哦 我的天 - 真是太棒了 是不是?
(Bernard) Oh, my God. - Isn't it great?
才怪 无趣至极
No, it's ridiculous.
你干吗要买♥♥这东西? 而且为什么它会在我的店里?
Why did you get it? And why is it in my shop?
Manny said I should get a hobby.
就搬走 不过要他们先弄个绞盘才能搬到我的公♥寓♥
It'll be gone soon - they need a winch to get it up to my flat.
不出10分钟 你就会厌烦弹钢琴的
You'll be bored of the piano in ten minutes.
不会的 我会上钢琴课 是个俄♥国♥人教的
No. I'm getting proper lessons from this Russian guy.
His ad says he never fails.
I have been working now for...
73 straight hours.
我要去吃午餐 - 你不能去
I'm going to lunch. - You can't.
不要卖♥♥掉这个 这个要给威廉姆斯留着 明白了?
Don't sell this, it's reserved for Williams, all right?
我的药呢 - 你被人抛弃又不是我的错
Where's my cure? - It's not my fault you're hung over.
当然是你的错 如果你是一个正常人...
It is. If you were a normal person,
...就没必要掩盖这些 薄片呢
there wouldn't be so much to blot out. Where's the flake?
I was looking for Blue Sands.
老大,这本是不能卖♥♥的! - 薄片! 薄片! 薄片! 薄片!
This is not for sale! - Flake, flake, flake, flake.
Oh, God!
一边玩去 马脸婆
Beat it, flaps.
老师明天就来 不碍着你们吧
This teacher is coming tomorrow, is that OK?
Here's your bloody flake.
伯纳? - 干吗?!!
Bernard? - What?!
This is reserved for Williams.
你知道他长什么样 账本上记着呢...
You know what he's like. It's written in the ledger.
"威廉姆斯 - 蓝色沙地"
"Williams - Blue Sands."
伯纳你跟我保证 我上课的时候 你们全都要离开
Will you get out of the way for the lesson?
别吵了 你们! 我要死了!
Shut up, all of you! I'm dying.
Jesus, more hobbledehoys.
You can't leave me alone with them!
弄得这些人到处都是 跟在猪圈一样!
They're all over the place like a nest of pigs!
Why can't they all just go away and...
哦 曼尼,看啊
Oh, Manny, look.
我就走了 我不要书
I'm going. I don't even need a book.
我听说这本书很有趣 但是....打扰了
I just heard this was funny but sorry to bother you.
不, 等等 这是你的了 - 不! 那是留给威廉姆斯...
No, wait. It's yours. - No! That belongs to... Williams...
太好了 多少钱?
Great. How much do I owe you?
免费! 很抱歉,包装得不太漂亮
Nothing. Sorry it's not beautifully wrapped.
你在干什么? 你干吗把书给那个姑娘?
What are you doing? Why did you give that to that girl?
我们说的是我爱的那个女人 不要用“那个姑娘”来形容她
That's the woman I love, not "that girl".
(Kicks Manny) - (Phone)
你好? 没了,全卖♥♥光了 最后的刚才也卖♥♥了
Hello? No, they're all gone. We sold the last one.
威廉姆斯先生,你的书 你想要喝点什么吗?
Mr Williams, your book. Do you fancy a drink?
很抱歉,曼尼刚刚卖♥♥了最后一本 真是非常之抱歉
I'm afraid Manny's just sold the last copy. Terribly sorry.
(# Discordant piano)
再来! 快点!
Again! Come on.
Three Blind Mice!
天, 又来? - 怎么啦?
God, not again. - What's the matter?
就这个我们已经练了10分钟了 这和我想象中的不一样
We've done this for 10 minutes, it's not what I imagined.
我第一个老婆当时也是! 快弹!
Neither was my first wife. Play!
(Continues discordantly)
看到了吧? 就算我有50根手指 再练上1♥0♥0♥0♥0♥年, 我也弹不好
You see? I can't play. Even if I had 50 fingers and a million years to spare.
我想看本录像 我们能去买♥♥薯片吗?
I want to watch a video. Can we go get chips?
你聘请我 等于是请到了一位斯拉文斯基
When you hired me, you hired a Slavanski.
My family has taught piano for 200 years.
Of all my 13 brothers and sisters,
I was the one sent on the scholarship.
The rest stayed behind in the yurt.
什么是圆顶帐篷 - 用海狸的皮做的帐篷
What's a yurt? - A tent made of beaver skins.
不要偷懒 继续练!
No slouching. Play!
(Continues, out of tune)
你刚刚去哪里了 弗兰因为要上课,把我给赶出来了
Where were you? - Fran kicked me out for her lesson.
闭嘴 我不想跟你说话
Shut up. I'm not talking to you.
怎么了? 不过是有个顾客有点沮丧罢了
What? A customer was a bit disappointed.
知道了 是非常沮丧 我会补偿你的
Quite disappointed. I'll make it up to you.
我讨厌被利用 我讨厌你的谎言
I'm sick of being used. I'm sick of your lies.
你怎么补偿我呢? - 我给你买♥♥辆吉普车
How will you make it up to me? - I'll buy you a Jeep.
不要 我要这个周末休假
No. I want the weekend off.
我是认真的 我要我的生活
I mean it. I want a life.
这就是生活! 我们受罪,辛勤劳作 然后断气,仅此而已
This is life! We suffer and slave and expire, that's it.
我们有需要 弗兰买♥♥了钢琴
We have needs. Fran's got her piano.
我也想要一些自我的时间 你想跟个女孩子约会
I want some time to myself. You want to go out with a girl.
Don't make me laugh... bitterly.
弗兰会放弃的 而你只能成天忙的屁颠屁颠
Fran will fail, you'll toil your life away
而我则会一个人孤独得死在 一个酒馆的洗手间的地板上
and I'll die alone, upside down on the floor of a pub toilet.
只要...只要约她出去 - 无稽之谈
Just... just ask her out. - It's pointless.
看看她,她的善良多得已经 从耳朵里流出来了
Look at her, she's got goodness running out of her ears.
我打赌,你约她周末玩 她不会拒绝的
I bet you the weekend she says yes.
Go on, give it a go.
All right, all right, look.
你好...我是... 其实没什么...
Hello. I'm, erm - not that it matters -
erm, Bernard and...
很高兴认识你 我是凯特
Nice to meet you. Kate.
书挺不错 谢谢你 - 哦...
The book's good. Thank you. - Oh...
你吃东西吗? 我想吃东西 你想不想下次我们在一个地方吃东西?
Do you eat? I do. Want to do it in the same room sometime?
恩,这个... - 你很忙
Er, well... - You're busy.
可能你有成千上万的朋友要探望 算了吧
Probably seeing one of your four million friends. Never mind.
There, you see?
Is tomorrow all right?
你是在约我,对不对? - 是的...
You did ask me out? - Yes, I did.
试试看会发生什么 很抱歉打扰你了
And I'm sorry to bother you.
我明天会经过书店 那么8点好吗?
I pass by the shop anyway, say eight o'clock?
8点... - 好的 到时候见
E-Eight... - Good. See you then.
"到时候见" 她什么意思?
What does that mean, "see you then"?
就是说只有我 被窝 电视 巧克力 还有一扇锁掉的门
It means me, duvet, TV, Maltesers, behind a locked door.
我赢了 我赢得了整个周末 你有个约会
I win. I've got the weekend off. You've got a date.
Fran's having a great time with her piano.
你跟我说 现在还有谁不满意的...
Who's suffering now? You tell me. Ha!
(# Faltering simple tune)
Enough today.
Lots of work to be done.
Stupid piano.
对我发誓 你这个晚上都会一直练习
You will practise all evening, swear to me.
I swear.
明天我还会来 直到你会弹了为止
I will be back tomorrow and every day until you can play.
I got the weekend off.
那个姑娘,我的意思是凯特 她约我出去
That girl, I mean Kate, she asked me out.
Couldn't resist my musk.
怎么了? - 这不公平
What's the matter? - It's so unfair.
我应该很有音乐细胞的 我有很多CD呢
I must be musical. I've got hundreds of CDs.
He wants me to practise all evening.
He's such a meanie.
我一直想学 但我父母不肯让我学
Hm. I always wanted to learn but my parents forced me not to.
I spent hour after hour playing football all by myself.
Peering in at all the other children practising their piano.
Get on with it, you're not off till tomorrow.
What are you gonna do with your time off?
哦,不知道.大概洗个很久的热水澡 把胡子扎成辫子,再把辫子解开
Oh, I dunno. Long baths, braid my beard, unbraid it.
Lie around fondling moonbeams, being a lord of leisure.
Go on, you, get cracking.
OK, got to get down to this.
W-Where are you going?
(Door closes)
(# Lively classical piano)
啊! 我会弹琴!
Ah! I can play!
(# Boogie-woogie)
(# Scats along to music)