纳奥米·默多克, 就是我
Naomi Murdoch, that's me.
Not quit at the bottom of the bill yet,
and not quite at the end of my rope,but I can't say that I'm making
an impression on audiences these days
not that I ever made much.
现在春季过去 夏日的热浪袭来
Now with the season over and the heat of the summer coming,
the air in these theaters is even staler than usual.
朋友 这里没什么可令人期待的
Brother, there's not much to look forward to.
I guess some people would say I asked for it.
Boy! That audience is like ice out there tonight.
These Hicks wouldn't get off their hands for Lillian Russell.
Here's some mail for you.
I started out holding the hoops for Miller's wonder dogs,
我想我得一直表演这个 - 别这样 纳奥米
I can always go back to it. - For Pete's sake, Naomi?
你的气质不适合轻歌♥舞剧 你应该回归正统剧
You're too classy for vaudeville you ought to go back to legit.
是啊 在底特律市人们都爱我 -演正统剧很有声誉
They love me in Detroit. - There's real prestige in legit.
New parts all the time..
You don't have to worry about getting old.
怎么了 亲爱的?你像见鬼了一样
What's the matter honey? You look like you saw a ghost.
不 - 坏消息?
No. - Bad news?
I think it's a laugh, that's all.
"最亲爱的妈妈" - 告诉你了只是个玩笑
"Dearest mother." - I told you it was a laugh.
"我不知道你是否想我 但我很想你"
"I don't know if you ever think of me but I think of you.
I'm graduating from high school this year
and 'miin the senior play on may 20th.
I suppose this doesn't sound like much to a great star like you."
读下去 -"我知道你的工作很忙"
Go ahead. - "I know your career
—一定让你忙个不停 ” -越来越有趣了 不是吗?
must keep you busy." - Lt gets funnier, doesn't it?
"There's only one present I would like
那就是让你在那里 敬慕你的, 莉莉."
and that is to have you there. Your adoring, Lily."
我有个孩子? 我有三个 两个女孩一个男孩 我遗弃了他们 也遗弃了我丈夫
I got three, two girls and a boy. I walked out on them, husband too.
1900, 对我来说不是一个快乐的年份
In 1900 it wasn't going to be a happy new year for me,
it was going to be a happy new century.
没什么值得骄傲的 对吗?
Not much to be proud of is it?
And you haven't seen them in all these years?
这是有原因的 原因很多
I had a reason, lots of reasons.
Should have seen me trying to be the wife of a school teacher
在威斯康辛州的里弗代尔的一个城镇 安定下来
in the big town of riverdale, wi. Don't think the town approved of me.
不久 我就对那个城镇不满意了
After a while he didn't either.
He always said I'd wind up disgracing him and the kids.
我想 也许是这样的 - 外遇?
I guess maybe I did. - Another man?
I pulled out before there was a scandal that would have...
I guess I did the right thing.
There's someone back there who lets me know how they're doing.
She says they're doing just fine.
现在回去看看他们长成什么样了 会是件很愉快的事吧
It'd sure be fun to go up there and see how they all look.
The catch is they'd see me, the great big star.
I'm supposed to be in Europe doing Shakespeare.
是这样的吗? - 这就是我的故事 我被它困住了
That so? - That's my story. I'm stuck with it.
回去会很棒的 你应该回去 娜欧米
It'll be great going back. You got to, Naomi.
哦, 贝尔. -这孩子期待着你呢
Oh belle... - The kid's counting on it.
They don't have to know how you're doing.
把头发梳好 表现得优雅大方
Let your hair go back to natural,
act real classy. You'd be their idea of a perfect lady
还是个大明星 - 我在舞台上就是这样
and a big star. - Belle, I've done it on the stage.
你需要几块钱吗? -不 我有足够的钱去旅行
Do you need a few bucks? - No, I got enough for a trip.
What I saved to see me through the summer.
我可以买♥♥几套衣服然后… -是的
I could get a couple outfits and... - Yeah.
哦 是的 我需要一个银行账户吗?
Sure. What do I need with a bank account?
在八月之前情况会好起来的 总会好起来的
Something will turn up before August, it always does.
—确定 ——哦,美女!那会很有趣的
Sure. - Oh belle! It would be fun.
是的 -我从没想过会看到
Yeah. - I'd never thought I'd see
that town of riverdale, Wisconsin again.
What a burg.
多可惜啊 我打赌这小镇不会有多大变化
What a burg. I'll bet it hasn't changed a bit.
The population must still be under 5,000.
自从我离开后 城镇广场还是没有新的建筑物
Not a new building on the town's square since I left,
and where a buggy ride in the country is a big thrill.
Same solid white frame houses in the residential district,
the lawns, the husbands are so proud of
还有马车轮的痕印 天呐
and those carriage steps. Oh golly.
I wonder if the old granite one in front of the house is still there
上面刻着 "默多克"
with Murdoch chiseled in it.
再见,罗斯. - 怎么这么匆忙?
See you later, Russ. - What's your hurry?
I've got so many things to take care of today.
莉莉的演出…… -哦 看在上帝的份上……
Lily's play... - Oh for Pete's sake...
And the party tonight.
And poor dad's so busy with graduation week
he's no help, and if I didn't look after dad,
泰德和莉莉, 谁会呢 -我只希望你也照看我
and Ted and Lily, who would? - I want you to look after me too.
我很抱歉 罗斯 如果我没有得到你的同意
I'm sorry, Russ, if I don't meet with your approval.
等等,乔伊斯 我可是你的未婚夫 还记得吗?
Wait a minute Joyce. This is me, your fiancé, remember?
现在 别生气了 - 我没生气
Don't go away peeved. - "M not peeved.
好吧 那么
Well alright then.
Shall we scandalize the neighbors.
罗斯, 别闹了!
Oh, Russ! Really!
谢谢你送我回家 - 不客气
Thanks for bringing me home.You're welcome.
莉莉! -亲爱的姐姐你可以在厨房♥找到我
Lily! - You can find me, dear sister in the scullery!
莉莉! 到楼上来 我帮你改一下你的戏服
Lily, come upstairs so that I can finish your costume.
东西都在这了 纸袋在最上面小心点
Everything's here Lena. Paper baskets are on top.
所以小心点 ——好了乔伊斯
So be careful. - Alright Joyce.
这不是戏服 这是一件礼服 而且是上等的礼服
It's not a costume. It's a gown and is it a Daisy.
And just put one pecan and one almond in each basket.
Then you can fill them up with the cheap ones.
莉莉 我要告诉你多少次 不吃面包时没必要吃蜂蜜
Lily, how many times have I said one doesn't eat honey without bread?
如果我不喜欢吃面包呢? - 这不重要
What if one doesn't care for bread? - That's not the point.
特德在家吗? - 在楼上
Is Ted home? - Uptown someplace.
别把脚翘在桌子上 一点都不淑女
You shouldn't have your feet up. It's not ladylike.
安娜还抽烟呢…… - 你还没到安娜的年纪 年轻的女士
Anna held even smokes cigars. - You're not Anna held yet young lady.
你买♥♥腰带了吗? - 当然买♥♥了
Did you buy the sash? Well of course I did.
Would I forget the most important accessory of all?
它真是美极了 对吗 莱娜
It's really divine, isn'tit Lena?
最神圣的樱草图案 - 是粉红色的
The most heavenly cyclamen. - Pink.
好了 我们还有一堆事要做呢 -我一会儿再上去
Come on, we've got a lot to do. - I'll be there in just a minute.
莱娜 这一切都是徒劳的
Lena, is it all going to be wasted?
What's wasted?
这个晚上 我的演出
This evening, my performance.
我所做的一切准备 -莉莉 我们寄了信
All my preparations... - Lily, we sent the letter
去芝加哥 这是我们唯一能做的
to that agency in Chicago. That's all we could do.
如果你妈妈没有来 你也不必太失望
If your mother doesn't come, don't be too disappointed.
What else could I be? If she were here tonight,
my performance would be like Mr. halley's comet streaking across the Autumn sky.
如果她不为了我的表演回来 我想她永远都不会回来了
But if she wouldn't come back for this, she'll never come back.
也许她会 也许她不会 谁知道呢?
Maybe she will, maybe she won't. Who can figure her?
她很聪明 会明白为什么她应该回来的
Why should she come back? She was smart to get out.
也许她很聪明 也许一点也不
Maybe she was smart. Maybe she wasn't at all.
我就像她一样 我也不会一直呆在这儿
And I'm just like her. I won't stay put here either.
谁能忍♥受和一群愚蠢的人 生活在一个愚蠢的小镇
Who could endure this silly town with all the silly people?
谢谢你的总结 - 不包括你 莱娜 你能理解我
Thank you. - Not you Lena. You understand.
莉莉, 你来不来? -跟你说了等一会儿
Lily, are you coming? I'll be there in a minute I said!
They'll not bury me in this provincial burg.
总有一天 莉莉·默多克会让这个世界见识到她的才能
Some day, somehow, Lily Murdoch will give her talent to the world.
哈勃女士告诉爸爸 我是里弗代尔高中戏剧演得最棒的学生
Miss Harper told daddy I was the best drama student at riverdale high.
我很抱歉 你忙吧 莎拉…
I'm sorry. You're busy. Sara...
进来吧 我们说完了 -这是安德伍德上校