♪ Then sings my soul
♪ My saviour God, to thee
♪ How great thou art
♪ How great thou art
♪ Then sings my soul
♪ My saviour God, to thee
♪ How great thou art
♪ How great thou art
♪ When through the woods
♪ And forest glades I wander
♪ And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees
♪ When I look down
♪ From lofty mountain grandeur
♪ And hear the brook
♪ And feel the gentle breeze
♪ Then sings my soul
♪ My saviour God, to thee
♪ How great thou art
♪ How great thou art
♪ Then sings my soul
♪ My saviour God, to thee
♪ How great thou art
♪ How great thou art
♪ When Christ shall come
♪ With shouts of acclamation
♪ And take me home
♪ What joy shall fill my heart!
♪ Then I shall bow in humble adoration
♪ And there proclaim
♪ My God, how great thou art
♪ Then sings my soul
♪ My saviour God...
裙摆这么漂亮 当然要入镜
Make the most of this beautiful train.That's it.
Yeah.That's really great, yeah, yeah.
刚才也提到 不是说非要不可
Okay, now as I said before, you're under no obligation to
but you can if you want to, give me a tiny little twinkle.
Yeah, that is... Lovely.
好的 近照
Great.A little bit closer.
别怕 一定很好看
Now, don't you worry. You'll be all right.
There's just a little bit, that's it.
And you've got an eyelash on your nose.
We don't want that, do we?It's supposed to be on your eye, not on your snitch.
瞧 你笑起来多漂亮!
That's it. You've got a lovely smile when you smile, haven't you?
对了 保持这灿烂的笑容
Right, okay.Now, you keep that lovely gorgeous smile.
That's lovely.
莎拉 干得好 今天到此为止吧
I think that'll do for the time being.
Well done, Sarah. That's the easy bit.
开开玩笑 - 没有别的意思
Just fooling - no other intention
They make a noise, don't they?
At least they can play out around here.
I suppose so.
怎么了? - 一套的吗?
What is it? - Is that a suit?
Well, it came as a combination.
Do they go together?
横看成峰侧成岭 你认为是套装它就是套装
Well, if you think they do, they do and if you think they don't, they don't.
It's nice.
Twenty-one in August.
是的 - 她小时候常在街上玩 我担心得要死
She is.I used to worry meself sick when she played out.
毕竟长大成人了 - 总的来说是
She survived it though, didn't she?All things considering.
她现在又回到街头了 - 什么?
She's back on the streets now.I beg your pardon?
有说错吗? - 真想念她
Well, she is, isn't she?I don't half-miss her.
I know.
How long is it since we've seen her?
Two-and-a-half years.
可以叫她过来吃饭 - 好啊
We could always ask her over.- I'd like to.
再过几个月 她生日那天吧
For her birthday.It's only a couple of months away.
What now?
“罗克珊 21岁生日打算怎么过?”
"Hey, Roxanne, what are you doing for your 21 st?"
"I'm goin' over to my auntie and uncle's house for my birthday treat."
It was only a suggestion.
She's probably doing her own thing.
I suppose we'd have to invite Cynthia as well.
There's no show without Punch.
她也很想看看这里 - 这是肯定
I'm sure she'd like to see the place. - Oh, I'm sure she would.
她总是按捺不住 - 是的
She can't help it. - Can't she?
It's about time you showed it off.
你打理得整整有条 - 是的
I mean, you've done a lovely job. - I think so.
I really must get down to see her.
你不是跟她通过电♥话♥了? - 那是两马事
You speak to her on the phone, don't you? - It's not the same thing though, is it?
She's your sister.
I'm really proud of that portrait.
I reckon that's the last time she ever smiled.
I dunno what's got into you lately.
有意见吗? - 没有
You complaining? - No
Well, shut up then.
你以前总是不回家 让我等了又等
Sit here on me own for years on end. Can't get you to stop in at all.
现在你整天足不出户 - 别说了
And now you never go out. - Leave it out.
You've been sitting there for a month with a face like a slapped arse.
Well, what's there to smile about?
I thought he might've phoned at the weekend.
谁? - 还有谁?
Who? - Who d'you think?
很久没他的消息了 - 他很忙吧
I ain't heard from 'im for ages. - He's busy, ain't he?
我们都很忙 - 现在是夏天 有很多婚礼庆典要拍照
We're all busy. - He's got his weddings and that. It's the summer.
Out of sight, out of mind.
惦记着就打给他嘛 他是你弟弟
Well, if you're that bothered, why don't you ring him yourself? He's your brother.
I'm not running up me phone bill.
He knows where I am if he wants me.
若不是她 他可能早邀请我们过去看新居了
He'd have had us up there to see it by now, I expect, if it weren't for her.
Toffee-nosed cow.
What's he want with six bedrooms, anyway?
What's all your mates doing tonight, then?
没问他 鬼知道
I don't know. I ain't asked 'em.
男大当婚 女大当嫁
You wanna get yourself a bloke.That's what you wanna do.
I've told you. I don't wanna get anything.
现在活得很开心 谢谢关心
I'm quite happy here, thank you very much.
想当年 我可以嫁个金龟婿
When I was your age, I could've had the pick of the crop.
Well, why didn't you?
Because I lost my poor mother, that's why.
又来了 - 我从10岁开始就
Oh, here we go. - I was stuck at home here from the age of 10,
looking after Maurice and your granddad.
Yeah, we know.
接着又要照顾你 这就是我失败的人生
Then I got saddled with you. That was my downfall, darling.
我又没叫你生我出来 - 我也不想怀了你
I didn't ask to be born. - No, and I never asked to have you, neither.
Well, you should've thought about that before you dropped your knickers.
要还是不要? - 不要
With...Or without?I think without.
不要?好的 - 对
Without? Okay. - Yeah.
What about this one?
What about this one? Better with or without?
这次要 - 要?好的
I think this time it's with.
With? All right, we'll pop this one in, then.
听说你跑步很厉害 - 对 长跑
I hear you're a really good runner. - Yeah. Cross-country.
赢过什么奖杯? - 还没有
Have you won anything? - Not yet.
只是刚开始 - 好的 再看视力表
I've only just started.Okay, then. Look up again.
会有点模糊 告诉我你能看到什么
Now, this is gonna blur a bit - but just tell me what you can read, okay? - Yeah.
C T - 好的
C-T. - Right.
And I can't read any more.
好的 很好
Okay, that's good.
很好 现在测另一只眼
Very good, I'm gonna do your other eye now.
下班了? - 是的
Are you off, then? - Yeah.
Got any plans for the weekend?
Well, I've got to go to my mum's house and sort through her things.
好的 希望一切安好 - 好的
Oh, have you? - Yeah.Hope it goes all right.
有些事情总得去做 - 对
Well, it's gotta be done. - Yeah.
好的 - 星期一见
Okay, then. - Right, I'll see you on Monday.
好的 周末愉快! - 欢呼!
Yeah. Have a nice weekend. - Cheers.
教堂的洗礼仪式上 祝你愉快 - 尽量吧
Ooh, enjoy the christening. - I'll try.
好的 再见 - 再见
Bye. - Okay. Bye.
现在是10点了 - 我们得去接Shelattica。
What are you talking about? - We've got 10 minutes.
你说什么? - 我只有10分钟时间
What are you talking about? - We've got 10 minutes.
Listen, we've got to sort this out while we're here.
Look, basically, right, it's you, one, here, in this massive house.
拜托了 我们有两个孩子 你明白吗?
Thank you. - This house is massive.We have got two children, you understand?
我们还想生多几个 - 什么?- 我们想多生几个
And we could have more. - What? - We wanna have more.
房♥子给你一个人住 这太不公平了
Listen, right, you can't stay here on your own. It's not fair, is it?