剧集 | 坏猴子(2024) | 导航列表
So, here's the thing about fishing stories...
they always start on a boat.
It was a thick, hot Florida day.
You wouldn't know it from all the expensive gear,
but James Mayberry had never fished before.
锁住了 可以了 行吗 - 可以吗 就是这样
Locked in? I'm good. Is it good? - Good? There you go.
对 开始钓吧 - 好了 开始吧
Yeah. Let's do it. - All right, here we go.
就如他们所说的 第一次总是令人难忘
You know what they say, you always remember your first time.
卢 卢易莎 亲爱的 我还是没有啤酒
Lou! Louisa! Honey, I still don't have that beer.
能给我拿一瓶吗 - 好的
Can we fix that, please? - Okay.
I said okay.
太喜欢蜜月包船了 让人感觉温暖
Gotta love a honeymoon charter. Warms the heart.
和你聊天很有趣 你真是充满活力
You're fun to talk to. You got a real spark.
鱼上钩了 好戏上场了 哥们儿
Fish on! Game time, boys!
能让开点吗 - 天啊
Will you give me some space, please? - Geez.
我钓到鱼了 看我把它拉上来
I got a fish. I'm getting it.
快拉上来 就是它
Get it up. There it is.
对 把它拉上船 宝贝
Yeah! Bring it in, baby.
搞什么鬼 该死 - 我的天啊
What the fuck! Shit! - Oh, my God!
这是什么 - 这不是鱼
What is that? - That's not a fish.
我的天 - 船长 这不是鱼
Oh, my God! - Captain, that's not a fish!
是的 看见了 - 天啊
Yeah, I see that. - Oh, my God!
唷 看看他的手指 兄弟 - 恶心
Yo, check out his finger, dude. - Sick!
你觉得呢 也许是被鲨鱼咬了 我想是大白鲨
What do you think, maybe a shark got him? I'm thinking Great White.
Seen my fair share of shark shows.
都是这样的 前一分钟的你还很轻松 一眨眼间就完蛋了
That's how it happens. One minute, you're kicking it. Next minute, boom!
Chewed to shit.
I gotta radio the Coast Guard.
你去通知 我要给朋友发短♥信♥ 马戈肯定会被吓得尿裤子
You do that. I'm gonna text my friends. Muggo's gonna shit his pants.
We're in the memory-making business.
Oh, yeah.
Andrew Yancy's cell phone had been ringing all morning,
但他完全不理会 今天的天气太好了
but he had chosen to ignore it. It was too nice a day.
他这人很简单 所以他享受简单的快乐
He was a simple man, and as such, he enjoyed simple pleasures.
偶尔喝上一杯好酒 坐在椅子上看风景
A good drink now and then. A chair with a view.
最重要的是 有个可以称之为家的地方
And most importantly, a place to call home.
He loved damn near all of it.
He didn't even mind the occasional uninvited visitor
that munched on his bushes.
This was his happy place.
扬西 你难道从不接电♥话♥吗
Yancy, you ever answer your phone?
别紧张 大声公
Easy, loud feet.
Look at this handsome guy over here.
Those things are covered in ticks.
You know, there's so much construction around nowadays
that the Key deer barely even come around.
这破房♥子竟然这么大 我要把它给烧了
Can you believe the size of that dump? I'm gonna burn it down.
Don't burn it down.
我会确保里面没人 但肯定会烧的
I'll make sure no one's inside, but it's gonna burn.
好吧 你要烧就烧 桑尼想你尽快开车去趟迈阿密
Okay. Burn it down. Sonny wants you to take a quick road trip to Miami.
县规是不超过11米 而这破烂货有14米高
The county code is 35 feet, and this shitheap here is 45 feet.
这里是礁岛群 老兄 没人遵守建筑规范
It's the Keys, bro. No one follows the building code.
好了 你去迈阿密 办点警♥察♥事务
Okay, you, Miami, a little police business.
快手快脚地快去快回 - 我没法去 罗
In and out. - I can't do it, Ro.
严格来说 我已经不是警探了
I'm technically not even a detective anymore.
Do we really have to do this dance?
谁在周♥旋♥ 没人在这么做
Who's dancing? There's no dance.
我被停职了 什么...我怎么周♥旋♥了
I'm suspended. What-- How am I dancing?
不 就是...这来来回♥回♥的 - 没有来来回♥回♥
No, it's the, like-- The back-and-forth. - There's no back-and-forth.
我的兄弟 你非常希望能复职 对吗
My brother, you want your job back very badly, right?
是的 - 我车里有样东西
Yes. - Well, I've got something in my car
that the sheriff wants you to drive to Miami.
看看我 我就快睡着了
Look at me, I'm falling asleep.
我太累了 - 是的 我知道你有自尊心
I'm so tired. - Yeah. I know you have your pride.
So, if you wanna pretend for a minute
假装不想做这个差事 那倒也行
that you don't wanna do this errand, that's fine.
But don't make me stand around here for fucking ever holding my dick.
他们不能停我职后 又期待我办事
People can't suspend me and then expect things from me.
不能这样 - 随你便
It's not how it works. - Whatever.
这是巴班古朗姆酒 对吧
That's Barbancourt. Right?
很庆幸 是的
Thankfully, yes.
但很遗憾 我没杯子给你
But I unfortunately don't have a glass for you.
I'll take yours.
在扬西被停职之前 他和罗是工作搭档
Before he got suspended, Yancy and Ro were partners,
真的 有时候这甚至比结婚还糟
and hell, sometimes that's even worse than being married.
多年来 罗已经学会了 如何让他的这位朋友就范
Over the years, Ro had learned how to get exactly what he wanted from his friend.
All it took was a little patience.
So what's in the car?
That's all they found?
不 兄弟 头在副驾座上
No, man, the head's in the passenger seat.
如果你脾气暴躁 不想回答
If you're too grouchy to answer the question,
就说“我脾气暴躁 不想回答”
just say, "I'm too grouchy to answer."
Don't have to hit me with the "head in the passenger seat."
It's already been over to the coroner. He says
the vic was a "white male, mid-40s."
他说这比中指姿势 应该可能只是“凑巧的尸僵姿势”
Says that the middle finger thing was probably just "random rigor mortis."
He still took a picture with it.
Such a dipshit.
娜塔莉的足球赛要开始了 我要迟到了
I'm late for Natalia's soccer game.
I would absolutely love to come,
except I would rather do literally anything
那我宁可做其他任何事 但我明白的
other than watch children play soccer. But I got it.
嘿 帮我个忙
Hey, do me a favor.
别在场边指导 不许发飙和大喊大叫
No coaching from the sideline, not getting hot and yelling.
我知道你是波多黎各人 但尽量吧
I know you're Puerto Rican, but do your best.
你确定要把它晾在外头一晚上 兄弟 这可是证物
You sure you wanna leave it out there all night? Shit's evidence, man.
Who's gonna jack an arm?
我不知道 也许浣熊会 它们有小指头
I don't know, raccoons? They got those little fingers.
又来了 把它拿进去就是了
Here we go. We're taking it in.
谢谢 - 好 不客气
Thank you. - Yep. You got it.
Call me when you get to Miami.
我听不见你说什么 我们已经说完了
I can't hear you. I'm already done talking with you.
就像我说的 他俩就像一对夫妻
Like I said, just like a married couple.
Love you.
(基韦斯特 县警长办公室)
安德鲁 我不能收下这胳膊
Andrew, I can't have that arm here.
Negative publicity like this, not good for business.
这会损害旅游业 - 胡说八道 桑尼
It'll hurt tourism. - That's horseshit, Sonny.
县警长是一个 名叫桑尼萨默斯的当地乡下人
The sheriff was a local bubba named Sonny Summers.
他能成为县警长是因为 他是唯一没被联邦政♥府♥拘留的候选人
He won office 'cause he was the only candidate not in federal custody.
首先 那只漂浮胳膊并不会影响旅游业
First of all, that floating arm can't hurt tourism.
Nothing's gonna keep these fucking idiots out of the water.
里肯巴克堤道的海滩 到处都是未经处理的污水
That beach on the Rickenbacker Causeway is filled with raw sewage.
人们还是天天到那里 泡在屎汤里游泳 桑尼
People are still out there every day just swimming in shit, Sonny.
听着 这不一样 好吗
Look, this is different, okay?
那个钓上那胳膊的家伙 已经把照片发在社交媒体上
The clown who reeled in the damn thing already posted a pic on social media.
(詹姆斯 今天的大收获)
该死的 我要在这件事未发臭前处理它
Goddamn it. I'm gonna nip this in the butt.
是“发酵” 对吧 在事情未发酵前处理
Bud, right? You nip things in the bud.
也许你能做到 需要你把那只胳膊弄走
Maybe you do. I need that arm gone.
桑尼 那胳膊漂流 到这里的可能性非常之小
Sonny, the odds of that limb floating down here are pretty fucking slim.
The Gulf Stream flows north.
对 废话 我生于此地
No, duh. I was born here.
What if Miami doesn't take the arm?
Persuade them.
最重要的是 我明天会宣布
Bottom line, tomorrow I'm announcing
that the investigation has been turned over to the authorities
剧集 | 坏猴子(2024) | 导航列表