Jesus Christ.
哦 该死的 该死的 对不起 对不起 对不起
Oh, shit, shit! Sorry, sorry, sorry!
上帝啊 你还好吗 你还好吗 感觉怎么样
Jesus! Are you OK? Are you OK? Are you OK?
Are you all right?
说话呀 你能听到我吗 你不说话的话我可没法帮你
Speak to me. Can you hear me? I can't help you if you don't talk to me.
哦 对了
Oh, right.
-你会讲♥法♥语吗 -是的
- Parlez-vous franξais? - Oui.
-你没事吧 -没问题
- Ah. ζa va? - ζa va.
失物招领处 我们让你们重逢
-所以 Martin 今天很重要 -是啊
- So it's the big day, Martin. - Yeah.
How do you feel now about meeting your birth mother?
五味陈杂 是的 我准备好了
All sorts of things. I feel great, you know.
当我的养父母还活着的时候 我感觉与她见面确实很不应该
It would have felt very wrong to have met her while my adoptive parents were alive,
but now they've gone...
So you're ready to meet your mum.
-好的 Julie 能麻烦你带Diane进来吗 -当然
- OK. Julie, can you bring Diane in, please? - Yeah, sure.
Diane 进来吧
Come in, Diane.
这位是你的母亲 Diane
Meet your mum, Diane.
-多么感人啊 -天哪
- A Lot of emotions. - Oh!
我懂 我懂
I know, I know.
你看 多么温馨
Oh, it's so lovely.
My mummy!
It makes it all worthwhile.
Judith 你也许想过来看一下这个
Judith, you might want to come and look at this.
-你怎么把这个声音打开 -哦 是吗 我还把它稍微调低了一点呢
- How do you turn the sound up on this? - Oh, yeah. I had it down a little bit.
蛋糕部 因此 总的来说 这些蛋糕真的非常热销
So, in conclusion, these cakes really are selling extremely quickly.
它们迅速地销♥售♥一空 飞一般地从货架消失
They're selling like nobody's business. They're flying off the shelves.
Maybe it's because we warm them up first,
but they are being bought at a tremendous rate.
事实上 我从来没有见过任何物品像这些被宣传过渡的蛋糕一样以这样的速度销♥售♥出去
In fact, I've never seen anything sell with such speed as these warmed-through cakes.
人们简直就是在抢♥购♥ 恩 就好像如果他们不卖♥♥就是跟不上潮流
People are literally snapping up these cakes like, well, like they're going out of fashion.
对不起 打扰一下 你应该说他们就像畅销蛋糕
Um, sorry. You could say they were selling like hot cakes.
在这里我们欢迎以任何方式结束这次的会议 非常感谢 Steve
That's as good a place as any to end the meeting, so thank you very much, Steve,
也非常感谢你们 各位
and thank you, everybody.
Peter 我们能谈谈吗
Peter, can I have a quick word?
Peter 我很抱歉 恐怕你被开除了
Peter, I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you go.
你 你将我解雇了
You're... you're firing me?
-但是 为什么 -因为你太自作聪明 Peter
- But why? - Because you're a smart aleck, Peter.
You can't help making glib remarks about cakes.
我觉得在这里 重要的是你如何做蛋糕 而不是你如何评论它们
I'm afraid up here what counts is how you make cakes, not what you say about them.
别 别解雇我 求你了
Don't... Don't fire me, please.
I'm committed to cakes.
好吧 很明显你并不适合这里 所以
OK, it's clearly not working out for you in this division, so...
我准备再给你一次机会 我准备将你调换到其他课堂
I'm prepared to give you another chance. I'm gonna move you to another section.
But I want you to cut out the smart remarks.
-可以吗 你自己决定 Peter -好的
- OK? It's down to you, Peter. - OK.
肉汤部 因此 总的来说 这些代表了肉汤增长率
And so, to recap,this represents the vat of broth,
而这一块代表了肉汤制♥造♥者 或者厨师 如果你愿意的话
and these figures represent the broth makers, or cooks, if you will.
There's a lot of them.
And it's this surfeit of cooks that's having such a negative impact on the broth.
过多的厨师 他们也在破坏着市场
There's too many cooking staff,and it's ruining the product.
You'd think, wouldn't you, that having so many cooks would make it better,
事实上 情况变得更糟
but no, it's making it worse.
因此 简单来说 厨师太多 食物太少
So, to put it in simple terms, the ratio of chefs to the amount of food being prepared
is proving detrimental to the broth.
You could say...
that you've bollocksed it up.
-好样的 伙计 -谢谢
- Good work, son. - Thank you.
Very good.
-那是只水鸭吗 -那边有一群鸭子
- Is that a teal? - There's a flock of them.
-在那 就在那颗树倒地的树的旁边 -哦 是这样
-There, just over by that fallen tree.- Oh, yeah.
-共有6个 是吗 -是的 别急
- There's six of them, isn't there? - Yeah, hang on.
I'm gonna get that.
喂 这是怎么回事
Oh! What's going on here?
What is going on here?
快 都出去
Come on, out!
我之前警告过你们吧 是吗 究竟要我说多少次呢 恩?
I've told you before, haven't I? How many times have I told you before, eh?
How many times have I told you before?
This is a private sanctuary for ducks.
-你是只鸭子吗 -不是
- Are you a duck? - No.
-你是只鸭子吗 -不是
- Are you a duck? - No.
既然这样 快他妈的出去 快 出去 快点 出去
Well, fuck off then! Come on, out! Come on, out!
出去 快走 快走
Move yourself. Go on. Go on.
-小心着这个 -快点 出去
- Careful with the... - Go on, out!
-那很贵的 -出去
- That's expensive. - Out!
-别推 -出去 出去 出去 快走
- Don't push. - Out! Out! Out! Go on.
Don't you quack at me!
Take that bloody thing with you as well.
下一次就不会是我了 下次就会变成天鹅 听到了吗
Next time it won't be me.It'll be the swans, right?
小心点 小心
Watch it, watch it.
-它听不到你在说什么 -我觉得它什么都听不到
- I don't think he heard you! - I don't think he heard anything!
-你好 请给我一个球 -对不起 先生 我们不卖♥♥球
- Hi. I'd Iike to buy a ball, please.- Sorry, sir. We don't sell balls.
哦 嘿 等下
Oh, hey, hang on...
We've got loads of balls.
警卫 你可以离开了
You may leave us, guard.
-犯人怎么样了 -我习惯了不公正待遇
- How is the prisoner? - I am a man accustomed to injustice.
Have you thought more of our scheme?
那个计划本没有什么危险 但是那个暴君必须下台
It is a plan not without danger,but this evil emperor must be overthrown.
We have an army of 20,000 men awaiting you.
I have certain demands.
Well, we will do everything in our power to see they're met.
我需要几匹马 几天的食物
I'll need fresh horses,food for several days.
It shall be arranged.
另外 我在这里交了个朋友
Also, I have made a friend here.
注释:这位是70年代英国著名前卫摇滚乐团Emerson Lake&Palmer的成员之一
Keith Emerson 来自Emerson 的 Lake 和 Palmer
Keith Emerson, from Emerson, Lake and Palmer.
He was sentenced for his part in the Thracian insurrection.
I wish to grant him his freedom.
Lake 和 Palmer发生了什么
What happened to Lake and Palmer?
Palmer was drowned in a lake.
Lake is a slave in Parma.
What a sorry fellow.
他话很少 他主要通过音乐来交谈
He says Little. He communicates mainly through music.
-他是个战士吗 -他是罗马最优秀的战士
- Is he a fighter? - The finest in all of Rome.
正如你所见 Keith对更精致的前卫摇滚结尾的沉迷
As you can see, Keith's fascination with the more elaborate end of prog rock
has Iumbered him with a vast array of keyboards.
-此行我需要200只骡子 -200只骡子 不可能
- I need 200 mules for the journey. - 200 mules?. Impossible!
-Keith Emerson -什么事
- Keith Emerson. - Yeah?
Do you agree to Ieave this place without your complete keyboard collection?.
也许你可以带一只雅马哈DX7 或者慕格电子琴
Perhaps you could take a single Yamaha DX7?Or the Moog synthesizer?.
Keith will not travel without his entire collection.
Such a journey is not possible without roadies.
The ELP roadies were sold into slavery in Crete.
-我需要200只骡子 -Maximus 听好
- I need 200 mules. - Maximus, Iisten...
No! I will not Ieave without Keith and his entire keyboard collection.
-Maximus 我警告你听听劝 -这些就是我的条件
- Maximus, I urge you to see reason. - Those are my conditions.
并且 老规矩 常规的合同条款同样适用于这些条件
And, as usual, the usual terms and conditions apply to these conditions.
很好 我并不能弄来200只骡子但我会看看我能做些什么
Very well. I cannot promise 200 mules,but I'II see what I can do.
Emerson 安静点 我正试着在思考
Emerson, be quiet. I'm trying to think.
Markham 联♥系♥你了没 James
Did Markham contact you, James?.
-谁 -Andrew Markham
- Who? - Andrew Markham?
他想给你一个新的电影剧本 所以我把你的电♥话♥给他了 希望你不要介意
He wanted to show you a new film script, so I gave him your number. Hope you don't mind.
他现在正在Benton Hanratty那工作 所以他感觉有点挫败
He's with Benton Hanratty at the moment,so he's feeling a bit frustrated.
-是他做的那个棒极了的薯条广♥告♥ -就是那个
- He did that great ad for oven chips. - Mm.
-在广♥告♥里穿的像Pan's People舞蹈团一样? -是的
- Where they're dressed Iike Pan's People? - Yeah.