'From a weird reverie of dark revelation,
'Mr Grubb woke up with a strange sensation.
'Slipping out through the crack at the back of the lair,
雾气迷蒙里 跋涉在泥泞的小路上
'trudging out through the muck and the thick misted air,
'where the collie wobblers warbled their sinister call
'and the dingle baggles scurried on jittery claws.
'His ghostly breath mixing in with the fog,
'he plonked himself down on a damp mossy log.
'But then in the sludge, just a few feet away,
格拉布先生看见一株植物 格格不入
'Mr Grubb saw a plant that was quite out of place.
'A single buttercup in a pile of faeces.
'Mr Grubb tore it up into a thousand pieces.'
Fuck's sake.
Here we go.
早上好 忙碌的小伙 我就喜欢看这场景
Morning, hard-working boys! That's what I like to see.
花儿夫人 带了一壶新茶来呀
Brought us a nice brew, Mrs Flower?
哦 你可真敢说 你怎么知道的
Oh, cheeky! What makes you say that?
- 对啊 我带了 你这个小鬼头 - 谢啦 花儿夫人 太好了
- Yes, I have, you little sneaks. - Thanks, Mrs Flower. Nice.
- 早安 黛博拉 - 天哪…
- Morning, Deborah. - Gosh,
- 你们像一群狼一样 - 早上好 黛博拉
- you're like a pack of wolves. - Morning, Deborah.
哦 早啊 巴里
Oh, morning, Barry.
哦 汤米 你不是嘴挺甜嘛
Oh, Tommy, haven't you got big hands?
You look radiant this morning.
快来 小瑞恩 真帅
Come on, young Ryan. So handsome.
So she's got you building a wall now.
在我看来 其实并不需要
It doesn't seem necessary to me, personally,
but what Mrs Beckett wants,
- Mrs Beckett gets. - Why has she got you to
start it right here, right next to our garden?
我们没权利决定 她说什么我们就干什么
We don't make the decisions. We just do as she says.
挖池塘 杀鸡
Dredge the pond, kill the chickens...
好了 好了 很高兴见到你们 伙计们 拜拜
OK, well, nice to see you, boys. Bye-bye!
- 蛋糕很精致 花儿夫人 - 哦 马屁精
- Lovely cakes, Mrs Flower. - Oh, filthy!
我要申请个马屁精限令 一会儿见
I'll have to take out a restraining order. See you later.
好大一堆木头 哦 出血了
Big pile of wood. Oh, blood.
你还好吗 黛博拉
Are you all right, Deborah?
- 太致郁了 -是啊 毕竟是给孩子的
- Way too morose. - 'Yeah, I mean, it's for kids.'
我理解 是给孩子看的 我会把第一章改的明快点
I understand. It is for kids, yes. I'll lighten up chapter one
and maybe the fart pigeons are better
than the collie wobblers, yeah.
- 肖恩怎么样 - 肖恩在忙插画
- 'How's Shun?' - Shun has been getting on with the illustrations
还有就是 我说 当然 我想好了情节 就在你说
and, as I say, obviously, I do have a plot. It's just when you
你能告诉我这是什么 的时候
suddenly say, "Can you tell me what it is...?"
I need to see something by next week.'
下周 没问题
Next week? Not a problem.
- 好 - 好 - 拜 - 好 多谢啦 拜 - 拜
- 'OK.' - OK. - 'Bye.' - Yep, thanks for your help. Bye. - 'Bye.'
- 花儿夫人 - 哦 多谢 肖恩
- Mr Flowers. - Oh, thank you, Shun.
- 不必多礼 - 味增汤
- You don't have to bow. - Miso soup.
Me so grateful.
很棒 很有冲击力
Very good. Very powerful.
的确 漫画书的灵感
Yes, idea for comic book.
- 蜘蛛女 - 蜘蛛女 - 基佬先生 - 基佬先生
- Tarantula Woman. - Tarantula Woman. - Mr Gay. - Mr Gay.
那个 勃起了吗
And that's... his erection?
是的 他一直都很生机勃勃
Yes, of course. Mr Gay is always have erection.
其实是他的弱点 非常敏感
His weakness, actually. Very sensitive.
Tarantula Woman is try have sex with a lot of gay guy.
基佬先生保护基佬们不受蜘蛛女的侵犯 滚开 蜘蛛女
Mr Gay protect. "Go away, Tarantula Woman!
去和直男玩去 基力全开
"Have sex with hetero guy! Gay power!"
- 早 - 早上好 花儿太太
- Morning! - Mrs Flowers. Ohayou gozaimasu.
你好 肖恩 是啊
Hello, Shun. Yes, exactly.
花太太 你的腿 天
Mrs Flowers, your leg! Please.
别在意 我能和他说个话吗
Oh, don't worry. Can I have a word?
Probably she takes magic
来永驻青春容颜 太美了
potion for make fantastic face. So beautiful.
谢谢 肖恩 不用担心
Thank you, Shun. Don't worry about that.
No problem.
你的腿真大 花儿太太 强壮
Legs so big, Mrs Flowers. Strong!
Very big leg.
- 谢了 抱歉 你能不能 - 没问题
- Thank you. Sorry. Actually, do you mind? - No problem.
- 哦 你能不能 呃 暂时离开一下 - 搞定了
- No, do you mind, as in, erm, leaving? - All finished.
我去给纪念日备餐 很美味 很精致
I will make food for anniversary. Very delicious, very clever.
祝你好运 一会见
Good luck. See you in a mo.
多谢 是哒 一会儿见
Thank you. Yes, in a mo, that's right.
- 他英语有所长进 是吧 - 是的
- His English is coming on, isn't it? - Yeah.
走吧 去纪念日派对
Let's go. Anniversary party!
真开心看到你们俩是这么好的 好朋友
It's lovely that you two are such good... friends.
Happy anniversary.
哦 是哦 也祝你纪念日快乐
Oh, yes, happy anniversary to you, too!
实际上 这就是我想说的
That's what I wanted to talk to you about, actually.
哦 我还以为我们不会办派对
Oh, I assume we won't be going ahead with the party
- 反正也没人来 - 实际上 我在想
- now that no-one's coming? - Actually, I was thinking,
and it's no big deal, obviously,
but there are some people we haven't asked yet.
- 比如说 贝克特一家 - 全家都是种族主义者
- The Becketts, for example. - The Becketts are racists.
或者 马丁 然后还有以前常来的比尔
Or Martin, then. Or that man Bill who used to come round.
呃 比尔 那个邮差
Erm, Bill. The postman?
嗯 他是邮差
Yes, he was the postman,
- 是吗 你说的对 - 我觉得是
- wasn't he? You're right. - I think so, yeah.
I just thought we should try to...
I mean, for the twins or for your mother's sake.
我妈认为 每个水管工都叫詹姆斯
My mother thinks that everyone is a plumber called James.
You're saying you'd prefer not to bother?
不 我是说 请种族主义者和邮差来
No, I'm just saying that it might be overall less stressful
不如不请 会破坏气氛
if we didn't invite some racists and a postman to our house.
- 所以你不想请咯 - 我可没说
- So you'd prefer not to? - I'm not saying that.
我们跟双胞胎处的很好 是吧
We've done such a good job with the twins, haven't we?
It's a good sign that they still
want to live at home, even though they're 25.
- 我们是一对好父母 是吧 - 是啊 当然啦
- I mean, we're good parents, aren't we? - Yes. Yes, we are.
I for one am very happy with our sexual freedom
that we both have and...
事实上 大多数是我主动
I mean, I'm really making the most of it.
就是 噢 你懂的
Seriously... phwoar! You know?
我们不追求太极乐 又不是疯子
We don't want to be too happy. We're not mad.
但是 呃 话说回来
But, erm... you know, on the other hand,
呃 你也不能
erm... also you can't have
太贪图享受某一乐事 特别是
too much of a good thing, by which I mean...
Do you want me to see
- 这附近的还漏了谁吗 - 谢谢 莫里斯
- who else is around who we missed out? - Thank you, Maurice.
And I know we don't usually,
但我想 做个改变 抱歉
but I thought, for a change... Sorry.
- 不 谢谢你 - 拒绝我 好吧 抱歉
- No, thank you. - No, thank you? Yeah, sorry.
- 我想的太 - 别 不用道歉
- I thought so... - No, don't apologise.
嗯 谢谢你的礼物
Yes, thank you for the present.
- 哦 明白了 好 - 你真贴心
- Oh, I see! Right. - It's very thoughtful.
- 我要不要 - 不 别麻烦了
- Should I? - No, don't bother.
- 扔了吧 这没什么用 - 啊
- Throw it away, it's rubbish. - Ah!
And a free DVD.
我以为你会觉得他的 他的领带很搞笑
I thought you'd find it funny because of his... his tie.
是 是
Yeah. Yeah.
I hope you didn't get me anything.
呃 没有 我不想
Erm... no. I didn't want to...
我当然给你准备了 准备了
Of course I got you something. I got you...
- 哦 莫里斯 真的没必要 - 就是这个
- Oh, Maurice, you didn't have to! - I got you this.
哦 天哪 给我的吗
Oh, goodness! For me?
- 对啊 你让肖恩去 - 嗯
- Yeah. - Did you get Shun to...? - Yeah, I commissioned Shun
去 弄