老友记 第三季 第二十四集


Aug. 17, 2019, 4:18 p.m.

Friends Season 3 Episode 24 : The one With The Ultimate Fighting Champion.

老友记第3季第24集: 终极搏击比赛。

Chandler: Do you think that there's a town in uh, Missouri or some place called Sample? And ah, as you're driving into town there's there's like a sign, and it says "You're in Sample."
Monica: Hey. Hey! How'd it go with Pete? ! Tell us!
嘿。 嘿! 你跟彼特怎样了?! 快说!
Monica: You're not gonna believe this. Ok, so I go over. I'm sorry. Ex excuse us. I'm sorry, it's a little crowded. Do you mind if we. Yeah, could you scooch?
你们一定不会相信。我去 很抱歉。店里有点挤,可以一起坐吗? 挪一下?
Billy: Yeah, move over just a little bit. Gracias.
Robin: Keep on scooching. Gracias.
Monica: So, guys listen, I go over there, and umm you know, I I. Why? Why? ! What's it always me? !
总之我去找他,然后 为什么?为什么?!我哪里不好?!
Billy: What's the matter? Tim, I have a feeling.I, my wife is sleeping with her gynecologist.
怎么了? 提姆,我有一种感觉我老婆和她的妇科医生睡觉了。
Billy: How do you know? Well you know, he's got access. Yeah.
你怎么知道? 他有接近的机会,我知道。 对。
Robin: You know it's that feeling you get, you know?
Billy: Like when you go bowling and you know you're in somebody else's shoes?
Robin: That's the one.
Phoebe: All right, so, so you went to Pete's. What happened? I. Why is this happening to me? ! I don't know, maybe it's my wound.
你去了彼特家 然后呢? 我 为什么这么倒霉?!也许是我的伤口害的。
Monica: Forget it.
Billy: It's it's not healed yet? No no, it's ooozing, oozing. Could you pass me the cream? Is there any Uh, there's the cream. Thank you very much.
你的伤还没好? 它一直在渗血。请把牛奶给我,在那边。谢谢你。
Billy: Thomas, this is gonna be hard, but I wanted it to come from me, and nobody else.
Robin: What is it, Tim? It's me, I've been sleeping with your wife.
什么事? 是我跟你老婆睡觉。
Joey: So you're the gynecologist?
Billy: Hey, I'm trying to have a private conversation right?
Robin: Ooh, Can I have a napkin, please? Could you please hand me a napkin? Let me give me this thing! all right! ! Enough! And you are no longer my friend!
We are finished! Nada! ! No more! You are a bastard for doing this! ! Get away from me! ! Thomas, come back here!
我们完了!不再联系!你竟然做这种事!!离我远一点!! 你回来!
Phoebe: So Monica, what were you gonna tell us?
Monica: I have no idea.
Rachel: So, come on, what was the big news Pete wanted to tell you Mon? ! Or should I say Mrs. Monica Becker?
Phoebe: No no no oh, keep your name, don't take his name.
Monica: He didn't ask me to marry him. Ohh. Well then definitely don't take his name.
他没有向我求婚。 哦。 那绝对不要冠他的姓。
Monica: He wanted to tell me he's going to compete in some ultimate fighting competition thingy.
The Guys: Pete? ! Why? ! What is it?
彼特?! 为啥?!那是什么?
Monica: I don't know exactly. It's it's sorta like wrestling. Oh? ! Yeah, but without the costumes. Oh.
我也不清楚。有点像摔角。 哦?! 但不用穿表演服。 哦。
Joey: And it’s not fake.It’s totally brutal.
Chandler: Yeah, it's two guys in a ring, and the rules are: "There're are no rules."
Rachel: Which made a great 12 year old. Oh, it's the best year of my life.
我听说你有一个伟大的12岁。 哦,那是我一生中最好的一年。
Monica: You can like, bite, and pull people's hair and stuff? Yeah, anything goes, except ah, eye gouging and fish hooking.
可以咬人、扯别人的头发? 都可以,除了戳眼睛和鱼钩手。
Monica: What's fish hooking? What's fish hooking.Thanks man, that would've been really hard to describe. What is that taste?
什么是鱼钩手? 就是谢了,不然还真难形容。什么味道?
Joey: What? My hands are totally clean, I just gave the duck a bath.
Doug: So thanks for the warm welcome. It's good to have you guys on my team, I come to play. I hope you do too.
Now, let's go out there and get 'em! Huh? And remember, there is no 'I' in team.
Chandler: Yes, but there's two in martini, soo everybody back to my office.
Doug: You! Chuckles! What's your name?
Chandler: Oh it's Bing, sir. I'm sorry, I was just ah. No no, I heard what you said, funny. I like funny.
哦我是宾。很抱歉,我只是 没事,我听到你说的话了,很有趣。我喜欢。
This team is about hard work, but it's also about having fun. Good to have you aboard Bing!
Ross: That's right, Ryder. Wynona Ryder, for six. Thank you. Yeah, we have the reservations. Yes! !
对,瑞德。薇诺娜瑞德要订六个位子。谢谢。订到位子了。 好!!
Chandler: All right buddy, way to go!
Ross: Dude, what're you doing?
Chandler: Thank you! Today, my boss keep slapping my butt and he was acting like it was no big deal.
Phoebe: Yeesh, what'd you do about it?
Chandler: Well, I didn't do anything. I didn't wanna be the guy who has a problem with his boss slapping his bottom.
Monica: I gotta tell you, I think it's ok to be that guy.
Joey: Yeah, maybe it's like you know, that jock thing. You know how football players pat each other after a touchdown.
Rachel: You know I don't, I don't understand guys, I mean I I would never congratulate Monica on a great stew by you know, grabbing her boob.
Chandler: Yeah, I know, for a really great stew you just you know, stick your head in between 'em.
Monica: Ok, can we please go eat?
Joey: Yeah. What're we getting? Anything but stew.
要吃什么? 不要吃燉菜就好。
Ross: All right so, Chandler, from now on, don't give your boss a chance to get you. You know just ah, don't turn your back to him.
Joey: Yeah, or you can teach him a lesson. You know? What you could do is you could rub something that really smells on your butt, all right?
Then, when he goes to smack ya, his hand will smell. Now what could you rub on your butt that would smell bad?
Chandler: What if Joey was President?
Phoebe: Umm, hey Rach, can I ask you something? Yeah.
嘿瑞秋,能不能问你一件事? 行。
Phoebe: Ok, you can totally say no, but umm, would it be ok with you if I set Ross up on a date?
Rachel: Oh. Ahhh, with who?
Phoebe: Umm, my friend, Bonnie. She just always thought Ross was really cute, and now that you two aren't together, she asked if I could set it up, but if you're not cool with it.
Rachel: Oh oh oh, which one is Bonnie again?
Phoebe: You remember her from my birthday party two years ago. She's yeah, like, average height, medium build, bald.
Rachel: Oh! That's fine.
Phoebe: Really? ! Come on, the bald girl? Absolutely.
真的?! 罗斯和光头女?当然可以。
Rachel: Great! Ok, good for you! Great!

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