剧集 | 高清二战(2009) | 导航列表
本节目包含了珍贵的二战期间原始影音资料 经过两年时间在全球范围搜索整理
This program contains rare film of World War II originally shot in color, found during a two-year world-wide search
大部分资料未曾在电视上公映过 现在利用高清技术把些影片展现给大家
Much of it has never been seen on television before. These films are presented now in high definition.
其中一些图形图像 建议观众慎重对待
Some images are graphic in nature and viewer discretion is advised
在太平洋地区 一场生死决斗即将上演 神风敢死队
In the Pacific, the mortal combat against the fanatic fall, the kamikaze corps
一群日本飞行员使用自杀战术 期望能摧毁我军的战舰
the Japanese pilot to rod their bind win to certain suicide, and possible devastation of our ship.
给我们一个共同的信念: 我们需要食物和和平
"Grant us a common faith that man shall know bread and peace
我们需要公平和正义 自♥由♥与安全
that he shall know justice and righteousness, freedom and security
an equal opportunity and an equal chance to do his best
not only in our own lands, but throughout the world."
高清二战 第一集 黑暗降临
德国 1939年
最出色的一代能领会我的意图 真正参与其中的人能理解坚持信念的代价
"The greatest generation would imply to my mind, people who really were involved and knew what was the stake
我认为绝大部分最出色的一代 没有"代价"这个概念
and I think the majority of the greatest generation didn't have a notion of the stake.
他是一个来自于密西西比的小男孩 农民出身 隐蔽在我旁边的一个散兵坑里
When I had this young boy, a boy from Mississippi, a farm boy, he was in a foxhole next to me.
一颗突如其来的子弹 穿过迷雾打在他的脑袋上
And out of nowhere, through the mist, came a bullet to hit him in the head.
他还是一个懵懂的孩子 从未离开过密西西比的农场
And that was a kid who didn't know anything, he'd never been away from the farm in Mississipi,
他不知道身在何处 该做什么 为什么在那里... 他是最出色的一代的一员吗? 是的
he didn't know where he was, what he did, why he was there... was he a part of the greatest generation? yes.
他没有什么出色之处 只是一个丢了性命的男孩
There was nothing great about him, just a young boy who lost his life."
"I arrived in New York in May of 1939.
I was an American-lover from the war to goal.
我来到纽约的第一件事是把我的名字 从汉斯.沃纳改成杰克.沃纳
The first thing I do is change my name from Hans Werner to Jack Werner.
纽约城 1939年春 杰克.沃纳
哇噢 我感觉自己这样更像个美国人了
Owl-eh-dee, I feel more like an American."
1939年5月 一个19岁的移♥民♥杰克.沃纳 正在驱车驶往位于加利福尼亚的好莱坞
It is May,1939, a 19-year-old immigrant, Jack Werner,is setting out on a drive accross the country to hollywood, California,
where he hopes to break into the movie business.
His home country of Austria is embrace Nazi extreminism.
Now he's fled to America to begin a new life.
这是非常美妙的旅途 这里的人们慷慨友善
"It's a wonderful trip. Everyone here is so kind and generous.
甚至没人问我欧洲发生了什么 即使他们听出我的口音
No one even asks me about what is happening in Europe, even after they hear my accent.
I suppose they don't want to be impolite.
他们不知道他们有多幸运 无需左顾右盼
They don't understand how lucky they are, not having to look over their shoulder.
我想如果那没发生在你的后花♥园♥ 你就不会知道太多情况
I suppose if it doesn't happen in your backyard, you don't know much about it.
我不能责备他们 欧洲看似那么远
I can't blame them. Europe seems so far away.
奥地利 1年前
我记得我在奥地利时 希♥特♥勒♥刚刚接管那里 他实施了他的所有迫♥害♥犹太人的法律
I remember when I was in Austria, it was just after Hitler took over, all of his anti-Jewish laws were put into effect immediately.
我们不再被看作公民 一周内我父亲被开除
We were no longer considered citizens. Within a week my father was fired from his job.
我们的银行帐户被冻结 我们无依无靠
Our bank account was frozen. We have no one to turn to.
然后一天早上我起得很早 有人在我窗外唱霍斯特·威塞尔之歌♥
And then one morning I woke up early, and outside my window this man was singing a few lines from the Horst-Wessel-Lied.
那是纳粹党歌♥ 有句歌♥词是这样: 当我亲眼看到犹太人的血液流淌 一切就都会好起来的...
It was the Nazi party anthem. There's one like this: When Jewish blood flows for my own eyes, everything will be well...
已经有人在街上行走 没人说话
"There were people already walking on the street, nobody said anything.
我当时决定 我受够了 我要离开这里
That was the moment when I decided, that's enough, I'm out of here."
"In that very evening I left
我知道那会发生在像我一样的犹太人身上 我知道那已经在发生了
I knew what could happen to Jewish people like myself. I knew what was already happening,
所以我逃到阿尔卑斯前往美国 因为我知道迫♥害♥犹太人不会停止
so I escaped to the Alps and I headed to America because I knew it wasn't going to stop."
1939年9月1日 荷兰遭受侵略
受到纳粹驱逐的北方国家 忠诚军官不断捍卫自己的土地
Stunned by the sudden thrust of the Nazi drive into the north countries, troops rally around loyal officers defend their own land.
数百名挪威村民在敌人 刚进村后就被杀害 该场面重复出现
The scene wasrepeated that hundreds of Norwagian villagers even as the enemy moved in were then killed.
亲眼目睹这些发生在身边 几乎难以置信的故事时 我们震惊了
"We are shocked by the almost incredible eyewitness stories that come to us,
此刻发生在挪威普通民众身上的故事... 富兰克林罗斯福说
stories of what is happening at this moment to the civilian populations of Norway..."
"I speak to you for the first time as Prime Minister
为我们的国家 我们的帝国 我们的盟友 尤其为是自♥由♥事业的 付出生命的人默哀一小时
in a solemn hour for the life of our country, of our empire, of our allies, and, above all, of the cause of Freedom."
数百人死亡 1500堆火把历史古迹烧得灰飞烟灭
"Hundreds die as 1500 fires burn historical landmarks into black and shells of debris. "
我们要在法国战斗 我们要在海上战斗
"we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans,
我们空中作战的信心要愈战愈足 力量要愈战愈强 我们要捍卫我们的土地
we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island,
无论付出什么代价... 我们永不投降 温斯顿丘吉尔
whatever the cost may be... we shall never surrender."
电台新闻: 英国的天空因残酷战斗而伤痕累累...
British skies was scarred by brutal combat
如果我们能够坚决的抵抗纳粹 整个欧洲都将自♥由♥...
"If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free...
但是如果我们失败 整个世界包括美国
but if we failed, then the whole world, including the United States,
包括所有我们知道和在乎的一切 都将陷入水深火热之中... 温斯顿丘吉尔
including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss..."
三分之一的欧洲现在由纳粹掌控 美国仍然在静观其变
With a third of Europe now under Nazi control, America still sits on the sidelines.
Many believe the war'd be europe's problem.
回想起一战的恐怖情形 大多美国人不想再卷入另一场欧洲战争中
Recalling the horrors of WWI, the majority of Americans don't want to get involved in another european war.
President Franklin Roosevelt attempt to convince them otherwise.
"There are many among us who in the past closed their eyes to events abroad,
because they believed what was taking place in Europe was none of our business.
We could maintain our physical safety by retiring within out continental boundaries.
显然 基于此的国防政策只能招来更多袭击
Obviously, a defense policy based on that is merely to invite future attack.
对于那些不承认风暴来临的人 过去几周意味着众多梦想的破灭
To those who would not admit the possibility of the approaching storm, the past weeks have meant the shattering of many illusions."
1940年9月16日 罗斯福签署了"征兵议案"
On September 16, 1940, Roosevelt signed "The Selective Training and Service Act",
the first peace time draft in the American history.
All able-body men between 21 and 30 must register for military service.
国会通过了该法案 它被称作"国防策略"
Though Congress approves the bill, it is carefully called "national defense measure".
The draftees may only be sent to defend American held territories
我告诉我兄弟 按照该草案 我有可能会被收编
"I told my brother I'm gonna get grabbed in by this draft,
当然了 我是我们镇上第一个被收编的
and sure enough, I'm the first number in my town."
在纽约北部 一个说话柔声细语 名叫阿奇.斯维尼的男孩刚刚被收编
In upstate New York, a soft-spoken farm boy named Archie Sweeney has just been drafted.
家里的生活已经很艰难了 尤其是妈妈去世之后
"Things are already hard enough at home, especially since mama died.
她发誓要我们永远在一起 我们向她保证过
She made a promise we should stick together and we told her we would."
斯维尼前往位于 卡罗来那州北部的布拉格堡
Sweeney is on his way to Fort Bragg in North Carolina.
他以前从来没有离开过纽约州 也没坐过火车
He's never been outside New York state before or on a train.
希望所有这些会很快过去 我就可以回家了
"Hopefully all this will blow over soon, and I can get back home."
1941年2月 好莱坞 杰克.沃纳
几次尝试失败后 奥地利移♥民♥杰克.沃纳 放弃了进入电影业的梦想
After several failed attempts, Austrian immigrant Jack Werner abandon his dream of breaking into the movie business.
Instead, he takes a job in a flower shop.
一天 一个偶然的机会 我碰到了拉尔.夫利本 一个我多年不见的朋友
"One day, out of nowhere, I ran into Ralph Lieben, a friend of mine I hadn't seen in years.
拉尔夫是我从奥地利逃出来 在巴黎见到的一个美国人
Ralph is an American I met in Paris after I escaped Austria.
法国 巴黎 1939年
他保护我 帮我学习英语
He sheltered and took me under his wing, helped me with my English.
But that was long time ago.
拉尔夫跟我说了欧洲近期新闻 难以想象
Ralph tells me the latest news from Europe. It's hard to imagine.
法国 巴黎 1941年
现在那些龌龊的纳粹分子四处游荡 如入无人之境
Now those filthy Nazis are parading around like they own the place.
越多谈到日耳曼人 我就越气愤
The more often I talk about the Germans the angrier I get.
Somebody needs to stop them before they take over the entire world.
那时我意识到是时候停止抱怨 该开始行动了
That's when I realized it's time to stop talking and start doing something about it,
不能光动嘴 要采取行动
taking actions instead of words.
I maybe have been living with that for years and years.
你要理解我的生活和他的生活 他们确实是...
You have to understand that my life and his life, they are really...
几乎完全痴迷于希♥特♥勒♥和他要做的事 和关乎世界命运的事
almost completely obsessed with Hitler and what Hitler was going to do, and the fate of the world.
我们决定该停止言论 采取行动了
And we decided that it was about time to stop talking and doing something.
当时我们做了重要的行动 到毕加斯堡和圣彼得鲁参军
That's when we took the critical action of going down to Fort Pigas and St. Petero and enlisted in the army."
阿奇斯.维尼和杰克.沃纳加入的军队 当时刚开始建立核武库
The military Archie Sweeney and Jack Werner join has only just begun to build up its arsenal.
两年前 美国拥有世界上排名17的最大规模部队 仅次于罗马尼亚
2 years ago, United States had the 17th largest army in the world, smaller than tiny Romanian's.
几乎三分之二的美国♥军♥人 从来没有用过来♥福♥枪♥
And almost two thirds of American recruits have never fired a rifle.
在加利福尼亚蒙特利海湾的奥德堡 杰克.沃纳随第七陆军步兵队开始基础训练
At Fort Ord in Monterey bay, California, Jack Werner begins his basic training with the 7th Army Infantry.
那是一段悲惨 甚至可以称得上恐怖的经历
It is a sobering, even frightening experience.
我们很震惊 一点准备都没有 每个人都很天真
"It is shocking how unprepared we are, how naive everyone is,
我们端着斯普林菲尔德步♥枪♥ 戴着一战时的钢盔四周游♥行♥
parading around with Springfield rifles and WWI steel helmets.
他们怎能想象在21世纪 用这样落后的装备抵抗装备精良的部队呢?
How can they expect in 21th century to fight a war against well-equipped enemy with this kind of gear?
他们认为我们可以打败 马背上的希♥特♥勒♥黑豹部队吗?我不知道
Do they think we can fight Hitler's panthers on horse back? I have no idea."
到1941年春天 希♥特♥勒♥成为大半个欧洲大♥陆♥的霸主
By the spring of 1941, Hitler is the unchallenged master of most of continental Europe.
他将11个国家和大约七千万人口 收拢到纳粹旗下作为自己的作战部队
His fighting forces have brought 11 countries and over 70 million people under the Nazi flag.
每一个被征服的国家 希♥特♥勒♥纳粹党党卫军的部队
In nearly every conquered country, Hitler's troops from the Nazi party's Waffen SS,
联合正规德国♥军♥队施行大规模 镇♥压♥和大屠♥杀♥政策
and regular German army carry out a policy of oppression and mass murder.
南斯拉夫 潘切沃 1941年4月21日
在南斯拉夫的一个小镇 德国摄影师戈特弗里.德凯瑟尔
In a small Yugoslavian town, German cameraman Gottfried Kessel,
正在拍摄当德国士兵 从人群中挑出36个塞尔维亚人 把他们带到附近的墓地
he's filming when German soldiers select 36 serbians from the population and lead them to a nearby cemetery.
前天晚上 不明身份持枪人员 就在这里开枪打死了几个德国官员
The previous night, unknown gunmen had fired on some German officers from this very spot.
德国人向任何试图反抗 的塞尔维亚人发出警告
The Germans are sending a grim message to any Serbians thinking about resisting.
1941年夏天 希♥特♥勒♥的部队准备继续向东扩展
By the summer of 1941, Hitler is ready to launch his forces further east.
In June his armies invade the Soviet Union.
九月份 他们俘虏了140多万苏联军队
By September, They have captured over 1.4 million Soviet troops.
一个月后 美国政♥府♥人员 拦获了一幅纳粹秘密地图
One month later, American government agents intercept a secret Nazi map.
It outlines Hitler's plan to re-organize South America after he conquers it.
11月份 德国 日本和意大利 重组他们的军事同盟
In November, Germany, Japan and Italy renew their military alliance.
All agree to safeguard their common interests.
The excess powers are ready to carve out the world.
我们节目中断一下 给大家发布这篇美国出版社的重要公告
"We interrupt this broadcast to bring you this important bulletin from United Press.
快讯: 华盛顿: 白宫宣布日本偷袭珍珠港
Flash: Washington: the White House announces Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour."
...总统在本地时间下午2:35 夏威夷时间早上7:35接到这则消息
...news of the Japanese attack reach the president at 2:35pm, 7:35 this morning Hawaiian time.
...罗斯福总统几乎一直 在和陆海军秘♥书♥长♥进行常务会议
... President Roosevelt has been in almost constant session with the Secretaries of War and Navy.
白宫还声称一艘装有木材的战船 在圣弗朗西斯科至夏威夷途中沉没
White House also announced that an army transport carring lumber has been sunk between San Francisco and Hawaii.
快讯: 一艘日本航♥空♥母舰刚刚沉没
剧集 | 高清二战(2009) | 导航列表