有人说 “本事好不如运气好”
the man who said, ''I'd rather be lucky than good,''
saw deeply into life.
People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck.
It's scary to think so much is out of one's control.
在网球比赛中 球经常会击中网的上沿
there are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net,
在那瞬间 球有可能越过球网或者弹回来
and for a split second it can either go forward or fall back.
如果运气好 它就会越过球网 而你赢得比赛
With a little luck, it goes forward and you win.
又或者它弹回来 你输掉比赛
Or maybe it doesn't, and you lose.
Mr. townsend.
Just this way.
在马尔贝拉海滩俱乐部 做过网球教练
So the Beach Olub Marbella, tennis instructor.
还在斯坦福楼 撒丁岛 尼斯工作过
Stanford House. Forte village, Sardinia. Nice.
是的 我经验丰富
Yes. I've had a good deal of experience.
嗯 看得出来
Yeah, so I see.
我听说 你不想参加职业比赛
Now, I've heard very good things. You don't miss playing professionally?
I thank God every day I don't have to do it.
I hate the whole tennis tour thing.
没完没了的训练 而且我不可能成为
Oonstant traveling, and I was never
going to be Rusedski or Agassi.
You have to really want it.
Not that I have their talent.
Well, your credentials and references are excellent.
And you want to live in London?
非常想 非常想
very much. very much.
We have a very exclusive membership here.
You can begin this weekend?
没问题 非常感谢
thank you. thank you very much.
那是沙发 展开可以做床
that's your sofa, which also doubles up as a bed.
非常不错 你可以坐在那看电视
Which is great, you know, 'cause you can be watching some telly,
ain't got the hassle of having to go to a bedroom.
You can just open it up, get your kip.
kitchen just through there.
设备齐全 干衣机等等
All your amenities, fixtures, fittings, washer- dryer...
All that stuff.
风景也不错 可以远眺
Lovely view, not overlooked.
So it's all good.
this is 225 a week?
这可是伦敦耶 如果你想便宜点的 可以到利兹找找看
Well, it's London, mate. Bang, mate. lf you don't like it, move to Leeds.
了解我的意思吗 你有锅吗
D'you know what I mean? You got a wok?
你有锅吗 就是东方人用的那种圆底锅
You got a wok? It's one of those Oriental, sort of conical pans.
没有 - 以前住这的老头
No, no, no. - the geezer who was in here before,
留下了一个 如果你想要 我可以留给你
he left one in there. You're welcome to it. I'll throw that in.
我租了 - 明智的选择
I'll take it. - that's a good choice.
very good.
Ohris WiIton.
this is tom Hewett.
你好 很高兴认识你 - 早上好 我的荣幸
very nice to meet you. How do you do? - Morning. Pleasure.
I think Ohris would be the perfect instructor for you,
他很有耐心 善于纠正球员的错误
and he's very patient. Great at analyzing a player's fauIts.
我很久没打了 大学毕业后就没有打过
I'm so out of practice. I mean, I haven't played since university,
我以前很喜欢打 不过好多年没打了
and I loved it, but I haven't picked up a racket in bloody ages, so...
没关系 状态会回来的
Don't worry, it comes back.
只要别急于求成 别气馁就行了
What you can't do is rush in, be discouraged.
祝你好运 - 非常感谢
Well, good luck. - thank you very much.
就在这练吧 - 好
Over here. - Brilliant.
你觉得谁厉害一点 哈曼还是阿加西
Ok, so who was better, or tougher? Henman or Agassi?
他们都很厉害 - 我知道 我的意思是
they were both great. - Yeah, I know, but I mean,
you held your own more than admirably.
For a while.
比赛的时候 你会发现他们真的很棒
But as the game goes on, you see how really good they are.
我来买♥♥单 - 不
Actually, I'll get this. - No, no, no, no.
不 汤姆 让我来吧 - 不
No, please, tom, I insist. I insist. - No, no, no, no, no.
Get your dirty great forehand off.
谢谢 下次我买♥♥单
thank you. I'll get the next one.
So, do you need a lift after this?
事实上 我想去找家音像店 我想买♥♥些唱片
Actually, I'm looking for a music store. I want to buy some ODs.
这附近吗 我想富汉路上有一家
Music around here? I think there's one on the Fulham Road.
And they'll have a decent opera section?
歌♥剧 你喜欢歌♥剧 真的吗
Opera? You like opera, really?
I love opera.
我爸要我们陪他去 皇家加文花♥园♥看歌♥剧
Papa gives loads to the Royal in Oovent Garden.
I know this is gonna sound a bit weird,
but would you like to go to the opera tomorrow night?
to the opera?
是的 我们订了包厢 有空出来的票
Yeah. We've got a box and someone's not coming.
上演《La bloody traviata》
It's La bloody traviata.
天啊 我非常愿意
My God. I'd love to.
你不是听我说喜欢就这样说的吧 至少能让我付自己的门票吧
Are you sure it's not an imposition? Oan I at least pay for my seat?
当然不是 你能来是我们的荣幸
It's not an imposition, it'd be an absolute pleasure.
I just like the fact that we both share a love for opera. Brilliant.
我跟大卫和玛丽纱说 - 大家晚上好 妈妈 你好
I said to David and Melissa... - Evening all. Hello, Mum.
甜心 见到你真高兴
Hello, sweetie. very nice to see you.
这位是克里斯 这是我爸爸阿莱克 - 你好 很高兴认识你
this is Ohris. this is my father Alec. - Hello. Good to meet you.
I hear you're an incredible tennis player.
我以前也玩过网球 后来放弃了 再后来重新打 没多久又放弃了
I played once, and then I gave up, then I went back, then I gave up,
然后我又开始打 - 废话
then I went back - Rubbish.
一定是汤姆把我夸大其辞了 - 现在我又不想打了
I'm sure tom exaggerated my game. - I just got bored.
晚上好 很荣幸认识你 - 你好
Good evening. My pleasure. - Nice to meet you.
这是我的妹妹克洛伊 - 那里有椅子
this is my sister... Chloe. - there's a chair somewhere.
我叫克洛伊 很高兴认识你 - 那边还有两张椅子
I'm Chloe. Nice to meet you. - there's two more.
Yeah, well, the olds say thank you very much for the lovely flowers.
他们说你非常体贴 还叫你不用这么客气的
they said it was very thoughtful, and totally unnecessary.
但我要谢谢你 做的非常好 他们就喜欢别人送他们花
But off the record, well done, A plus, 'cause they love that sort of thing.
他们都很平易近人 你妹妹也很漂亮
Oh, they're lovely people. And your sister's very bright.
Frighteningly so at times. But...
总而言之 她很喜欢你 她想邀请你到
Anyway, she thought you were terrific, and she wanted to invite you
我们的乡间别♥墅♥ 和我的父母一起过周末
to our country house with the parents on Sunday.
那天会有个派对 有不少名人参加
'Oause they're having a party, there'll be some good people.
你还可以听到一些经典的音乐 因为我老爸是音乐收藏发烧友
And I'll play you some great music, because Dad's got an epic collection.
克洛伊 你想陪克里斯打会球吗
Ohlo- Ohlo, do you wanna have a knock with Ohris for a bit?
现在已经5点了 亲爱的
It's just that it's 5:00 somewhere, darling,
and I've some serious cocktails to start making.
爱尔兰人 你喝过古巴ibre和caipirinha没
lrish! Have you ever had a Ouba libre or a caipirinha?
只和我打 克里斯会觉得无聊的
It'd be really boring for Ohris to play with me on my own.
他陪我打也很无聊 但他打的不错
It's really boring for him to play with me, but he's a good sport.
而且 他更喜欢和美女打球呢
And anyway, you've got better legs than I've got. Ohop- chop.
别害怕 我以前还教连球拍都没拿过的人呢
Don't be silly. I teach people who have never held a racket before.
我真的很差劲 - 那你跟我学习
I'm so bad. - that's how you get better.
就能变厉害点 来吧
Playing with a stronger player. Oome on.
Was I dreadful?
一点也不烂 你有与众不同的球风
Not at all. You have a very unique style.
是啊 笨拙的球风 对了 你怎么打得这么好
Yeah, it's called clumsy. How did you get to be so good anyway?
tom says you played with some of the real greats.
对我来说 那样只是为了摆脱贫困
For me, it was a way out of a poor existence.
Oaught the eye of a good coach. I don't know.
It all came so easy at first.
你喜欢教人练球吗 - 并不尽然
Do you enjoy teaching? - Not really.
我是说 还好吧
I mean, it's Ok for now,
不过如果要我当一辈子教练的话 就没意思了
but I'd cut my throat if I thought I had to do it forever.
I'd like to do something with my life.
有意义一点的 我希望能够出人头地
You know, special. I'd like to make a contribution.
看来你是一个从爱尔兰来伦敦的 有志气的穷♥人♥
So, you're a poor boy from lreland come to London.
I love it.
It's so exciting and alive.
I've never seen so much art or theater.
Not that I've taken much advantage of it yet.
如果你想找人 带你到周围逛逛的话