Is this thing working?
我们有什麽发现吗? 我不知道它是不是开著
Are we getting anything? I can't tell if it's on or not.
已接上 谢谢
It's on now. Thanks.
伙计们 你们要听一下吗? 拜託
Folks, you want to listen for a minute, please?
请坐下 我们不想一直重複这些事...
Please, sit down. We don't want to keep repeating these things...
but there are two or three of you assholes out there who don't want to listen.
We're asking you to take your seats.
We cannot begin the show until everyone is seated.
谢谢你们的合作 我们很抱歉这些耽搁
Thanks for your cooperation, we're sorry about the delay.
洛克威尔 有他的踪迹吗?
Rockwell, any sign of him?
妈的 已经过了两个半小时了
God damn it, it's been two-and-a-half hours.
Where the fuck is he?
Sounds like the gunfire at the O.K. Corral out here.
我不晓得发生什麽事 我们可能必须关掉设备
I don't know what's going on. We may have to get the equipment off.
如果他15分钟内不到此 不管怎样我将让团员上
If he's not here in 15, I'm putting the group on anyway.
等一下 Hold it.
北方的纳努克 我们走吧! 伙计
Nanook of the North, let's go buddy.
我们走吧! 我们有秀要表演
Let's go, we got a show to do.
走出车外 小心你的手
Get out of the car. Watch your hands.
拜託 我们走吧! 约翰.诺曼 是我
Come on, let's go. John Norman, it's me.
你出去买♥♥东西了 还是怎麽了?
You been out shopping, or what?
我们走吧! 让我们清空舞台会场出来
Let's go, let's clear the stage hall out of here.
你们这些人没有后台的通行证 我们将会查出你的!
You people don't have backstage passes, we're gonna find your asses out!
你们所有人 他妈的离开这裡!
All of you, get the hell out of here!
我们走吧! 安全人员
Let's go, security.
Where's my security?
You were hired to keep these people out of this damn hall.
如果你没后台通行证 你滚出去
If you don't have backstage passes, you get your asses out.
保持四点半 然后打开扩音器
Keep it going for four and a half, then turn the amps on.
很好 洛克威尔
Very good, Rockwell.
给你一点小把戏 史立克
Little treat here for you, slick.
This will get you set.
I'll be up here.
你好吗? Are you okay?
好的 们友们 我谢谢你们的耐心
Okay, folks, I thank you for your patience.
请你们欢迎 约翰.诺曼.霍华德 高速道路!
Would you welcome please, the John Norman Howard Speedway!
Are you a figment of my imagination...
or am I one of yours?
You guys aren't using the new math on me?
老逻辑 一半的人走了 另一半是公♥司♥的
Old logic. Half the people walk out, the other half are comps.
促销在哪? 我没看到任何广♥告♥
Where was the promotion? I didn't see any ads.
有人看到广♥告♥了吗? 我看不到有什麽大吸引力
Anybody see the ads? I don't see the big attraction.
How's it going?
"不要害怕 宝贝 进来吧!" 我听不见你说话
"Don't be frightened, baby, come on in." I can't hear you.
"不要害怕 宝贝 进来吧!"
"Don't be frightened, baby, come on in."
Is that all there is to it? That's all there is to it.
That ain't so goddamn much.
抱歉 这酒将会伤你的脑筋
I'm sorry, this booze'll blow your brain.
重複 老兄! 发生什麽事了?
The refrain, friend! What's coming down?
I have temporary amnesia.
不 听著 我们做过那歌♥3,726次
No, listen, we did that song 3,726 times.
我们已等了五个他妈的小时了! 拜託!
We've been waiting five fucking hours! Come on!
耶! 来吧!
Yeah, let's go!
如果你那麽觉得...嘿! 不中用的傢伙
If you feel that way about it...Hey, turkey!
去死吧! go to hell!
知道吗? 跟尼基一起去
Know what? Go with Nicky.
不 我全认识他们 亲爱的 妳坐进这辆车中
No, I know them all. Honey, you get in this car.
我们稍后将清理出谁跟谁 是的 坐进裡面 别担心
We'll sort out who's with who later. Yeah, go on in, don't worry about it.
不 宝贝 安全人员!
No, baby. Security!
过来 抓住那些傢伙
Come here. Get these guys.
拜託 约翰 你不记得我?
Come on, John, don't you remember me?
我认识一个实习生 他能帮你补充肾上腺素
I know an intern who can get you some adrenalin.
我的意思是 纯的肾上腺素
I mean, pure adrenalin.
他从医院急诊处偷了出来 开车吧!
He rips it off from emergency hospitals. Move it.
因为我们需要给卡车司机的地方 我怎麽可以搞毁一个人的低音吉他?
'Cause we need room for the truckers. How can I screw up a fella's bass?
我得出去避雨 今晚糟透了
Got to go out for the rain date. Tonight was shit.
And it's gonna be shit tomorrow night...
if you don't go home and get some shuteye.
Everybody out.
亲爱的 我来帮你
Sweetheart, let me help you out.
如果妳没有钥匙 在柜檯见我
If you don't have a key, see me at the desk.
我也可以帮助你 我有我所有所需的肾上腺素
I can do you, too. I got all the adrenalin I need.
我们走吧! Mo 亲爱的 对不起
Let's go, Mo. Sweetheart, excuse me.
让我们上到房♥间去 滚动一下 睡个好觉...
Let's go up to the room, roll one, get a good sleep...
做个声音检查 做一首好音乐
get a sound check, and make good music.
你说怎样? 今晚不要 我睡不著 老兄
What do you say? Not tonight, I can't sleep, man.
鲍比 我们去摇滚 摇滚?
Bobby, let's go boogie. Boogie?
你要去哪裡摇滚? 我们明天有表演 那是重要的
Where you going to boogie to? We've got a gig tomorrow. It's important.
你似乎不明白 男人
You don't seem to understand, jack.
我们必须在这裡预定四组人 才能让足?的人填满这个地方
We had to book four groups in here to get enough people to fill this place up.
Brian gave his word personally that you'd show up straight enough...
为了记住那首歌♥的歌♥词 有五万人来了...
to remember the words of the damn song, and there's 50,000 people coming...
to see if you've still got something to show.
Are you ready?
你这脓包 法庭命令才让你重返舞台
You horse's ass, it took a court order to get you back on stage.
你不懂那个吗? 底特律之后 你的屁♥股♥就要到了
Don't you understand that? After Detroit, your ass is on the line.
我没有呼拢你 管他的
I'm not shitting you. The hell with it.
来吧! Mo 让我们走 妈的
Come on, Mo, let's go. Goddamn.
嘿! Hey...
我不想你毁了这个交易 把它放在地板上
I don't want you to blow this deal. Floor it.
去哪裡? Where to?
Back about 10 years.
是的 但是 今晚怎麽样?
Yeah, but, what about tonight?
拜託 请你欢迎 奥利奥
Will you welcome, please, the Oreos.
抱歉 多刺♥激♥呀!
Sorry. What a thrill.
老兄 我想跟你握手
I want to shake your hand, man.
我的意思是 我喜欢你做它的方式
I mean, I love the way you do it.
你在哪裡表演? 你在城镇中表演吗? 不
Where you playing? You playing in town? No.
你现在在哪裡表演? 停下
Where you playing now? Stop.
嘿! 老兄 我不愿意做任何事来骚扰你
Hey, man, I wouldn't do anything to bug you.
Can I buy you a beer?
This table's reserved.
我们有一个较好的桌位给你 约翰诺曼先生
We got a nice table for you, Mr. John Norman.
Wine, beer, or herbal tea?
什麽? 酒,啤酒或者是草药茶
What? Wine, beer, or herbal tea.
这些都是选择? 是的
Those are the options? Right.
We don't have a license.
So what are you planning to do with that bottle?
I was planning to open it.
你不能那麽作 我们没有执照
You can't do that, we don't have a license.
Wine, beer, or herbal tea.
Do you make herbal iced tea?
给我一些冰草药茶 好的
Bring me some herbal iced tea. Okay.
没有草药茶 你为何不给我那一瓶...
Without the herbal tea. Why don't you give me the bottle...
It's stupid.
We don't have a license.
喔! 你不说我也不说
Well, you don't tell, and I won't tell.
你不觉得你受够了吗? 受够了什麽?
Don't you think you've had enough? Of what?
I could lose my job this way.
噢! 我们不想那样的事情发生 不是吗?
Well, we don't want that to happen, do we?
仅仅转过身 你不知道的不会伤害你
Just turn your back. What you don't know won't hurt you.
Why don't I hold that bottle till you leave?
What are you going to do with my bottle?
就这样 Right on.
You're blowing my act.
好吗? Okay.
我抱歉 真的我是
I'm sorry, really I am.
你不介意吧? 约翰 只照一张?
You don't mind, John, just one?
好的 笑一笑
Okay, smile.
太棒了 Terrific.
谢了 老兄
Thanks, pal.
约翰诺曼 你好吗?
John Norman, how you doing?
闭嘴 老兄
Shut it, man.
I want a moment of peace.