I love playing with my new toys.
Did you take your medicine?
What's the matter? You don't wanna play?
It feels so good.
-你们做完了吗? -是啊 刚做完
- You guys finish playing? - Yeah. I'm done for now.
You remember what you do when you're done playing?
当然 我不能忘啊
Yes! I wasn't gonna forget.
-你这样有意思吗? -我这都是为了你好啊
- Happy? - It's for your own good. Not mine.
So then you just read those reports on-air?
是的 他们告诉我交通情况 然后让我重复
Yeah, they just tell me the traffic, and then I repeat it.
Why don't you just air what the reporters say?
我不想再谈工作了 谈谈你吧
I don't wanna talk about work anymore. Let's talk about you.
What do you like to do outside of work? You clearly work out.
- Uh... - What?
-我是说... -哦 我知道你的身体很棒
- I mean, yes... - Oh, come on. You have a great body.
I'm allowed to appreciate that in a man.
Plus, you're probably packing, too.
我要再来一杯 你想喝点什么吗?
I'm gonna get another on of these. Do you want a drink?
-不用了 -你确定吗?噢 服务员
- No, I... - Are you sure? Oh, waitress!
Can you tell our waiter to get me another whiskey-Coke?
-当然 -等等 你能把它变成两杯吗?
- Of course. - Actually, wait. Can you make it a double?
-我没那么无聊吧 ? -哦
- I'm not that boring, am I? - Oh...
对不起 我只是 因为明天没有工作 这没什么不好吧
...sorry, no. I just... I don't work tomorrow, so I figure what's the harm, right?
I guess so.
你应该跟我一起喝一杯的 威士忌是最好的
You should drink with me, though. Whisky's the best.
-我还得开车送你回家 -没事的 我们乘出租车回去 不耽误
- I still have to drive you home later. - Come on. We'll take a taxi. Whatever.
I'd really prefer to have my own car.
你要是这么想 也好
Okay, if that's the way you feel.
也是因为有你这样的人 我才有工作的 是吧
Hey, people like you are the reason I have a job, right?
-这是很简单的事吧 -是啊 是很简单
- Nice and easy. - It's easy! I'm easy.
-哦 小家伙 -哦 谢谢 非常感谢
- Oh, boy. - Oh, thank you. Thank you so much.
-这边 -我可以的 我还能走路
- This way. - I can make it! I can make my way.
我知道路 我还能开门呢 你知道吗?
I know my way. I can open doors myself, you know?
-我知道 -你在搂着我的肩膀?
- I know. - And the arm around the shoulder?
-这是为了保护你 -这是我的...
- It's for your protection. - That's what I have...
-哇 站直了 -这是...
- Whoa, stand up straight. - ...this for.
-你是认真的吗?- 这是我的秘密武器
- Are you serious? - It's fine. I have a conceal and carry.
-天哪 快藏起来 -它
- Yeah. Emphasis on conceal. - It...
这个世界对女人来说 太危险了
The world is a dangerous place for a woman.
好吧 你那认为我危险吗?
Okay. Did you think I might be dangerous?
-哦 小家伙 - 你太可爱了
- Oh, boy. - No, you're too sweet.
Come on.
That girl should not have a gun on her.
-我走了 -该死 你太可爱了
- There you go. - Damn, you're sweet.
祝你晚安 我明天早上给你打电♥话♥
Have a good night. I'll call you in the morning.
不... 留下来 睡一晚
No, no, no, no. Stay. Stay the night.
我们的第一次 不应该在你神志不清的时候 我明天给你打电♥话♥
Our first time isn't gonna be when you're hammered. I'll call you tomorrow.
来嘛 来嘛
Come on, come on.
不行 你都醉了
I can't. You're drunk.
-那才更有趣啊 -我明早会打电♥话♥给你的
- That's what makes it more fun. - I'll call you. I'll call you in the morning.
I'm sorry.
Why are you being so mean?
罗伊 我很高兴你给我打了电♥话♥
Roy, I'm glad you called me back.
- What's going on? Everything okay? - I...
这听起来或许很荒谬 我也不该这样抓狂
This is going to sound crazy. I probably shouldn't even be freaking out like this.
我不知道我还可以跟谁说 -到底怎么回事?
- I just didn't know who else to call. - What's this all about?
就是杰森 从昨天早上开始我就没有收到他的消息了
It's Jason. I haven't heard from him since yesterday morning.
我以为他不回短♥信♥是在忙 但后来我给他打了个电♥话♥
I thought he wasn't texting back because he was busy, but then I called him...
本来应该下班的时间 他也没接电♥话♥
...when he was supposed to be getting off work and he didn't answer.
这也许没什么 但我还是有点害怕
I don't know. Maybe it's nothing, but I'm freaking out a little bit.
-你见过他吗? -自从上星期我们有过争执之后就没见过了
- Have you seen him at all? - Not since the argument last week.
You argued? I didn't even know.
你怎么了? 看你那死样
What's happening? You dying?
难道 我就不能在上班前 给他的朋友
What? A guy can't bring his friend his favorite peppermint mocha cappuccino...
...before he goes into work?
- What happened? - Nothing happened.
Nothing happened.
I need a favor.
杰森 你知道的
It's Jason. You know.
Did he say anything?
我不知道 是不是我做错了什么 -他什么也没说
- I don't know if I did something or... - He didn't say anything.
所以 我打算离开几天
So, I'm planning on going off the grid for a few days.
-你要我对凯特撒谎? -除非她问
- You want me to lie to Kate? - Only if she asks.
你能不能帮我给他打个电♥话♥ 让我知道他过的好不好
Could you try to call him for me and then let me know if he's okay?
-我只想知道 -好的 可以
- I just need to know. - Yeah, I'll try... for you.
我也不知道他会不会接我的电♥话♥ 但如果他不接电♥话♥
I doubt he's gonna pick up my phone call, but if he doesn't...
...I'll just go straight to his place.
Thank you so much.
You're a really great guy.
You in there?
-不会太久 我会回来的 -你要去哪里?
- It won't be long. I'll be back. - Where are you going? You know what?
算了吧 别告诉我 她打电♥话♥来会更麻烦
Forget about it. Don't tell me. It'll make it more difficult when she calls.
好吧 我不会告诉你的
All right. I won't tell you.
-是因为另一个女孩吗? -别担心
- Is it another girl? - Don't worry about it.
- Is it another girl? - I thought you didn't wanna know any details.
你说得对 我不知道
You're right. I don't.
Fuck me.
-嗨 是艾米莉亚吗? -你是谁?
- Hi. Is this Emilia? - Who is this?
我叫罗伊 我想你可能认识我的朋友杰森?
My name's Roy. I think you might know my friend Jason?
-杰森 -杰森·洛
- Jason... - Jason Lowe.
我现在在他的公♥寓♥里 我在一张餐巾纸上找到了你的名字和电♥话♥号♥码
I'm at his apartment right now, and I found your name and number on a napkin.
哦 是那个杰森
Oh, that Jason.
那天我们本来要去约会的 但是他放我鸽子了
Uh, we were supposed to go on a date the other day, but he blew me off.
我很抱歉他放你鸽子 希望你没有很期待
I'm sorry he blew you off. I hope you weren't looking forward to it.
我想我应该试着去了解他 我觉得他挺可爱的
I figured I would try to get to know him. Thought he was kinda cute.
我不能说我很惊讶 但我发现他是一个
Can't say I'm surprised to find out he's just another...
Are you laughing at me?
I haven't heard that term since the seventh grade.
我喜欢它 很适合
I like it. It's fitting.
What was your name again?
-罗伊 -罗伊
- Roy. - Roy.
Listen, I know this is a long shot, um...
但是我想 你会不会知道杰森在哪里吗?
...but would you happen to know where Jason is?
I haven't heard from him.
我也希望我有 如果可以帮上忙 但是...
I wish I had, I could have helped. But...
嗯 嗯
Well, um...
谢谢 很高兴和你聊天
...thanks, anyway. It was nice talking to you.
我也很高兴 罗伊
It was nice talking to you, too, Roy.
我虽然可以晚点起床 不过已经过了我该睡觉的时间了
Even though I should even be up this late. It's way past my bedtime.
-晚安 艾米莉亚 -晚安 罗伊
- Good night, Emilia. - Good night, Roy.
没有什么不对的地方 电脑还在那儿
Nothing's out of place. His computer was still there.
-那他的车呢? -已经不在了
- What about his car? - That wasn't there.
我不喜欢做那个多疑的女朋友 你知道 但是…
I don't like being that paranoid girlfriend, you know, but...
...I'm worried about him.
我甚至试着定位他的手♥机♥ 但我猜他一定是关机 了
I even tried "find my phone," but I guess his must be off.
是的 我的电♥话♥也直接转到了语♥音♥信箱
Yeah, my phone call went straight to voicemail, too.
你了解他 他有点自私 心里根本想不到别人
You know the guy. He doesn't think of anyone except himself.
I thought I might be important to him.
不管你告诉他多少次 他都会按照自己的方式做
It doesn't matter how many times you tell the guy, he's going to do things his own way.
嘿 也许他是去给你买♥♥圣诞礼物 他不想毁了这个惊喜