Keep pressure on his wound.
不要停 伙计们 继续胸部按压 感谢了
Keep going, guys. Go ahead with the chest. Thank you.
工作重地 闲人免进
路易斯女士 你知道你不该在这里的
Miss Lewis, you know you're not supposed to be in here.
他们什么时候给你登记的 昨晚吗?
When did they check you in, last night?
今天不是我的生日 路易斯女士 今天不是我的生日
It's not my birthday, Miss Lewis. It's not my birthday.
Thank you.
请你告诉刘易斯女士 她的早餐托盘在哪里 好吗?
Would you mind, please, showing Miss Lewis where her breakfast tray is?
- 我很乐意 - 非常感谢
- I'd be glad to. - Thank you so much.
特拉维斯…… 你知道昨晚谁值班吗?
Travis... do you know who was on last night?
- 他们怎么没安排好她? - 我不确定 我可以帮你查一下
- What the hell did they give her? - I'm not sure. I could check for you.
- 对了 - 上午10点开会
- Right. - Morning meeting's at 10:00.
- 是的 谁在里面? - 摩根医生和……
- Yeah. Who's in it? - Dr. Morgan's here and...
哇哦 哇哦 哇哦 哇哦!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
让我出去 带我离开这个地方
Let me out of here Get me out of this place
为什么要把我绑在这上面? 我不喜欢这样
What the hell am I doing on this thing? I don't like this
有人说她产生了幻听 并扬言要自杀
Says she's hearing things that aren't there. Threatening to kill herself.
好吧 罗素女士 你得冷静下来
All right, Miss Russell, I need you to try to calm down.
- 你现在头脑不太清醒 - 我现在很清醒!
- You're not thinking too clearly. - I am thinking perfectly clearly
She is bleeding everywhere
我很抱歉 达西 这是精神病急诊室
I'm sorry, Darcy. This is an emergency psychiatric ward.
We can only keep patients for a short amount of time,
when they're going through an acute mental crisis,
and then we have to discharge them.
I don't wanna go home.
你好吗 安妮?
How are we doing, Anne?
What do you think about this guy in three?
他平静下来了吗? 我在想着解开他的束缚
Is he calm? I was thinking about taking the restraints off.
呃…… 我还没有解开 他整个早上都在睡觉
Er... I wouldn't yet. He's been asleep all morning.
要我说 我们还是等到药效消失吧
I say we wait till the drugs wear off
or he'll try to pull his fingernails off again.
别跟我说话 我知道你不认识我 不要说
Don't tell me anything I know you do not know me. No
凯文·伯克回来了 我们应该困住他吗?
Kevin Burke is back. Should we restrain him?
不 别那样 他不是危险病人
No, don't do that. He's not a danger.
好吧 让我进去
OK, buzz me in.
不 不 不...
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
不 不要… 不…
No Don't... Do not...
你不能… 你…
You can't... you...
富尔顿县 法医中心
格雷厄姆医生 地铁医院太平间有人自杀了
Dr. Graham, there's a suicide over at Metro Hospital morgue.
Do you have time to run over there and do an examination today?
当然 没问题
Sure, no problem.
'That ends the rally for the inning.
三支击球 一次跑垒 没人在垒上
'Three hits, one run, no men left on base.
八分钟后 我们还是打成了两平……
'After eight, we're still tied at two...'
- 你不知道吗? - 是啊 我不知道
- You don't know? - No, I don't know
Can I help you?
Dr. Edward Graham, medical examiner's office.
Here to examine the John Doe suicide reported last night.
That's actually what we were discussing.
We have a problem.
早上好 艾伦先生 你过得如何? 我给你带了早餐
Good morning, Mr. Alan. How you doing? Brought you some breakfast.
不过我还需要检查一下你的生命体征 然后你就可以吃饭啦
Need to check your vitals, though, and then you can eat everything that you want.
Let me see here...
你好 你什么时候被分配到这个房♥间的?
Hello? When were you assigned to this room?
我来帮你起床 让我扶你起来
Let's just get you up here. Let's get you to sit up.
对 就是这样 很好
Yeah, there you go. Good.
Can you hear me?
I'm gonna go get some help.
早上好 好吧……
Good morning. Well...
- 你发现他的时候就是这样的吗? - 是的
- You found him here like this? - Yes.
Can you hear me?
先生 你知道你在哪儿吗?
Do you know where you are, sir?
我不知道 他的肺部回声清晰 呼吸均匀
I don't know, his lungs are clear, his rhythm's good.
也许他忘了吃药 给他穿上衣服 叫心理医生……
Maybe he's off his meds. Look, put a gown on him, call Psych...
I've a good candidate for residential treatment.
- 这是谁的? - 病人是凯文·伯克
- Who's this for? - Patient is Kevin Burke.
他有滥用冰♥毒♥、抑郁的历史 这些年来我见过他几次
He has a history of meth abuse, depression. I've seen him a few times over the years.
不过 我真的觉得他这次有机会洗心革面
I think he's got a good shot at getting clean this time, though. I really do.
It says here that we already gave him a shot last year.
- 是的 - 几天后他就走了
- Yes. - And he walked out after a few days.
但我告诉你 我们是医生 要救死扶伤
But this is a window and we should take it, I'm telling you.
丹尼尔 他们最后拍拍屁♥股♥走人了
Daniel, when they walk out like that,
the hospital ends up paying for the entire 30 days.
莎拉 这次不一样 这个人有了重大突破 凯文已经准备好了
Sarah, this is different. This man had a significant break. Kevin is ready.
告诉我 凯文·伯克现在在哪里?
Tell me, where is Kevin Burke right now?
Did you already admit him into our unit?
- 当然 - 你当然这么做了
- Of course I did. - Of course you did.
- 只是暂时的 莎拉 直到我们可以…… - 你当然会这么做 天哪
- It's temporary, Sarah, till we can... - Of course you did Jesus
- 让他住进…… - 天啊 丹尼尔
- Get him into residential... - Jesus, Daniel
- 他会伤害自己还是伤害别人? - 我让他等一下……
- Is he a danger to himself or others? - I put him on hold...
Is he a danger to himself or others?
看看我们的病例 你会以为我们在进行戒毒计划
To look at our case load, you'd think we're running a drug rehab program.
The floor's admittance rate has gotten out of control.
你知道我们在这里做什么吗? 我们才是提供毒品的人
Do you even know what we do here? We're the ones who provide the drugs.
- 危险不在于治疗病人 - 丹尼尔…
- The danger's not treating the patients - Daniel...
在这里你唯一要做的事 就是让他们时刻清醒…
There's only one thing you can do here and that's get them a minute of clarity...
我们已经谈过了 丹尼尔…
We have gone over this, Daniel...
我知道我能帮上忙 但你却不允许
I know I can help, and you won't let me do that.
You're being way too comfortable with me right now.
I was gonna wait to tell you this.
目前 任何进入我们单位的人都需要先得到我的批准
For the time being, anyone admitted into our unit needs to be first approved by me.
- 你在开玩笑吧? - 不 我不是
- Are you kidding? - No, I'm not.
那么 现在你要亲自监督每个咨♥询♥吗?
So, you're gonna personally supervise every consult now?
不…… 只有你
No... Just you.
- 嘿 医生? - 嗯?
- Hey, Doc? - Huh?
Eval 1. John Doe.
Nobody has any idea where he came from?
That seems to be the case.
How's that even possible?
嗨 我是弗雷斯特医生
Hi, I'm Dr. Forrester.
Do you know where you are?
Can you hear me?
你知道如果我们不带走他 会怎么样吗?
You know what's gonna happen if we don't take him?
医院会把它关进精神病房♥ 然后慢慢遗忘他
Medicine's gonna put him in a corner and forget about him.
在病人面前 你可不能这样想
You can't think about that around here.
对不起 那是什么?
Sorry, what's that?
我很抱歉 请再说一遍
I'm sorry. Say that again, please.
嗯哼 它让你感觉怎么样?
Mm-hmm. How'd that make you feel?
是的 我想是的 你听到了吗?
Yeah, I imagine so. Did you hear that?
- 什么? - 他说的话
- What? - He spoke.
- 他说话了吗? - 是啊
- He did? - Mm-hmm.
他说他患有抑郁症 有自杀的想法
He says he's suffering from depression, suicidal thoughts,
he's threatening self-harm.
Isn't that what you heard?
这个人有严重的自残倾向 我给他打了5150分
This man is an absolute danger to himself. I'm admitting him on a 5150.
See if you can get neurological labs from next door.
All the papen/vork on this one goes through me.
好的 医生
Whatever you say, Doc.
这里是东北分局 有什么事吗?
'Northeast Precinct, how may I help you?'
- 帮我叫劳森警探 - 请稍等
- Detective Lawson, please. - 'One moment.'
琼斯医生 请到226房♥间
'Dr. Jones to Room 226, please.
我要给你拍张照 好吗?
I'm gonna take a picture of you now, alright?
Let's get him back
坚持住 大家坚持住 伙计们 伙计们 我们开始吧
Just hold on. Everybody hold on. Guys, guys. Here we go.
嗨 你好
Hi. Hello.
不要担心这些家伙 他们什么都不会做 好吗?
Don't worry about these guys. They're not gonna do anything, OK?
现在 我得给你打一针
Now, I have to give you an injection.
我向你保证 这都是为了你好 这会让你感觉好很多
It's for your benefit, I promise you that. It's gonna make you feel a whole lot better.
It's a medicine, it's called benzodiazepine.