当你还是年少轻狂时 做事往往不计后果
When you're a kid, you don't think about consequences.
You're invincible.
当然 别人会讲出一大堆事来吓唬你
Of course, they tell you all kinds of things to scare you.
比如 "万事皆不易" "有苦才有乐"
"Nothing comes easy." "There is no pleasure without pain."
但是 那个夏天发生的事
But, there's something about the Summer,
the promise that anything can happen.
And in my case... it did.
- 你带来的书够多了吗 小道? - 什么?
- You got enough books there, Dougie? - What?
我说 "你的书拿够了吗?"
I said, "You think you got enough books there?"
你应该多晒晒太阳 去泡泡妞什么的
You gotta get some sun, meet some girls.
谢谢了 你们是打算做我的夏季社交顾问吗?
Good, thanks. You guys gonna be my directors all Summer?
- 是的! - 差不多
- Yes! - Something like that.
谢了 老妈
Thanks, mom.
是的 你得活跃点 小道 因为往后的生活你得很负责任
Yeah. You gotta live a little, Dougie! You got the rest of your life to be responsible.
喂 马丁!
Ahoy, Martin!
说到社交顾问 似乎卡森在湖上已经抢先一步了
Speaking of social directors. Looks like Carson beat us to the lake.
I need your son, Douglas, for... for urgent work matters!
别担心 我已初步做过侦查
Don't worry. I've already done some preliminary scouting, and
我得说 这个夏季天才来这儿可有点怪啊
I've gotta say, the talent down here, this Summer, it's ridiculous.
- 是怪 - 是啊 我就这样想
- Ridiculous. - Yeah, it looks that way.
- 那就大干一场吧 - 不 我不知道...
- You just gotta dive in. - Nah, I don't know...
嘿 伙计...
Hey. Look, man...
这么说吧 十次里面被拒绝了九次
OK. Say you get turned down nine out of ten times,
算一下 每一周半的时间里依然可以打上一炮
do the math, you'll still getting laid every week and a half.
所以 为了这第十次 得加快步伐 忘记那九个"不"
So, to get to the tenth, we just gotta hurry up and get through our nine "no"s.
- 嘿 - 没事 别理他
- Hey! - Well, alright, never mind.
There's one.
概率在这儿不起作用的 卡森
Except, odds don't work that way, Carson.
- 嘿 别跟个书呆子似的 - 我像个书呆子吗?
- Hey, don't geek out on me. - Oh, I geek out?
Like the one time you explained to Tina Mengacchi about series circuit resistance in physics?
- 那个谁不知道啊? - 嗯
- OK. Who doesn't know that? - Mmm.
她只是为了想和你约炮而已 这是真话
Girls worth having sex with don't. That's true.
Who wants to hear some real music?
行了 杰克!
Come on, Jack!
嘿 该给我来点掌声
Hey, y'all ought to be givin' me some applause.
I could be down there arrestin' underage drinkers.
- 这才像话 - 嘘 换新警长!
- That's more like it. - Boo! New Sheriff!
嘿 戈登 你愿意给我的铁杆粉丝们买♥♥单可真是太好了
Hey, Gordon. So nice of you to offer to buy a round for all of my diehard fans, here.
I didn't.
You want them two parking tickets to go away?
你 嗯...加上这第三张...
You, uh... throw in a third...
you got yourself a deal.
好了 各位 瞧 我请客 来唱吧!
Alright, folks. Look! Drinks on me. Let's go!
用它买♥♥杯威士忌吧 戈登
Make that a whiskey, Gordon.
Summer has officially commenced.
Hey, I'm home.
肯定不多 但这房♥子可以买♥♥
Sure ain't much, but this property's available.
这是它 嗯... 投放市场的第一年 花工包括在内
First year it's, uh... been on the market. Gardener's included.
去吧 你们会看到里面非常舒适
There you go. Think you'll see it's real cozy inside.
好 去看看
Well, let's go.
I'm sure you'll be satisfied.
全是现代的 潮流艺术
All current, the latest state of the art.
Watch your step.
A real entertainer's delight.
充足的阳光 开放式的厨房♥
Radiant light, open kitchen.
And the view is to die for.
你在白费力气 理查德
You're humpin' the wrong leg, Richard.
I stopped listening three houses ago.
从这可以到达湖边 是私人码头
You've got lake access, private pier.
You'd be hard pressed to find anything more peaceful.
- 嗨 小道 来开下门 - 来了!
- Hey Dougie, come to the door. - I'm coming!
We'll take it.
I knew you'd love it.
I guess that's why you show it last.
- 那我们...签署一下文件? 当然
- Shall we, uh... take care of a little paperwork? - Absolutely.
- 签这儿 - 嗯哼
- Signature there. - Mm-hm.
And initial right there.
- 好 - 就这样
- Yep. - That'll do it.
谢谢 埃利奥特
Thanks, Elliot.
和你那堆愚蠢的分子数学书一样 伙计
It's just like your stupid molecualr math books, man.
有个...公式 就是先泡后甩
There's a...a formula. You gotta engage and then you ignore.
- 她们就会冲你而来 - 不错
- They come right to you. - Awesome.
Watch out.
我试过 但对我不灵 伙计
Yeah, I've tried. That doesn't work for me, buddy.
如果没有甩 就绝不要泡
Well, you got the ignoring part down, you just never engage.
You know how many chicks we're gonna meet this Summer, workin' at the Rudder?
- 这儿? - 嗯哼
- Right here? - Mm-hm.
This thing's gonna be worn out.
那就 "和我一起去湖里 半英里外谁也听不到你的尖叫"
Yeah. "Come with me a half a mile up the lake where no one can hear you scream?"
那是爽透的尖叫 朋友 爽透的尖叫
Screams of pleasure, my friend. Screams of pleasure.
I'm gonna... store some reserve beers in here...
in case you need 'em.
- 放我下来! - 女人!
- Put me down! - Females!
我定要让你过个真正带劲的夏天 道格 知道吗?
I'm gonna make sure that you have a really great Summer, Doug. OK?
Suck it back.
哦 嘿 小道 小道 过来!
Oh, hey, Dougie! Dougie, over here!
- 嘿 - 嘿
- Hey. - Hey!
- 怎么了? - 没什么 过来
- What's goin' on? - Not much. C'mon in.
这是哈珀先生 新邻居 来自罗利
This's Mr. Harper. He's our new neighbor. He's from Raleigh.
- 路过纽约 - 哦 真的?
- By way of New York. - Oh, really?
Dougie's looking at New York, for college.
Columbia is actually on his short list.
哇哦 我没上过哥伦比亚
Wow, I didn't have the grades for Columbia.
那 你在哪儿上的学?
Well, where did you go?
- 我工作 - 哦
- To work. - Oh.
啊 看起来你也很成功
Well, it looks like that panned out OK for you.
- 是啊 嗨 我叫埃利奥特 你是小道? - 嗯...叫道格吧
- Yeah. Hey, I'm Elliot. Uh, Dougie, is it? - Uh... Doug's better.
Your dad says you know a thing or two about sailboats?
- 是 - 我挑了一艘老的皮尔森33型
- Yeah. - Just picked up a vintage Pearson 33.
Yeah! It's, uh... old Russ Springer's boat, huh?
Yeah, well, your man, Russ, let it get pretty ragged.
我正在让船坞弄桅杆 那得花大钱
I'm havin' the mast lined out at the boatyard, right now. It's a hell of a project.
Um, not that I mind...
我喜欢在垃圾里淘宝 让它熠熠生辉
I always like findin' the diamond in the rough, shine it up.
- 要做的事很多 - 它是1983年的
- Needs a lot of work. - It's a 1983.
是的 嗯...通常首先要看下舵轴和轴承
Yeah, the uh, the... rudder shaft and the bearings are usually the first thing to go on those.
He and his grandpa could take apart an engine block blindfolded.
不知为什么 这天赋隔代遗传
Somehow, that talent skipped a generation.
那么 明天来给我看一下如何? 也许我可以雇你
Well, how about you come over tomorrow and take a look at it. Maybe I'll hire you.
- 好 - 比除草强
- Great. - Better than mowin' lawns.
是啊 不错
Yeah, that would be good.
不错 道格 你看过了吗?
Not bad, huh, Doug? Did you check her out?
- 嗯...我... - 这船怎么样?
- Uh... I... - The boat. what do you think?
哦 嗯...舵看起来很不错
Oh, the, um... the rudder looks good, actually.
轴承有点锈了 我还没看引擎 但都是看些表面
The bearings are kinda rusty. I haven't checked out the engine yet, but, it's mostly just cosmetic.
- 也许要刷一遍新漆 - 行
- Might need a new top coat? - Alright.
我们分组行动好吗? 你负责把它变好看 我去弄舵
Well, what do you say we tagteam? You make her look good, and I'll fiddle with the rudder.
我会把它送到船坞 明天上午
I'll have her delivered to the boatyard. Get you set up
for tomorrow morning, before I have to catch a plane.
We'll see how much you get done over the weekend.
如果需要我 我在旧金山的丽思酒店
If you need me I'll be at the San Francisco Ritz.
- 最好不需要我 - 好的
- Try not need me. - Good.
那么 一小时十元如何?
So, how's, uh, ten bucks an hour sound?