(“艺术作品的作用并非解答问题 而是激发问题)
(相互矛盾的答案之间的张力” 伦纳德·伯恩斯坦)
用钢琴弹出来的总是更加悦耳 我也不知道为什么
It's always better on the piano, I don't know why.
好 针对…
So to...
你提出的问题 是的 她的身影常会陪伴在我左右
answer your question, yes, I carry her around with me quite a bit.
I've often seen her in the garden working.
胡丽亚·维嘎发誓说 每天早上她下来洗衣服时
Julia Vega swears that she's at the top of the stairs every morning
when she comes down to do the laundry,
making sure she's separating the whites and the darks.
我们的孩子们很嫉妒这点 因为他们从来都看不到她
And our children are very jealous because they've never seen her.
I... I...
I miss her terribly.
Of course.
是的 我知道
Yes, I'm aware.
Can you hold on one second, please?
这太糟糕了 他不会有事吧?
That's terrible news. Is he gonna be okay?
不 我理解
No, I understand.
And no chance for a rehearsal?
All right.
May I get three tickets for today?
All right.
好 是 谢谢
All right, yes, thank you.
小子 机会来了!
You got 'em, boy!
伦纳德 你真帅 -是的
Leonard, bellissimo. -Oh, yes.
Did you get any sleep?
没 布鲁诺 我一点没睡 《曼弗雷德》以强拍休止符开场
No, I didn't get any sleep, Bruno. "Manfred" starts on the downbeat rest,
and you didn't get me any rehearsal with the orchestra.
I told you you were going on.
不 你说的是有这个可能
No, you told me it was a possibility.
Good afternoon.
美国橡胶公♥司♥再次邀请各位 来到卡内基音乐厅
United States Rubber Company again invites you to Carnegie Hall,
聆听由阿图尔·罗津斯基 担任音乐总监的
to hear a concert of the New York Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
of which Artur Rodziński is musical director.
今天下午原本该由 布鲁诺·瓦尔特担任指挥 但他病了
Bruno Walter, who was to have conducted this afternoon, is ill,
他的位置将由在美国出生的 爱乐交响乐团的
and his place will be taken by the young American-born assistant conductor
年轻助理指挥 伦纳德·伯恩斯坦接替
of the Philharmonic Symphony, Leonard Bernstein.
今天 你们欣赏到的 是一场历史性的演出
Today, you were here for an historic performance.
This performance that was fantastic was broadcast all over the world.
我觉得有必要提一句 伯恩斯坦大♥师♥
And I feel obliged to say that Maestro Bernstein
was called this morning at 9:30
and he was told that he would actually conduct here
这是他多年来的第一场演出… -而且都没排练
for the first time after many years-- -Without rehearsal.
Without rehearsal.
但他热爱交响乐 他不需要排练
But he loves the music, he doesn't need rehearsal,
he feels it so much.
这么多年了 他真的很想要这个机会
And after many years, he really wanted this,
也得到了这个机会 我感到非常骄傲
it has happened and I'm so proud.
卡内基音乐厅很为你感到骄傲 纽约为你感到骄傲
Carnegie Hall is so proud of you and New York is proud of you.
Leonard Bernstein.
谢谢 谢谢大家
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
跟你们说 那强拍休止符之后的事 我一样都不记得了
I'll tell you fellas, I don't remember a thing after that downbeat rest.
我准是晕了过去 直到观众鼓掌 我才醒过来
I must've blacked out and then when the audience applauded I came to.
Don't let this get in the way.
我们最近很顺利 宝贝
We're on a roll here, baby.
我希望趁我去辛辛那提的机会 跟舞者们一起编最后那段
I wanna choreograph the segment with the dancers while in Cincinnati.
好吧 杰瑞 可我爱上了那音乐 我跟你说过了
Jerry, I'm in love with the music. I told you.
我一有创意 就会写好 录下来 发给你
As soon as I have something, I'll record and send it to you.
This the new ballet he's composing?
关于三名在纽约休假的水手 做坏事的那部?
About three sailors on leave in New York getting up to no good?
就是那部 -杰瑞 别跟他争
That's the one. -Don't argue with him.
他可是个不可忽视的年轻人 报纸上写着 你可以过来看
He's a young man to be reckoned with. You can read it here.
大卫 别 -“伯恩斯坦展示驾驭整曲能力”
David, please. -"Bernstein shows mastery of score."
"Youthful conductor carries out an exacting program--"
那是 就登在 希♥特♥勒♥轰炸波兰的报道边上
Sure, right next to Hitler's bombing of Poland.
进来吧 门开着
Come on in, it's open.
抱歉 先生们… -没事 他喜欢开着门
Sorry, gentlemen-- -No, no, he likes leaving the door open.
嗨 艾萨克 大卫你认识的 那一位是杰瑞·罗宾斯
Hey, Isaac, you know David and that's Jerry Robbins.
你好 -你好 听着 我们得下楼了
Hi. -Hello. We've got to get downstairs.
你晚了一小时… -我只是在谱曲…
You're an hour late-- -I'm just working on the score--
罗津斯基来早了… -罗津斯基来了?
Rodziński's coming early-- -Rodziński's here?
好 我马上下去 -艾萨克
Okay, I'll be down in a second. -Isaac.
别忘了你叫去表演的这家伙 是位作曲家
Don't forget your show pony here is a composer.
我在学着别用力过猛 对吧?
I'm learning not to do it so hard, right?
很完美 -我总是会…
It's perfect. -I always get so...
会太过兴奋 -对
I get too excited. -Right.
你的两只脚都在我腿上 我都不知道该怎么办了
Both your feet in my lap. I don't know what to do with it.
我不知道该拿自己怎么办 任务太重了
I don't know what to do with myself. It's just too much.
我觉得… -一个人没法应付得了
I think-- -It's too much for one man.
因为在黃褐斑上? -不是的
Because it was on the liver spot? -No.
一个人没法承受得了 真的 大卫
It's too much for one man to take. Honestly, David.
I mean, I'll never leave the apartment.
这就是现实 -请别离开
That's the reality. -Please don't.
Dear Jerry,
this is an impromptu apology for the record
曲子本身没那么糟 但也不算很好
which isn't so very bad, but it's not so very good either.
我现在在翻看曲谱 我累坏了
I'm looking through the score now, exhausted,
一切都还行 直到第三乐章
and everything's okay up to number three
when all the counterpoint comes in with the two pianos.
I'm afraid it's sort of messy there.
总之 用两架钢琴很难做到
Anyway, it's hard to do on two pianos,
如果改成管弦乐队演奏 我觉得就会非常清晰
so with an orchestra, I think it'll be very clear.
And pardon all the mistakes.
But it was all Aaron Copland's fault.
都是我的错 -他现在就坐在那里
It was all my fault. - And there he sits now.
那不是真的 -总之…
That's not true. - Anyway...
接下来的事就交给你了 罗宾斯先生
I'll leave it to you to figure out, Mr. Robbins,
你来决定 怎么跟着这种音乐编舞 不过
how to dance to this type of music, but,
代我向所有人问好 还有那个…
give my love to everybody and the thing, and, uh...
我希望你会喜欢 祝好运 杰瑞
I hope you like it. Good luck, Jerry.
好了 该去排练了
All right, got to get to rehearsal.
这里交给我吧 -确定?
I got it. -You do?
确定 -你真好
Yeah. -You're such a chap.
演出就在楼下 可你还是会迟到
It's downstairs and you're still going to be late.
Put in a word for me with Rodziński.
我会的 我不是他的最爱 但我会的
I will. I'm not his favorite, but I will.
我爱你 宝贝 -我也爱你
Love you, baby. -Love you.
♪ I try hard to stay controlled ♪
♪ But I get carried away ♪
♪ Try to act aloof and cold ♪
♪ But I get carried away ♪
♪ Carried away ♪
♪ Carried away You get carried, just carried away! ♪
♪ And when I go to see A moving picture show ♪
♪ And I'm watching actors in a scene ♪
♪ I start to think What's happening is really so ♪
♪ The girl, I must protect her ♪
♪ The villain don't respect her ♪
♪ I leap to her defense ♪
♪ And knock a hole Right through the screen! ♪
♪ Carried away, carried away ♪
-♪ He gets carried ♪ -♪ We get carried ♪
♪ Just carried away! ♪
太棒了 不过…这里没人知道的是
Brilliant, but... but what no one here knows
我们小时候 他在歌♥剧表演中飙高音
is how he beat the soprano out of his poor baby sister
performing all those operas when we were children.
Let that be fair warning to you and to everyone.
我就知道你可能会来 你肯定一直在各处拜访
Thought you might be here. You've certainly been making the rounds.
Have you met the gang?
还没 -那是贝蒂和阿道夫 他们很风趣
No. -Betty and Adolf, they're a riot.
你好 -你好
Hello. -Hello.
那是埃伦 当然了 你肯定在其他工作室遇到过她
Ellen. Of course, you've run into her at another studio, no doubt.
你好 费利西亚