up on 7:00 AM,
and it's another scorcher here in Barco."
"I'll be here till ten to ten, with all your favourite hits,
but first, here's Priya with the news and sport."
"插播一条高温预警 接下来24小时气温会达到史高"
.."and a warning of record-breaking temperatures within the next 24 hours."
Just one more day. That's all I'm asking for.
急性缺水 他需要一两包生理盐水
Acute dehydration. He'll need another bag or two of saline --
that's assuming we get the delivery.
Mr. Sharna 我说过不要再挠自己了
Mr Sharna, I have told you to stop scratching.
我知道你觉得不舒服 但这样会使病情恶化的
I know it's uncomfortable, but you're making it worse.
你早到了 有事要忙吗
You're early! Worms to catch?
- 我睡不着 所以就想早点开始 - 真棒
- I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd get a head start. - Snap.
觉悟真高 不过也许是生理原因
Great minds, et cetera! Although maybe it's a female thing.
谢谢 哦 这是早期中暑症状
Thank you. Oh, yeah. Incipient heatstroke.
We'll have to re-check her renal functions later this morning,
- 如果没问题就让她出院吧 我们要尽可能的空出床位 - 好的
- and if it's OK, she walks. We need every bed we can get. - Sure!
- 你的新家收拾的怎么样了 - 挺好的
- How's your new place shaping up? - Great,
- 虽然我的女房♥东超想让我和她侄子结婚 - 可以考虑一下啊
- although my landlady's very keen that I marry her nephew. - Consider it!
订婚期拖久一点 就能省房♥租了
Long engagement. You can save on rent.
What happened to him?
一个游客 离吊式风扇太近了
Tourist. Got too close to a ceiling fan.
当然 他真正需要的是个大脑移植
Of course, what he really needs is a brain transplant,
but some things are beyond even my considerable talents.
- 你为什么没有记下来 - 都牢牢记在脑子里啦
- Why aren't you writing this down? - It's all up here. Steel trap.
这样的话 要不要接受一个新挑战 一个人值夜班
In that case, how about a new challenge -- your first solo night shift?
- 除非你有其他计划 - 并没有 今晚我归你指挥
- Unless you have other plans. - Tragically, I'm all yours.
好 考验你的时刻到了
Good! Then, consider yourself on trial.
哦对 该开晨会了
Right! Time for morning briefing.
那帮家伙们现在应该已经到了 Walker医生 准备好了吗
Stragglers should've arrived by now. Ready for action, Dr Walker?
Now, this damned heat wave is still causing us problems.
We've treated 16 cases of heatstroke already this week.
太闷了 我从没经历过这种状况
Terribly oppressive. I've never known anything like this.
Heat is simply a state of mind.
The human body is perfectly adapted to deal with it.
If you wish to be cool, you simply have to believe.
Clearly my faith is lacking.
那除了Varma医生之外 其他人就忍♥着点吧
So, Dr Varma aside, we shall all just have to cope --
although we're low on IV fluids, I think.
- 护士? - 抱歉 昨天已经下了订单
- Sister? - Sorry. New supplies were ordered yesterday.
- 我上午可以看下进度 - 拜托了
- I can chase them this morning. - Please do.
最后 Walker医生今天要去出外诊
And finally, Dr Walker will complete our outstanding home visit.
There's been an urgent request from the Mathew farm.
- 大概在山上20英里的地方 - 你确定吗
- It's about 20 miles up in the hills. - Is that prudent,
让她一个人去? Murali Mathew很难搞的
sending her alone? Murali Mathew can be difficult.
She needs to be able to handle our most challenging patients --
- 当然了 除非你觉得没准备好 - 我没问题
- unless you don't feel you're up to it. - I'm sure I can handle him.
走这边 请给轮椅让路 谢谢
Come this way. Make way for the wheelchair, thank you!
不是现在 女性病房♥区 这是什么
Not now. Female ward! What is this?
- 纱布带够了吗 - 嗯
- Do you have enough gauze? - Yep.
Murali Mathew是个棘手的病人
Murali Mathew is a tricky customer.
Maybe you should take your boxing gloves.
Dr Walker?
Ruby Walker医生
Dr Ruby Walker?
- 待会儿见 - Ruby Walker医生吗 这边
- See you later. - Dr Ruby Walker? This way.
- 请在这里签字 - 好的
- You need to sign here. - Oh. Yeah.
I decided to upgrade.
可以越野 跑得更远 顶速更高
Capable off-road, more range, higher top speed...
oh, and so much more stylish.
长得好看有什么用 我喜欢质量好的车子
Looks aren't everything. I prefer something I can rely on.
- 在野外坏了的话给我打电♥话♥吧 - 才不会坏
- Just call me when it breaks down in the middle of nowhere. - It won't.
- 我不需要救援 - 我没要救你
- I don't need rescuing. - I'm not rescuing you.
I just want to be the first to know when it happens.
Your mother has been severely affected by the heat.
她现在极度缺水 我怀疑她的肾脏已经衰退了
She's critically dehydrated, and I suspect her kidneys are failing.
How old is she?
99岁 医生
99 years, Doctor.
We'll help her as best we can,
但在这种情况下 我们能做的不多
but in circumstances like these, there's not much we can do.
Fonseca医生 拜托了 我们在高温中走了很远
Oh, please, Dr Fonseca! We've travelled many
就是为了您的帮助 只有您能救她
miles in this heat for your help. Only you can save her.
我理解 但有时在家中有尊严的死去
I understand, but sometimes a dignified death in your own bed --
医生 我母亲一生经历过很多事情
My mother has seen such things in her life, doctor.
您知道吗 她曾触摸过甘地的缠腰布 您问问她
Do you know she touched Mahatma Gandhi's dhoti? Ask her!
她会给您讲的 一切都那么记忆犹新 仿佛昨♥日♥重♥现♥
She'll tell you. Still everything is clear, like yesterday.
And these are her wishes too, are they?
当然 她想活下去
Of course. She wants to live.
On this she's very clear.
So am I.
这些病人怎么不听道理呢 都是谷歌♥惹的祸
People should listen to reason. Suddenly every patient and their wife
thinks they're a doctor. I blame Google.
Sometimes it takes a little while for reality to sink in.
为了大家好 希望不要太长时间吧
Well, let's hope it doesn't take too long, for everyone's sake.
- 一切还好吗 - 当然 为什么问这个
- Is everything all right? - Of course. Why?
It's usually me getting irritated by the patients.
抱歉 Foncseca医生
My apologies, Dr Fonseca.
It must be the heat beginning to get to me.
你好 嘿 还给我
OK. Hello. Oh! Hey, give that back!
给我 别碰那个
Give me that. Don't touch that.
Jasprit Mathew住在哪儿
~ Jasprit Mathew?
你 你够强壮吗
You! You strong?
给我看看你的肌肉 好 这是100卢比
Show me your muscles. OK. 100 rupees, yeah?
把这些孩子从我车上弄下来 等我回来再给你100卢比
Get all these kids off my bike, and you get another 100 when I'm back.
Good work!
- 哪里疼就告诉我好吗 - 好的
- Let me know where it hurts, OK? - OK.
How's that?
You need to let me know where it hurts.
Is it hurting?
一点点 真的不严重
Just a little. It's really not too bad.
- 你看 他没事 - 您儿子的心跳加速
- See? The boy's fine. - Your son's heart is racing,
- 而且他在发烧 - 那就治好他
- and he has a temperature. - Then, treat him,
然后让他回去工作 今天一定要收割完
and let him get back to work. The crops must come in today.
- 庄稼在高温里要枯萎了 - 我认为您儿子得了阑尾炎
- They're dying in this heat. - I think your son has appendicitis.
可能已经破裂了 他需要去医院
And it could already be ruptured. I need to get him to hospital.
够了 你已经看过医生了
Enough of this now. See, you've seen the doctor.
- 别胡闹了 快点起来 - 别碰他 他生病了
- Stop this nonsense and get up. - Don't touch him. He's sick!
我要治疗他 他需要注射抗生素
I need to treat your son. He needs antibiotics into his veins,
可能还要做手术 他需要快点去医院
maybe surgery. He needs to get to hospital fast.
你是什么人 一个15 16岁的女孩?
What are you -- a girl of 15 or 16?
你竟敢反抗我 从我的房♥子里滚出去
How dare you defy me? Now get out of my house,
- 不然就让你尝尝苦果 - 爸爸
- or you will get a taste of this! - Papa...
I'm not going anywhere.
I need an ambulance to the Mathew farm immediately.
I've got a septic patient with acute appendicitis.
Well, where the hell is AJ?
Not again!
超速 已经第三次了 我的老天爷呐 AJ
Speeding, third offence! For God's sake, AJ.
老爸 她恨死我了 我和她约过会
Dad, she hates me, OK? I dated her once.
她就是想要贿赂 然后就没事了
All she wants is a bribe, then we can forget all about it.
- 我儿子向您道歉 - 嗯哼
- My son apologises. - Uh-huh?
我会开车带他回家的 您可以扣押他的驾照
I will drive him home. You can keep the licence.
Just give me the keys.
剧集 | 善缘医院(2017) | 导航列表