英灵殿 这里是 雷神
Valhalla, this is Thor.
英灵殿 这里是 雷神
Valhalla, this is Thor.
We have visual on a possible high-value target.
雷神 这里是 英灵殿
Thor, this is Valhalla.
We're seeking positive ID on target traveling in convoy
and we're pushing more assets your way.
在副频道上联♥系♥ 洛基
Contact Loki on secondary net.
洛基 这里是 雷神
Loki, this is Thor.
目标在坐标 2-4-T-K-B
Target is located at grid coordinates two-four-Tango-Kilo-Bravo
Confirm you have visual.
Verifying target ID.
Electro-optic and infrared sensors are online.
- 目标确认中 - 国防部长马上到
- Confirming target. - TECHNICIAN 3: SecDef is arriving now.
部长先生 这边请
Mr. Secretary, this way, sir.
Attempting cell phone link to moving target.
Stand by for data feed.
Stand by for audio.
Got it.
Now, don't tell me you spotted the beard in the middle of a goddamn sandstorm.
- 确定是他吗 - 长官 我们正在确认中
- Is it really him? - We're confirming that now, sir.
长官 马上收到音频
Sir, audio is coming up now.
- 确认声音指纹 - 中士 能查到什么
- Verifying voice pattern match. - What do we have here, Sergeant?
四名男性 其中一名操着 拉赫闪 方言
Four males. One of them is speaking in a 拉赫闪 dialect,
这和 胡艾 的资料是符合的
consistent with our intel on al-Khoei.
长官 我们刚刚收到这个
Sir, it's just coming up.
37% 符合跟 "可能" 完全不相干
"Thirty-seven percent" and "probable" don't belong in the same sentence.
I'm not taking this to the President.
基于英国方面提供的可信资料 中情局
CIA and NCTC concur it is the target,
还有 NCTC/国家反恐中心 一致认定目标
based on reliable intel from the Brits.
They're pulling off the highway.
条件不够充足 建议放弃任务
Criteria is not met. Recommend abort.
电脑 建议放弃任务
We have an abort recommendation.
这家伙两年难得现身一次 机不可失
If it's him, this guy comes out of hiding every couple of years at best.
长官 目标出现在东北角落
Sir, target is appearing around the northeast corner.
持有 AK-47 RPG/肩式火箭 丛林导弹
We've got AK-47s, RPGs and Chaparral guided missiles.
部长 这是个训练营
This is a training camp, Mr. Secretary.
再等等 51% 符合
Wait. Wait. Print. 51%. OFFICER 1: 51%.
电脑依然 建议放弃任务
Abort rec still holds.
All other PID options exhausted.
长官 您的决定是?
ADMIRAL: What do you suggest we do, sir?
Is that a weapons cache?
长官 从那洞穴周围的石头摆置
Sir, the placement of the stones around the pit,
以及五根伊♥斯♥兰♥教支柱来看 这是个葬礼
marker for the five pillars of Islam. I think it's a funeral.
For Christ's sake.
顾问官 这会触犯哪些日内瓦公约?
Counsel, how many ways would this violate the Geneva Convention?
We can invoke hors de combat.
There's no independent intel verifying that this is, in fact, a funeral.
长官 总统阁下从空军一号♥来电
Signal's got the President from Air Force One, sir.
Mr. President,
我们资料显示 51% 符合 马德 胡艾 特征
we have a 51% identity match on Majid al-Khoei.
坏消息是 他可能正在参加一个葬礼
The bad news is, there's some possibility he's at a funeral.
而且电脑建议 放弃任务
You should also be aware we have an abort recommendation.
But the Joint Chiefs are urging a go.
好吧 那么你的建议是什么?
All right, what's your recommendation?
阁下 我们的目的是把所有伤亡减少到最小
Sir, we measure success by the least amount of collateral damage.
但是只有 51% 符合 这个风险太高了
At 51% probability, the risk is too high.
如果这是 胡艾 而且我们让他逃跑
And if it is al-Khoei and he walks,
I'm putting our people at risk.
You have a go.
谢谢您 总统阁下
Thank you, Mr. President.
-准备攻击 -准备攻击
- We're weapons hot! - We have weapons hot!
洛基 你可以攻击
Loki, you are cleared to engage.
重复一遍 准备攻击
Repeat, weapons hot. PID.
我们连接上 "MQ9死神" 无人机
We have handshake with the MQ9 Reaper.
Sending you images now.
-洛基 收到坐标 -是的长官 切换红外线传感器
- Loki, target coordinates received. - Yes, sir. Switching to IR sensor.
Target is lased.
Master arm on.
Missiles away.
Ten seconds to impact.
伙计们 你们要赶快决定
You got to make a choice, fellas.
Who are you going to be? Boys or men?
- 我退出 - 怎么啦?
- I'm out on this one. - Why?
- 因为我破产了 - 别这样
- 'Cause I'm broke. - Come...
How do I know you don't have something great under there?
科安 刚刚退出了
Kwame just paired the board.
看看桌上的牌 我孤助无援啊
I'm floating on the river here. Look at the table.
谁知道呢 我晚上带女朋友出去 这很花钱的
I don't know. I'm supposed to take my girl out later. It's a lot of money.
女朋友? 谁啊?
Your girl out? Who's that?
- 伊莱恩? - 对
- Elaine? - Yeah.
You guys have been going out for a while.
How long?
- 差不多两个月 - 不赖嘛!
- Couple months. - Couple months? Wow.
- 真不错 你们上♥床♥没? - 算是吧
- That's big. You have sex with her yet? - Kinda.
- "算是吧" 是什么? - "算是吧"?
- What the hell is "kinda"? - "Kinda"?
- 这个很隐私的事情 - 好吧 听仔细了
- Personal question. - Okay, well, listen.
告诉我们 今天晚上你们打算干嘛?
Let me ask you a question. What are you going to do tonight?
Fish filet and a Coke?
Go to Blockbuster, rent a little romantic comedy,
go back to Mom's house, sit on the couch?
- 你怎麽知道? - 废话 你就会这些而已
- How'd you know? - Well, that's what you do.
因为你是个乖乖牌 所以你就会这些而已
You're a dependable person. That's what you're going to do.
- 你知道你该怎么办吗?
- You know what you should do? - Hmm?
你要好好的花笔钱 好好的款待你女友
You need to lay down some real green and treat your lady right.
You know, you need to take her to a nice place.
红龙虾 橄榄园 来点轻音乐
Red Lobster. Olive Garden. Tablecloths. Soft music.
And then you skip this Blockbuster thing.
女孩子喜欢外出 尤其像你那漂亮的女朋友
Girls want to go out. Especially a girl as cute as your girl, you know?
She wants to be seen. That's why she dresses up.
So you take her to the movies.
- 弄点爆米花饮料 - 说的对
- A little popcorn-drink combo. - True. True.
你也买♥♥点 伊莱恩 喜欢的热狗和玉米饼
Elaine might want a hot dog and some nachos, so you shell out for that, too.
And then before you know it,
she's cozying up the way she never would've
at her mom's house, you know?
- 说的好 - 突然之间
- Preach it. Preach it. - Now all of a sudden, look.
伊莱恩 已抓着高高站起的爱情罗密欧
Gino Romero's walking tall with Elaine yank-my-Dickinson,
- 如果你有种 这都是你的了 - 对 对
- all because he dared to dream tonight. - Yes! Yes! Yes!
做个男人吧 这是你的重大决定
And he became a man. And that's the choice.
- 对的 - 看看桌上这些
- Yes. - And that's what's on the table.
This is the dream right here.
Are you a man?
- 好吧 我跟了 - 太好了
- I'm with you. - Okay, here we go.
- 我下注 20.00 - 20.00
- I'm with you. 20? - 20.
Big boy game.
- 三条老K 大过你一对A 杰瑞 老大 - 漂亮
- Cowboys over aces, big Jer. - Wow. Wow.
- 没料到吧 - 不赖嘛
- Didn't see that coming, huh? - Yeah, that's a tough one.
看我的 四支A 瞧瞧
This is a tough one, too. Four bullets, baby.
混♥蛋♥ 你忽悠我
Get out of here! You baited me into that, Jer. Come on!
- 这就是现实啊 - 那么我的红龙虾怎么办?
- That's the way it goes. - So what happened to Red Lobster?
没办法 你今晚只好回老妈家咯
No, I guess it's Mama's house for you tonight.
但是别难过 我省了你 40块钱
But look, I saved you 40 bucks.
而且 伊莱恩 也不需要看性病医生
And now Elaine won't have to shell out for herpes medication.
混♥蛋♥们 休息时间结束
Break's over, bitches.
费特安 没来上班
Freitag missed his shift again.
- 得有人做他的工作 - 妈的
- Someone's on collator duty. - Great.
好吧 男士们
All right, well, gentlemen,
明天我们继续 你们回家玩得愉快