Did you want to stop?
哦不 不用了
Oh. No, it's fine.
-谢谢 -确定不用吗
Thank you. Are you sure?
所有来这里的人 都头一个要来看这座像
Everybody who comes here, that's the first thing they want to see.
"玛丽·泰勒·摩尔往天上 扔帽子的地方在哪儿"
"Where did Mary Tyler Moore throw her hat up in the air?"
It's really one of our biggest attractions.
Are you sure you don't want me to stop?
真的不用 不过谢谢你
Definitely. No. Thank you though.
信我 这基本就是巡回宣传最刺♥激♥的部分了
Trust me. This is about as sexy as the tour gets.
-这位先生...-额 利普斯基
Mr.... Uh, Lipsky.
I've got you in a standard double.
-华♥莱♥士♥先生 -在
And Mr. Wallace? Yes.
你的是一个标间 可以睡两个人
You have a room with twins.
啊没错 她们分别叫安妮塔和康斯薇拉
Ah, yes. Anita and Consuela.
Excuse me?
好了 哥们 待会儿见 我先小睡一会儿
All right, man. I'll see you soon. I'm gonna take a nap.
噢 额...
Oh. Uh...
关于海♥洛♥因♥的传闻 他是怎么说的
What does he say about the heroin rumors?
I haven't gotten to that.
What are you waiting for?
What am I supposed to say?
"听说你以前是个瘾君子 这是真的吗"
"Is it true you were a heroin addict?"
没错 那就是你需要的故事
Yes. That's your story.
好吧 那有点...有点困难
Okay, well, that's... It's hard.
-为什么 因为你喜欢他这个人么 -是的没错
Why, because you like him? Yeah. Yes.
-戴维 你得逼一逼他 -好吧
David, you gotta press him. Okay.
如果有必要 混帐一点也无妨
Be a prick if you have to.
You're not his best buddy.
I know.
-你是个记者 -好的 再见
You're a reporter. All right. Bye.
It's right up here.
-啊 -他来了
-Ah! -There he is.
I can't believe you guys actually came.
-当然啦 嗨 -嗨
Yeah, of course. Hi. Hi.
-怎么能错过呢 -你好
Wouldn't miss it. Hello.
-就喜欢自讨苦吃啊 你们两个都是 -没错
Gluttons for punishment, both of you. I know.
这是戴夫 利普斯基 《滚石》的记者
Uh, this is Dave Lipsky. He's a reporter from Rolling Stone.
你好 噢...
Yes. Hi. Oh.
-这是朱莉 -嗨 很高兴见到你 朱莉
This is Julie. Hi. Nice to meet you, Julie.
Great to meet you.
And, uh... This is Betsy.
Betsy and I went to grad school together.
-真好啊 见到你很高兴 贝特西
How nice. Nice to meet you, Betsy.
还有朱莉 你们是怎么...
And, Julie, how do you...
这个朱莉...打开它 已经在录了 是吧
Julie... Here, turn this on. This is on, right?
-是的 怎么了 -说吧 你要我来...
It is. Why? Go ahead. Do you wanna...
我来说吧 朱莉给我写了封粉丝信
I'll do it. Julie wrote me a fan letter.
-是吗 -嗯
Really? Mm-hmm.
我是写了 嗯
I really did. I... Yeah.
我是城市页面的图书编辑 我给他写了封粉丝信
I was the books editor at City Pages, and I wrote him a fan letter.
Julie's worked with a whole lot of writers.
So I was very discriminating.
结果证明我们实际上 也像普通人那样互相欣赏
And then it turned out that we actually like each other as people.
-的确如此 -实际上我跟乔纳森佛伦岑之间也是这样
Indeed. That's actually what happened with Jon Franzen and me.
我给他写了封粉丝信 事实证明 夸几句好话
I wrote him a fan letter. Turns out writers are real pushovers...
when it comes to flattery.
So you could try that sometime.
我听懂了 很隐晦的暗示哈
I got it. Very subtle.
Friends of friends who have friends, as well,
who actually know who... Cookies?
-不用 多谢 -不了 谢谢
Oh, no. Thanks a lot. Oh, no. Thank you.
-真的吗 -是啊 而且我其实发誓了要保密的
Really? Yes, and I've actually been sworn to secrecy.
Are you sure I can't get you something to drink?
Do you have any artificial spit?
I don't know why you guys are laughing.
It's an actual pharmaceutical product.
-叫Xero-lube -像是人造的唾液吗
Called Xero-Lube. It's like artificial saliva?
-真的吗 -没错 戴维
That's right. That's right, David. Really?
而且比唾液更好 自带润滑
Except it's better because it actually lubricates.
你不懂 像是这种...
You don't get that, like...
明白了 专治这种哒哒声
I see. That clicky sound.
-能给《滚石》示范一下吗 -像这样
Could you do that for Rolling Stone? Here you go.
I'll have to remember that.
没关系 下次宣传我会给自己带一箱的
It's all right. Next tour, I'll bring myself a case.
In the meantime, what can I get you?
水就可以了 不加冰 谢谢
Just water with no ice, please.
-你是写小说...哦对了 录音是关着的 -那就好
Are you a fiction wri... This is off the record. Oh, good.
-你是写小说的吗 -我写诗
Are you a fiction writer? I'm a poet actually.
是吗 能有幸看看你的作品吗
Really? Could I have seen anything of yours?
I just had my first poem published in The Kenyon Review.
-真的 哇 恭喜 -是啊 谢谢
Really? Wow. Congratulations. Yes. Thank you.
抱歉 我不是想耍大牌
I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a prima donna,
but do you mind if we don't do a Q and A?
当然可以 首要确保你的舒适
Yeah, of course. Whatever makes you feel most comfortable.
-谢谢 -不客气
Thank you. Sure.
It's always questions like, "Where do you get your ideas?"
不知道啊 大概是从订阅的17.95元每月的
I don't know. From a Time-Life subscription series
for 17.95 a month.
-哈哈 该上场了 -好吧
Okay. Now, it's show time. Okay.
-来吧 -嗯
Here we go. Yeah.
-接下来就会越来越无聊了 -你能搞定的
It's all downhill from here. It's fine.
This is the very last stop on his book tour,
and we're very lucky to get him.
女士们 先生们 欢迎来到饥饿之心书店
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Hungry Mind,
David Foster Wallace.
-你好 嗨 -嗨
Hello. Hi. Hi.
不 我从不给我妈看我写的...
No, I never show my mother anything.
这下我要替自己感到难为情了 说我给...
Now I feel embarrassed that I said that.
-不过那样做很贴心啊 -的确 是吧
But that's very sweet. It is, right?
你画的这个是什么 一台电脑吗
What's that supposed to be, a computer?
-不 是个笑脸 -哦 对
No, that's a smiley face. Oh. Right.
如果你想的话 我可以把它涂掉的
I could put white-out on it if you want.
-没关系 -这是你的书
That's okay. It's your book. Okay.
-喔 这老古董 -你介意吗
Oh, man. This old thing. Do you mind?
我不介意 但新的这本要好得多
I don't mind, but the new one's a lot better.
我才意识到 他们希望我是个好人
I just realized that they... They want me to be good.
You know what I mean?
比方说 以那种方式
It's just something about, like, giving back.
You know, in that way.
That made me feel kind of better about everything.
拜托 告诉我们...
Please, give us the...
It's not... There's no story.
-那怎么会变成那样的呢 -好吧
How did it happen then? Okay.
我不能叫普普通通的老戴夫 华♥莱♥士♥...
I couldn't be regular old Dave Wallace...
'cause there were Dave Wallaces all over the place.
And David Rains Wallace wrote for the New Yorker.
I don't know if you remember.
所以 有一天 弗莱德·希尔问我
So then, one day... It was Fred Hill asked me,
"你的中间名是什么" 戴夫·福斯特·华♥莱♥士♥
"What's your middle name?" Dave Foster Wallace.
That's it.
-这就是你的故事 -没错
That's your story? Yes.
That is literally the worst superhero origin story I've ever heard.
I cannot claim that it was an origin story.
戴夫 还记得图森那个教授吗 你差点跟他兵戎相见的
Dave, remember in Tucson that professor you kind of locked horns with?
-噢 我的死敌 还是不提名字了 -哦 得了
Oh, man. My nemesis, who shall remain nameless. Oh, come on.
我那时有点混帐 他也是 我没法接受教导