刺 杀 据 点
早安 美国
Good morning, America.
It's now 12 noon in Salamanca, Spain.
再过不久 全球150余国领袖
In a short time, world leaders from over 150 countries...
...meet here in Plaza Mayor...
...to sign up to President Ashton's bold new counterterrorist strategy.
911之后 有超过4500人
Since 9/11, more than 4500 people have been killed...
...in the rising tide of global terror.
Those lives will not soon be forgotten...
在今天 全球团结起来 对抗暴♥力♥
...as today, the world comes together to take a stand against this violence.
We may be on the brink of a historic agreement...
...between Western and Arab leaders.
在这里 安全措施升高
Security services are on high alert in Salamanca...
...where we go live to our news team and our reporter Angie Jones.
五 四 三 二
Five, four, three, two...
I am standing inside Plaza Mayor in Salamanca, Spain...
...where crowds have lined up for the kickoff of...
...what is without question a landmark summit.
For months, President Ashton's been working...
...with leaders from five continents...
合作策划出 一个反恐的全新联盟
...to forge a new groundbreaking alliance in the ongoing war on terror.
And now here, today...
...Western and Arab leaders will meet for the first time...
...to formalize this new coalition...
...designed to once and for all...
...put a stranglehold on international terrorism.
换他上场 -马克上
Bring him up. -Cue Mark.
安琪 现场气氛如何 -大致说来 充满希望
Tell us, Angie, what's the mood like? -For the most part, hopeful.
Everyone here is very sympathetic to those...
...who lost loved ones in the recent bombing.
然而 我和代表们谈过
I did, however, speak to delegates...
What's she doing?
他们都态度强硬 认为美国外交政策
...both of whom took a hard line, suggesting that U.S. Foreign policy...
凯文 卡掉她
Kevin, shut her down.
...has to bear some responsibility for the recent events.
好 谢谢安琪 请继续追踪报导
Thanks, Angie. You'll have to keep us informed.
你搞什么 -不是所有人都喜欢我们
What the hell was that? -Not everyone loves us, Rex.
这种议论之词 留给那些评论家去说
Why don't you leave the punditry to someone paid to have an opinion?
新闻审查很好 美国人很爱的
I'm cool with censorship. I know the American people love that.
安琪 高兴点 -知道了
Come on, Angie. Lighten up. -Got it.
控制中心 -叫她听
Gallery. -Pass me over.
是老大 -是的
Bruce. -Yes.
怎么回事 照脚本来 -我跟她说了 你也想跟她谈吗
What was that? Stick to the script. -I told her. Wanna tell her?
好 -很好
Fine. -That's fine.
二号♥机是谁 -路易斯
Who is the clown on two? -Two is Luis.
二号♥ 你到底要不要动
Camera two, are you gonna move?
主题是高峰会 不是群众
We're here for the summit, not the sideshow.
天哪 真像在驯狗
Man, it's like training a freaking dog.
各位 总统就快抵达了
Okay, everybody, the president is about to arrive.
等他一到就拍他 各就各位
When he does, we're on him. Let's get our ducks in a row.
三号♥用广角 四号♥留在原地
Three, wider. Four, stay where you are.
凯文 快 我快受不了
Kevin, keep it moving. I'm dying here.
五号♥机 拍车队
Camera five, give me the motorcade.
七号♥ 专心点 给总统特写
Number seven, concentrate. I wanna go close on the president.
All right, sir.
That's good.
五号♥特写 很好
Tighten up, five. Good.
那不是 -是汤玛斯巴恩
Isn't that? -It's Thomas Barnes.
我们怎么不知道他在这 葛蕾 我们该准备的
Why didn't we know he was here? Shit, Grace. We should've had this.
Yeah, I don't...
凯文 找影片 -请找影片
Kevin, pull the archives. -Pull the archives, please.
好 总统接近广场了 全体待命
The president's approaching the plaza. All cameras ready.
安琪 20秒后回到现场
Angie, we're back in 20.
记住 主角是高峰会 不是花絮
And remember, we're here for the summit, not the sideshow.
这里还有别的故事 -我才不在乎
There are other stories. -I don't give a shit.
除非有人自焚 否则不用报
Unless the protesters set themselves on fire, they're not our story.
凯文 找到没 -找到了
Kevin, you got it? -Yeah.
Check this out.
这还只是去年的事 他竟然回来了
This was only last year. I can't believe he's back already.
If we're the only ones who have this...
他不会说的 去年访问过西尔 还访问过救了雷根的那家伙
He won't talk. A year ago we had Hill, we had that guy who saved Reagan.
McCarthy. All of them.
一票英雄 巴恩不会想插一脚的
A hero piece. Barnes wanted nothing to do with it.
That was then.
很可惜 这会是不错的报导 不过我们没空搞它
It's a shame. It would've made a great side story. We've no time to work it in.
那过时了 现在有更重要的报导
That was then, this is now, okay, guys? We've got our story.
好 切画面
Okay, cue graphics.
五号♥机 给我镜头
Camera five, give me a single.
市长来了 -三 四号♥机 拍讲台
Here comes the mayor. -Three, four, ready at the podium.
三号♥ 用广角 四号♥ 拉近 镜头从领袖群开始 市长结尾
Three, wide. Four, in close. Start with the leaders and end with the mayor.
感谢大家莅临此地 -三号♥ 往后拉
Thank you so much for being here. -Three, pull back.
好 六号♥ 准备切你的镜头
Yes. Camera six, get ready. We're coming to you.
好 很好
Good. That's good.
二号♥ 拍群众 -市长演说即将结束
Two, give me crowds. -De Soto speech ending in one minute.
五号♥ 给我别的画面 很好
Camera five, give me something else to work with. That's good.
这段一结束就上15秒播报 作个结尾
Angie, when this is over, I want a 15-second fill to wrap it up.
简单就好 -草草结束
Keep it simple. -You mean dumb it down?
别闹了 安琪
Get off it, Angie. Come on.
She's unbelievable.
I offer you my city...
市长五秒结束 现场准备
The mayor's done in five. Ready with the graphics.
This summit could be the defining moment of his presidency.
镜头拉开 四 三
Pull out, four, three...
Oh, my God.
The president appears to have been shot.
该死 -我听到两声枪响
Shit. -I heard two shots...
总统倒下了 -那家伙是谁
... and the president fell. -Who's that guy?
What's he doing?
五号♥拍那家伙 其它人拍总统
Okay, five, stay with that guy. Everyone else, give me Ashton.
三号♥ 继续拍总统 跟着他
Three, stick with the president. Just stay with him.
很好 跟着他 停在那里
That's good. Just stay with him. Stay with him. Hold it there.
This is insane.
Yeah, yeah. I'm coming back.
三号♥ 你得拍更清楚点 -他们不让我过去
Camera three, do better. -They're not letting me through.
少找藉口 快想办法
Don't give me this bullshit. Figure it out.
Okay, you got him?
那是怎么回事 -现场似乎发生爆♥炸♥
What was that? -There appears to be an explosion...
四号♥转身 找出声音来源
Camera four, turn around. Find out what that was.
凯文 快回带 上传所有画面
Kevin, get playback going. We have to uplink everything we've got.
布鲁斯 -上传画面
Bruce. -Uplink VTs 1 through 7 on my monitor.
好 安琪 由你上 说话
Okay, Angie, you're on. Let's go.
这是现场直播 安琪
We're live, Angie. This is it. Go.
I need a minute, Rex. All right?
该死 让马克先顶住
Shit. Get Mark to stretch.
我知道这很难受 我很清楚
I know this is tough, okay? I know that.
We need you to tell us what's going on.
好 -专心点 好吗
Okay. -Focus, okay?
安琪 请说说你看到了什么
Angie? Please, tell us what you're seeing.
深呼吸 上 -美国总统刚刚遭遇枪击
Deep breath. Go. -The president of the United States...
...has been shot. There have been several gunshots.
It appears there was also a bomb that went off outside the plaza.
There are people running scared...
Oh, shit!
马克 你得继续播报
Mark, you gotta fill.
It seems that a huge bomb...
老天 安琪 安琪
Oh, my God. Angie! Angie!
At the moment, smoke from the explosion...
...mercifully covers the extent of the human carnage.