我18岁事写了 莎拉 这本小说
I was 18 when I wrote my novel "Sarah."
Never thought it'd become a bestseller
with all these fancy people wantin' to meet me,
我这个缥缈的JT 莱罗伊
the illusive JT LeRoy.
But I prefer to be a shut-in
'cause when I'm writin' or on the phone,
I get to show people exactly what I wanna show 'em.
我可以陷入文字世界 忘乎所以
I can focus on the words and just... leave my body behind.
-伙计 这听起来真棒 -是吗
- Dude, it's so good! - Yeah?
We just got the, uh, the demos back from the studio,
so, yeah, I'm pretty fuckin' excited.
-是劳拉唱的吗 -是她吗
- Is that her? Is that Laura? - Uh-huh.
-对 对 就是她 -唱得不错嘛
- Yeah, no, no, that's her. - Cool.
-唱的超棒 你觉得呢 -当然
- Pretty fucking great, right? - Yeah.
伙计 她是一个
Man, she's, uh...
I... I just can't wait for you to meet her.
我现在居然真的住在这里了 真是难以置信
I fucking live here now. I can't believe this.
没错 你真的住在这了
Fuck, yes, you live here.
伙计 你走出家门了
Dude, you made it out of mom's place.
你即将拥抱这个世界 我为你感到骄傲
You're going up in the world. I'm proud of you.
-为你骄傲 -谢了
- Proud of you. - Thanks.
嘿 有人在吗
Hey, hey!
嘿 进来吧 我们到了
Hey, come in. This is us.
厨房♥就在那边 跟我来
Uh, kitchen right over here. Come through.
-这些书堆在了外面 -那很酷
- I kept those books out... - Oh, these are beautiful.
我之前试过重新整理它们 但你懂的 我不会再碰它们了
I wouldn't touch that. You know, we got lead. I had it tested.
就是这样 这就是奇迹发生的地方
Alright, this is it. This is where the magic happens.
-杰夫这儿太棒了 -是吗
- This is so cool, Geoff. - Right?
那个沙发坏了 你尽量让自己舒服点
Now, listen, uh, couch opens up, uh, make yourself comfy,
and, uh, I'll... I'll make some tea.
You want a tea?
I'd love a beer.
啤酒 好的马上来 算你走运
Beer. Right on. Okay. You're in luck.
I, uh, just made a fresh batch of home brew. Cool.
-嘿 快出来见见我妹妹 -这就出来
- Hey, yo! Come meet my sister! - Be right there!
不管怎样 每当我告诉他不能这么做
Anyway, every time I tell him no,
I can feel him wantin' more.
I just can't believe this itty-bitty Southern rant boy
is denyin'.
不得不说 我喜欢掌控一切
I gotta admit, I like having the power.
嗯 好吧
Alright, yeah.
Yeah, thanks.
明天同一时间 再见
Same time tomorrow. Bye.
她在哪儿 她在哪儿呢
Where is she? Where is she?
-嘿 -哦 你真漂亮
- Hey. - Oh, look at you.
Oh, Savannah.
Geoff's baby sister.
-我从你的微笑中看到了你美好的灵魂 -真棒 你们见面了
- I see your soul in your smile. - Cool, you guys have met.
看看这个人 和你说的一模一样
Look at this creature. Just as you said.
我不敢相信这是你做的 太酷了
I can't believe you made this. That's so cool.
还好吧 只是擅长做这个
No. I'm good. I'm getting good at this.
You're good at everything, baby.
Mm, I heard the music in the car.
-唱得不错 -很惊艳 对吧
- It is good. It is... - Amazing, right?
唱得太好了 他在他的音乐里
It's so cool. He's in his zone.
-我只是写歌♥词 -她只是写了歌♥词吗
- I'm just writin' lyrics... - Oh, she's just writing lyrics?
不 不 是这位女士把我的音乐
No, no, no, no. This woman is turning my music
into, like, these beautiful songs.
我们每天写两三首歌♥ 这简直是疯了
We're writing two, three songs a day. It's insane.
-他热情高涨 -是你热情高涨
- He's on fire. - You're on fire.
-是你 宝贝 -我们都热情高涨
- You're on fire, babe. - We're on fire.
What's that?
Oh, it's just this thing I made.
I had an extra roll of duct tape lying around.
-等等 这真是你做的吗 -太漂亮了
- Wait a minute. Hold on. - That's pretty cool.
Yeah. Just a thing you made?
That is not just a thing.
那是什么 看起来像神奇的独角兽背包
What is that? Like magical unicorn backpack?
That is blowing my mind.
这可是纯粹的艺术 你就像是创意天才
That's pure art. That's, like, creative genius.
别把那些东西看贬了 好吗 宝贝
Don't, don't put that stuff down. Right, baby?
-嗯-好的 好的 当然不会
- Mm-hmm. - Yeah, yeah. No, fuck, yeah.
Oh, you gotta take her to Lee's party.
-你应该去的 -我们都应该去
- You gotta go. - Oh, we gotta go.
-我们一起去吧 -对啊 这可是你在这的第一个晚上
- We gotta go. - Oh, yeah, first night.
-你会来的 对吗 -当然 是的
- You're gonna come, right? - Of course, yeah.
你们想做的任何事 我都没问题
Anything you guys wanna do, I'm open.
你会跟我们去吗 她刚到这都跟我们去了
Are you gonna come? She just got here.
所以你必须得去 走吧
And you've gotta come. Come on.
我们不是希望你去 而是需要你去
We don't want you to come, we need you to come.
-好吧 好吧 -我们需要你
- Alright, alright. - We need you!
You're dragging me into the celebration!
你要去参加李的派对啦 小萨来到旧金山啦
You're going to Lee's party! Sav's moving to San Francisco!
-最近怎么样 -小萨你穿这个
- Yo, yo, what's up? - Hey, Sav!
I put this on you. We share clothes.
天呐 它和你的头发真配
Oh, my God! It looks amazing with your hair!
Oh, Samuel!
This is Geoff's sister, Savannah.
是的 她正在接管他的旧公♥寓♥
Yeah, she's taking over his old apartment.
嗨 我是小萨 很高兴见到你
Hey, I'm Sav. Nice to meet you.
扭曲与尖叫 海报挂在墙上呢
Twist & Scream poster is on the wall.
哦 该死
Oh, shit!
太漂亮了 那就是我们的乐队
That's so beautiful. That's our band. Yeah.
-你是艺术家 -是的 是的
- So you're an artist? - Yeah, yeah.
-你叫什么名字 -索菲
- What's your name? - Sophie.
-索菲 什么类型的艺术呢 -是的
- Sophie. What kind of art? - Yeah.
It's like conceptual.
And the writing has been amazing.
Finally not paying the rent with phone sex.
而且我收到一些卢勇信 就像是
And I'm getting some offers. It's like...
劳拉 你说你做过电♥话♥性♥爱♥服务
Laura, you say you did phone sex?
是的 当然
Yeah. Oh, yeah.
It's one of the more creative jobs ever.
You know, you have to get into the role play of it.
但是作为一个作家 这是一种疯狂的行为
But as a writer, it's in the madness
这样创造一个角色 你明白我的意思吗
of creating a character, you know what I mean? You're...
And then their attention turns to Sophie?
Because of her rinky-dink paintings?
抱歉我的意思是 她之所以能成为焦点
I mean, I'm sorry, but, like, she's getting that
'cause she's a cute girl with a cute little fucking ass
and her cute little art.
Can you imagine if they knew I was JT LeRoy?
如果他们知道我是 纽♥约♥时♥报♥ 的畅销书作者
If they knew I was a "New York Times" bestselling author.
我的意思是 这太疯狂了
I mean, that's just so crazy.
-好吧 那就告诉他们 -杰夫
- Yeah, well, then tell them. - Geoff.
You know we can't do that.
I got an idea.
What if I do go out for some kind of disguise?
What's up?
You wanna keep a secret?
-这是什么 -这是我的书 莎拉
- What's this? - It's my book "Sarah."
My shot at immortality.
哦 那么JT就是你的笔名
Oh, so JT's like your pen name?
-他更像我的化身 -这孩子是谁
- More like my avatar. - Who is this kid?
That's just a photo I found at a thrift store.
我喜欢它 因为他看起来就像丹尼斯库珀的小说里的孩子
I loved it 'cause he looks like a kid in a Dennis Cooper novel.
-我爱丹尼斯库珀 -那真是太棒了
- I love Dennis Cooper. - Of course, you do.
哦 你认识玛丽 盖特基尔吗
Oh! Hey, do you know Mary Gaitskill?
是的 但是我没有读过她的任何东西
Um, yeah, but I haven't... I haven't read any of her stuff.