剧集 | 职介破事儿(2013) | 导航列表
All right, Angela. Thought you'd been sacked?
你好啊 Angela 你不是被炒了吗?
I knew I had 'em somewhere. They were in my bum bag.
我就知道肯定没丢 果然在我腰包里
Shall I open up? Yes, please.
可以开门了吧? 开吧
Hold on. It's not nine yet. I make it nine.
等一下 还没到九点 没差多少
No. Well it's nearly nine.
不行 差不多九点了
Yeah, well nearly nine's not nine, is it?
好吧 接近但没到 不是吗?
No, but it's nearly nine.
对 但差不多就行了
Still not nine. Tell you what, let's open at nearly nine.
还没到点 现在就开门 就这么着
I don't get paid from nearly nine.
Fine, fine, it's fine. Just tell me when it's nine.
好吧 好吧 就这样 到点的时候告诉我
You know what, Angela. I was really hoping
你知道吗 Angela 我衷心希望
we could just put this behind It's nine.
我们能抛开这个问题 到点了
Morning! In you come.
早上好! 欢迎光临
Just dragging myself out of bed every morning's an effort.
I feel like a failure.
I mean, I've got a degree.
Where's that got me?
I'll be honest with you... I don't know how much more I can take.
实话跟你说... 我都不知道我还能承受多少
Look, I really feel for you, mate, but... can I just sign on?
听着 我完全理解你 兄弟 但是...我能继续领津贴吗?
So what have you done in the last two weeks to find work?
Karl, my love? Can I just have a quick word?
Karl 亲爱的? 能过来说两句吗?
Today's motto. 'Turn the unemployed into the funemployed.'
今日箴言 '把失业变事业'
Right, this'll only take a mo.
好的 就占用大家几分钟
Are they closing us down?
No, no! Well, God, I hope not!
不不! 苍天 我希望永远不会!
Why, have you heard something I haven't?
怎么了 你是不是听到什么风声?
No, no. They'd tell me first, wouldn't they?
不会 不会 他们会先告诉我的 是吧?
No, I just want to grab a quick chat with Angela's immediate colleagues in frontline claims,
because she's back.
Which is great! Welcome back, Angela.
太棒了!欢迎回来 Angela
So, it's business as usual. Everything's been resolved,
好的 今天工作照常 工作一切顺利
Angela and I will be moving forward on an 'equal footing'
and I'm happy about that.
We both see this as a really positive step, don't we, Angela?
我们都认为这是非常积极的举措 对吧 Angela?
Can we go? Yes, go. Go... get 'em.
我们能走了吗? 当然 走吧... 忙去吧
Go get 'em a job.
Ooh, sorry, just one more thing.
哦 等一下 还有一件事
There's another World of Work seminar this afternoon.
Help us reach our targets. Any volunteers to run it?
会帮助我们达到目标 有谁愿意主持?
Anyone... want to help me?
有人... 愿意帮我吗?
No, OK, not to worry! I'll do it. It's fine. Great.
没有 好的 别担心!我来搞定 没事的 很好
Come on, Trish. Come on, Trish.
加油 Trish 加油 Trish
So, what happened right, was I was gonna write the letter for the job
那么 是这么回事 我正想写信申请工作
but I had to find John first.
John from Adult Learning? You know, the one with the hair.
搞成人教育的那个John? 认识吗 有头发的那个
No, not the hair, the car.
不 不是头发 有车的那个
But I couldn't find John.
I even went to where he buys food. You know, the supermarket.
我甚至去了他购物的地儿 你知道的 超♥市♥
But he wasn't there.
But I didn't think he would be because it was the night.
And then I thought if he's not in Boots he's not anywhere.
But he wasn't in Boots.
Graham, why did you need to find John to write a letter?
Graham 你为什么你一定要找到John才能写信?
Well because John's got me pen.
Sorry about that. I had to give it the once over.
真对不住 我不得不一次过搞定
The cleaners are bloody useless.
Can I help you, love? Yeah, I'm looking for New Claims?
需要什么帮助吗 亲爱的? 我第一次申请津贴
Straight through on your left, just follow your nose.
左手边直走 就那个方向
Thank you. There you go, fella. No job too big or small.
谢谢 看看吧 伙计 工作无大小
He's ever so good, did a cracking job on my downstairs.
他很厉害 帮我把楼下弄得妥妥帖帖的
Excuse me? I'd like to see someone about making a claim.
打扰了 我想申请津贴
Have you got an appointment?
No, I didn't know
没 我不知道要预约
You have to make an appointment if you want to speak to me.
Can I... make an appointment?
Yes, you can, yeah. Great, thanks.
可以 当然可以 太好了 谢谢
Er... what time
呃... 什么时间可以
You can't book in person, you have to call this number.
不能当面预约 你可以打这个电♥话♥
But I'm... I'm right here.
但是我现在... 就在这儿
If you're going to get aggressive I will have to call security. I'm not getting
你要是强来的话我要叫保安了 我没要强
Security! OK, OK!
保安! 好吧!好吧!
Hello, Brownall Job Centre, how can I help you?
你好 Brownall就业中心 有什么能帮您的吗?
Erm... well I'd like to make an appointment with you.
呃... 我想跟你预约个时间
Can you hold the line, please?
There's no mobile phones in the job centre.
The interview was going all right,
but then, the woman who was asking all the questions,
但 有个女人一直问我问题
she wasn't a woman anymore. She was Phillip Scofield.
她不在是女人了 她成了Phillip Scofield
And we weren't in an office,
we were in a squat in Nuneaton where I used to live.
My thinking is now that it was probably a dream.
现在想来 那大概是个梦
So, my answer to your question would be no,
所以 对于你的问题我的回答是没有
I haven't had any job interviews. Unless you count dreams.
我没参加过任何工作面试 除非你连梦也算上
Do you count dreams? We don't, no.
梦里面的也算吗? 不算
So that's 40 square metres of the luxury floral twist... Paul.
那40平♥米♥花图... Paul
No, sorry... No I don't know a Moustapha. Wrong number.
对不起... 我认识什么Moustapha的 打错了
All right, mate. Cheerio. If you could clear the landing of furniture
好了 伙计 加油 如果你能把楼梯转角清理干净
that'd be lovely. Cheers, mate, bye.
就好太了 伙计 拜拜
Why aren't you on the door?
Sorry, Trish, some idiot keeps phoning for a kebab house.
对不起 Trish 老有疯子打电♥话♥找烤肉店
These phones don't take incoming calls. Try telling him that!
这些的电♥话♥不接外线电♥话♥ 我正想告诉他!
Paul, are you running a carpet fitting company from the job centre?
Paul 你是不是在就业中心搞你的地毯生意?
A carpet fitting company? From the job centre?
地毯公♥司♥? 在就业中心?
This job centre?
No, bab. Only I found these in the photocopier.
没有 亲爱的 我在打印机里找到这个
Now I admire your work ethic, Paul,
我很欣赏你的工作精神 Paul
but it's got no place in this job centre.
I think the toner's going. Just... do your job.
好像没碳粉了 你就...干好自己的活
Which one? No. Not today.
哪个活? 别跟我耍赖
Now you are not going to bring me down because I am strong,
你别想这样就击垮我 我绝对扛得住
I am positive and I am in control.
Anyone need help?
'Welcome to The Department for Work and Pensions translation service.
If you require an immediate telephone translation press one now.
If you require...' How are you, Karl?
如果您想使用... 工作如何 Karl?
'Now please listen carefully to...' OK. Great.
'现在请仔细听...' 还好 很好
'Press one...' How are you?
'请按"1"...' 你呢?
Great! Considering.
很好! 还能差哪儿去呢
Talk me through your targets, we really need to get those numbers up.
跟我说说你的目标 我们要把业绩做上来
How many people are you going to get back into work today?
Two? Three? Let's say seven, nice even number. Sound OK?
两个?三个? 就定七个吧 魔力数字 可以吧?
Well... Brilliant. Thank you, Karl.
这... 太棒了 谢谢你 Karl
You're my little ray of sunshine. You're my favourite.
你真是我的救命稻草 我最欣赏你了
OK, so just to recap, you're going to get nine people back into work,
很好 再重述一遍 你今天要帮九个人找回饭碗
be my little ray of sunshine, and file these for me.
小稻草 帮我整理这些文件
There is a temp due but she's late. Thank you so much.
今天应该有个临时工来的 但她迟到了 谢啦
'Press 10 for Sierra Leone, 11 for Somalia, 12 for Sudan...
'塞拉利昂请按"10" 索马里请按"11" 苏丹请按"12"...
You have pressed two, Angola. I'm sorry, I didn't...
您所按的数字为"2" 安哥拉 对不起 操作...
I'm sorry... Press star to return to the main menu...'
对不起... 返回主菜单请按星号♥键...'
Want one?
Here y'are, fella. Aqua Miami, very jazzy.
你在这儿 兄弟 这是迈阿密绿 很有爵士风情
No, I've told you, I'm fine. Thank you.
我跟你说了我不要 谢谢
Peach Renaissance?
He said I was aggressive but I wasn't cos it didn't even hit him.
他说我存心找茬 但我没有 我连碰都没碰他
剧集 | 职介破事儿(2013) | 导航列表