What is the weight on your heart?
Sometimes I feel my work isn't good enough.
It's not helping.
And why do you say this?
我说了所有的话 遵循了所有的仪式
I say all the words, follow all the rituals.
但是有种东西 对于我来说过于强大
But there's something in the way, a force too strong for me.
If you do not believe in what you do,
then your work is pointless.
You must believe.
There is nothing more to say.
是你啊 这太让人惊喜了 -离我远点
It is you! What a pleasant surprise! - Get the hell away from me.
别嘛 我只是想做一个好邻居
Come on, I'm just trying to be a good neighbor.
Let me go.
特别是这个社区 环境还很恶劣
Especially since this isn't such a great neighborhood.
你知道这里有帮派纷争吗 -古斯不会知道的 拜托
You know there's a gang war going on? - Goose won't know. Please.
我一点也不觉得安全 说不定什么时候就有人拔刀了
I wouldn't feel safe here. You never know when someone'll pull a knife.
现在他妈的到车上去 我送你去安全的地方
Now get the fuck in the car. I wanna take you some place safe.
快进去 -好
Get in there. - Okay.
Get in there.
不 不
No! No!
丹尼想要什么 他都能得到
What Danny wants, Danny gets.
你要做个好女孩 等古斯死了就都平静下来了
You be a good girl and everything's cool till Goose is dead.
记住 你那个朋克男朋友的命掌握在我手里
Your punk boyfriend stays alive as long as I let him, remember that.
不 不
No! No!
What's going on here?
我只是想给夫人一个吻 警官
Just giving the wife a little kiss, officer.
You get out of the car, sir.
你还好吗 -我很好
Are you okay? - I'm fine.
Now look here...
Looks fine to me.
Do you love me?
我说 你爱我吗
I said, "Do you love me?"
Well, what do you think?
Well, sometimes I don't know.
If you ever do that again,
I'm gonna pull your eyeballs out of your head and eat 'em!
嘿 古斯 丹尼和蜘蛛帮正朝咱们这儿来
Hey, Goose. Danny and the Spiders are moving on us.
如果我们抓紧时间 就能在墓地砍翻他们
We can cut them off at the cemetery if we hurry.
I'll go tell the rest of the Ravens.
来吧 让我们踢爆他们
Come on, let's kick their fucking ass!
嘿 古斯 嘿 古斯
Hey, Goose! Hey, Goose!
你个贱♥货♥ 我们上
Yeah, you, pussy! Let's go!
这是我的战斗 我要亲自打爆这个王八蛋
This is my fight. I'm gonna take this motherfucker out!
把他的臭鼻子打折 -踢死他
Break his fucking nose! - Kick his ass!
你践踏了我们的地盘 垃圾
You're on our turf, scumfuck.
得了吧 古斯 你也不傻
Come on, Goose. You're not stupid.
你把人叫了过来 你还开枪
You fire that and you've got the man here.
Is that how you deal with us on your turf?
你把蜘蛛帮的人叫进来 和他们交易
You deal with the Spiders by calling the man in?
来吧 伙计 起来吧 起来啊
Come on, man. Get up. Get up, man!
Fuck your noise!
揪住他 兄弟
Get him, man!
Son of a bitch!
古斯 古斯 来吧 快跑
Goose! Goose, come on! Run! Run!
Pick him up!
Ninnghizhidda removed the jewels,
the jewels around her neck he took away,
and Ishtar asked,
为什么 守门人 你拿走了我的第三颗宝石
"Why, Gatekeeper, has thou removed my Third Jewel?"
And the Gatekeeper answered,
因为古老的契约 在时间之前
"Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time,
依照库图夫人的法令 进入第三道门
"the Decrees of the Lady of Kutu. Enter the Third Gate."
在第四道门 恩基捷达又取下了珠宝
At the fourth gate, Ninnghizhidda removed the jewels.
The jewels on her breasts he took away,
and Ishtar asked...
What are you doing?
早上好 你的手怎么样
Morning. How's your hand?
It's okay.
What's all this stuff?
Something for you to keep you safe.
得了吧 克里斯蒂 -古斯 你愿意为了我戴上它吗
Come on, Christy. - Goose, will you wear this for me?
我不会在脖子上戴任何魔法器具 你懂吗
I'm not wearing any of your voodoo magic around my neck, alright?
I don't need any witch routine to take care of Danny.
古斯 你为什么就不能放弃呢
Goose, why don't you just give it up?
最后你只会因此而死 你要我到时候怎么办
All it's gonna do is get you killed. And where that's gonna leave me?
不管有没有你 帮派都能运行
The gangs are gonna go on with or without you.
你对他们的重要性 远不如他们对你的
They don't need you as much as you need them.
放屁 我是乌鸦帮的老大 他们是我的人
Bullshit! I'm the leader of the Ravens, it's my gang.
没我他们什么也不是 -你什么时候才能学会呢
They're nothing without me. - When are you gonna learn?
古斯 你能戴上它吗 -不
Goose, will you wear this? - No.
为了我 拜托了
For me, please.
天呐 我说不
Jesus! I said no.
Where are you going?
不知道 就是出去
I don't know, out.
别走 古斯 待在这里陪我一会儿
Come on, Goose. Stay here with me for a while.
我得出去 我得去看看这条街还属于谁
Gotta go out. I gotta find out what the word on the street is.
别去 古斯 别出去 留在这儿陪我吧
Come on, Goose. Don't go out. Stay here with me, please.
如果我说了要出去 就一定会出去
If I said, I'm going out, I'm going out.
I don't need some crank-headed chick telling me what to do.
我对你来说算什么 只是个傻乎乎的小妞吗
So that's what I am to you? Just another cranked-up chick!
噢 你知道的 -你错了 他妈的
Oh, you know... - Well, you're wrong, goddamn you!
你要是走了 就别回来了
And if you leave, don't bother coming back.
You're no good to me dead.
古斯 等等 你得戴上它
Goose, wait. You need to wear this.
古斯 戴上它吧
Goose, put this on.
戴上吧 -你能不能把它扔了
Put it on. - Will you knock it off?
你走了就别回来了 -待会儿见
Don't bother coming back. - See you later.
我不想再见到你了 他妈的 你个混♥蛋♥
I never wanna see you again. Goddammit, you bastard!
You motherfuckers!
嘿 妈的 -啊 天呐
Hey, fuck! - Ah, Jesus.
Aren't you even gonna say hello?
我不相信你 -什么
I don't believe you. - What?
因为你总是想来就来 想走就走
That you think that you can come and go as you please.
Disappearing for days at a time,
你难道指望我在这里张开双臂 与你共度晚餐吗
expecting me to be here with open arms and dinner on the table?
好吧 对不起 古斯 但这些日子已经结束了
Well, I'm sorry, Goose, but those days are over.
You don't mean that.
对了 我给咱们整了辆摩托车 我想找些曲柄
Look, I've got us a motorcycle. So grab some crank and...
噢 很棒 你怎么不把它彻底打碎
Oh, that's beautiful. Why don't you just break all of them?
Why are you such a fuck-up?
你说谁不要脸 -说的就是你
Who are you calling a fuck-up? - You, goddamn it!
你想让我怎样 你想让我变得不一样吗
What do you want? You want me to start acting different?
You want me to start being something I'm not?
A fuck-up describes my old man.
我不觉得我做了什么出格的事 克里斯
I don't think I'm doing too bad for us, Chris.
确实 我是希望做些改变 但也没有成功
Sure, sometimes I wish things were different, but they ain't.
你也什么都改变不了 -如果你想改变的话是可以的
And we can't change anything. - You can change if you really wanted to.
好吧 说起来是很容易 可是
Well, that's really easy to say, you know, but...
如果你不 古斯 那你就忘了我吧
If you don't, Goose, you can forget about me.
你认真的吗 -我认真的
You really mean that? - I really mean that.
好 什么
Okay, what?
好 我会试着改的 -你会变得更好的
Okay, I'll try to change. - You'll have to do better than that.
那你得帮我 -你得帮帮你自己
You're gonna have to help me. - You're gonna have to help yourself!
你到底想要什么 -我想让你陪着我
What do you want? - I want you here with me, Goose.