你好 我叫多莉
Hi. I'm Dory.
I suffer from short-term remembory loss.
- 真棒 -你说的真好
- Yes! - That's exactly what you say!
好 现在我们两个假装是别人家的孩子
Okay, okay. We'll pretend to be the other kids now.
你好 多莉 -我在这呢
- Hi, Dory! - Ahoy there!
Do you want to play hide-and-seek?
好啊 我喜欢… 好的
Okay. I love-- Okay.
那我们先去藏起来 你数到十然后来找我们
We'll hide and you count and come find us.
好的 爸爸
Okay, Daddy.
不不不 现在我不是你♥爸♥爸 是一个想和你叫朋友的别人家的孩子
No, not Daddy. I'm the nice fish who wants to be your friend, okay?
- 好的 爸爸 -不
- Okay, Daddy. - No.
- 那我现在去藏起来 -那我现在数到十
- I'm hiding. - Now count to ten.
一 二 三
One, two, three...
Um, four...
我喜欢沙子 它们又黏又漂亮
I like sand. Sand is squishy.
妈妈 我可以和它们一起玩么
Mommy, can I go play with them?
-多莉 多莉 嘿 亲爱的 - 多莉 小心
- Dory. Dory. Dory, honey. - Dory. Kelpcake.
这有急流 亲爱的
Undertow, sweetie.
记得 我们必须要离这些急流远一点
Remember, honey, we have to stay away from the undertow.
Okay, sweetheart, what about that rhyme we learned?
我们看见急流 我们远…
We see the undertow and we say...
Let's go
不 应该是“远离它” 知道了么 来 我们再试一次
No. It's, "Heck no." Okay? Let's try it again.
我们看见急流 我们远…
We see the undertow and we say...
There's the undertow!
There's the undertow. There is the undertow
看 你发现了急流
Hey, you found the undertow. And we see the undertow
- 难道我又忘记了么 - 不 没有
- Did I forget again? - No, no. No.
- 不 亲爱的 你别担心 - 这没什么大不了的 小海带
- No, sweetie. Don't worry about it. - No biggie, kelpcake.
如果我忘记了你们怎么办 你们会忘记我么?
What if I forget you? Would you ever forget me?
不 不会的 小海带
Oh, kelpcake, no.
我们是绝对不会忘记你的 而你也绝对不会忘记我们
We will never forget you, Dory. And we know you'll never forget us.
- 你刚刚听到了么 -什么?听到什么?
- Did you hear that? - What's that? Hear what?
- 斯坦 我刚刚听到了有人说话 我刚刚什么都没听到
- Stan, I just heard someone say hello. - I didn't hear anybody say hello.
我不确定 斯坦 我记得刚才我听到了有人说话
I don't know, Stan. I just heard someone say hello.
这里有很多鱼 谁都有可能说话
There's a lot of fish here. Anybody could have just said hello.
- 有人么? -这里有
- Hello? - There.
- 哪里? -这
- Where? - There. There. Right there.
- 我正在过来 - 这里!
- Where am I looking? - There!
- Oh. - Hello!
- 你好 - 我的天啊 那是一个孩子
- Hello? - Oh my goodness, it's a child!
- 孩子 我在这呢 你好吗 -你好
- Hi, kid. Over here. Hello? - Hello? Hi.
我叫多莉 你们能帮帮我么
Hi. I'm Dory. Can you please help me?
多莉 你走丢了么
Hi, Dory. Are you lost?
- Yeah, where are your parents? - Um...
I can't remember.
- Oh. - Well we'll look around.
Are any of these fish your parents?
你好 我叫多莉 你们能帮帮我么
Hi, I'm Dory. Can you please help me?
- What?
亲爱的 这个你刚刚说过了
- Honey, you just said that.
- I did?
对不起 我有短期失忆症
I'm sorry. I suffer from short-term remembory loss.
- 噢 这可怜的孩子 - 短期失忆症
- Oh, how awful. - Short-term memory loss?
你在这等我们一下 可以么?
Okay, you wait here for one second. Okay, sweetie pie?
-斯坦 斯坦 -干嘛 干嘛
- Stan. Stan. Stan. - What? What?
What do we do? The poor thing is lost!
- 你想我们做什么 我们没什么能做的 - 我必须得做一些事情
- What do you want me to do? - We have to do something.
- 那些事她不记得了啊 -海洋那么大 他可能来自任何地方
- She can't remember a thing! - She could come from anywhere.
卧♥槽♥ 你今天怎么这么没用 多莉 那我们…
Wow, you are no help today. Dory? Sweetie? How about we--
她不见了 现在你开心了吧 多莉 你在哪
She's gone. Well, that's not good. Hey, Dory!
- 多莉 - 多莉
- Dory! - Dory!
我是多莉 我和我的家人走散了 你能帮帮我么
I'm Dory. I lost my family. Can you help me?
我是多莉 我有短期失忆症
I'm Dory. I suffer from short-term memory--
一直往前 坚定不移
Just keep swimming Just keep swimming
一直往前 可是我应该做什么
Just keep swimming Swimming What do we do?
你好 我和我的家人走散了 你能帮帮我么
Hi. I lost my family. Can you help me?
Where did you see them last?
这是个有趣的故事 但是我想不起来了
Well, uh, funny story, but I forgot.
亲爱的 你愿意和我们一起走么
Oh, sweetie, do you want to come swim with us?
这是很好的建议 可是我已经跟了你们一整天了
That is the nicest offer I've gotten all day.
我想 我忘记了
I think. Uh, I can't remember.
随便吧 谢谢了 但是实际上我实在寻找我的家人
Anyhoo, thanks, but I'm looking for someone.
想不起来了 想不起来了怎么办啊
Oh. Can't remember. Can't remember. Can't remember.
你好 我叫多莉
Hi! I'm Dory.
Was it something I said?
这只是玩笑 好吧 你们不会再回来了
Kidding. Okay, you're not coming back.
我在寻找我的家人而且…… 好吧 明白了 晚安
I was looking for something and I-- Okay, get it. Date night. Have fun.
不管你正在找的是谁 祝你早日找到
Well, I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for.
你和我一起吗? 你有什么想法吗?
You and me both. Any idea what that was?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Okay. Guess we'll hang out another time. Don't be a stranger, Stranger.
一艘白色的船! 他们带走了我的儿子!
A white boat! They took my son!
我的儿子! 帮帮我 求你们了
My son! Help me! Please!
Watch out!
噢噢 对不起 你还好么
Oh! Oh, sorry! Are you okay?
- 他不见了 他不见了 - 在这啊
- He's gone. He's gone. - There, there.
- 不 他不见了 - 没关系
- No, he's gone. - It's all right.
- 他已经被带走了 - 一切都会好起来的
- He's gone. - It'll be okay.
不不不 他们带走了我的儿子 我必须找到那艘白色的船
No, no, they took him away. I have to find the boat.
一艘船? 我记得我刚刚见过
A boat? Hey, I've seen a boat!
- You have?
It went this way! Follow me!
谢谢 谢谢你
Thank you! Thank you. Thank you so much!
克劳斯 我的彩罐正在往下掉
Klaus. Klaus, the pinata's drooping.
给我一个扳手 我可以搞定这个
Hand me the ratchet wrench. I can fix it. Ow!
Hey, Marlin?
Oh. Hey, guys, I was just--
多莉 现在还没到起床的时候 赶快回到床上去
Dory! It's not time to get up yet. You have to go back to bed.
还有 记得 这个是海葵
And remember, the anemone stings.
好的 对不起 回床上 回床上
Oh right. Yeah. Sorry. Back to bed, back to bed.
Hey, Marlin? Ow!
回去睡觉 这很简单 现在!
Back to bed! That was it. Very simple. Bed. Back to it.
Mmm, got it.
Hey, Marlin?
现在我们已经起床了 准备开始新的一天
And we're up. That's it. Ready to start the day.
- 我记得我们是在找谁 是吧 - 尼莫
- And we were looking for something. - Nemo.
没错 我记得的 这就像昨天发生的事情一样
Right. I remember it like it was yesterday.
当然 我可能还记不清楚昨天发生了什么
Of course, I don't really remember yesterday all that well.
不管怎么说 我觉得最可怕得还是那四条鲨鱼
Anyway, I would say the scariest moment of the trip was the 4 sharks.
等等 我怎么记得是三条
Wait, I thought there were 3 sharks.
不不不 那肯定是四条 我记得很清楚
No. No, there were definitely four.
But last time you told it, there were three.
Son, which one of us travelled across the entire ocean?
Nemo did.
Obviously we had to cross the ocean...
为了找到你的儿子 所以 他的确是第一个
to find him, so you know... He went first.
好吧 你说的没错
I guess that's true. Isn't it?
Well, you made it! You almost missed the field trip.
旅行?我超爱旅行的 这次我们去哪里
A field trip? Ooh, I love field trips. Where are we going?
- 我以为你已经告诉她了的 - 我是已经说了的
- I thought you told her. - I did tell her!
- 多莉 - 干嘛
- Uh... Dory. - Yeah.
- 雷老师今天要照看很多的孩子
Mr Ray has too many fish to keep an eye on today.
So it would be best if today you weren't exactly with the class.
Oh. Why not?
你知道的 你的记忆有时会出问题
Well, you know, you have problems remembering things sometimes.
- 这是我唯一记得的事情了 - 是啊