小心我揍你 你这个死家伙 你简直就是一个懒蛋!
I'll knock your block off, you big stiff! You're a bum!
Strike! You're out!
艾尔玛 这里就是了
Elmer, here it is.
我知道你找到它了 -伙计 我真想喝一杯
I knew you'd find it. -Boy, I could sure use a drink.
I wonder if any big shots are getting married today?
Looks like the same suckers get married every day.
Come on.
喂 那个和骗子们在一起的人
Hey, the guy with the cheaters.
Now what's he hiding from?
那不是莫蒂默 布鲁斯特吗? -莫蒂默 布鲁斯特 那个戏剧评论家?
Hey, isn't that Mortimer Brewster? -Mortimer Brewster, the dramatic critic?
不 不是他
No, it's not him. But what a scoop it'd be!
那家伙写的《单身圣经》简直写的太好了 令人难以置信
The guy who wrote The Bachelor's Bible getting hooked. It's too good to be true.
走 我们去采访那个笨蛋市长然后走人
Let's snap the mayor in his new fire helmet and go.
跟他一会儿 先看看他是谁
Let's stick around, see who the guy is.
"相亲相爱 白头到老"
Two by two they come and go
早上好 我的孩子 你叫什么名字呢?
Good morning, children. Your name, please?
伊莱恩 哈珀 -大点声音好吗
Elaine Harper. -Speak a little louder.
伊莱恩 哈珀
Elaine Harper.
谢谢 你呢?
Thank you. Yours?
莫蒂默 布鲁斯特 -什么?
Mortimer Brewster. -How's that?
莫蒂默 布鲁斯特
Mortimer Brewster.
大一点声音可以吗 没什么好害羞的
Speak up, sonny. There's nothing to be afraid of.
I want to keep this undercover.
你爱她吗 当然 你是爱她的 你要娶她 不是吗?
Love her? Of course you love her. You're marrying her, right?
你还没明白我的意思. 过来一点
You don't understand. Come here.
I don't want this to get out for a while.
我是莫蒂默 布鲁斯特
I'm Mortimer Brewster.
You're who?
莫蒂默 布--
Mortimer Brew--
That's him!
Mr. Brewster!
现在 听着--
Now, look--
再见 亲爱的
Goodbye, dear.
你不明白吗? 我怎么能同你结婚?
Don't you understand? How can I marry you?
我 单身汉的典范 一直都在讽刺爱情
Me, the symbol of bachelorhood. I've sneered at every love scene.
我已经写了400万字 都是在反对婚姻!
I've written four million words against marriage!
不是写给别人 是对一个部长的女儿说的 她来自布鲁克林
Not only hooked, but to a minister's daughter, and a girl from Brooklyn.
现在看看你! 这个奇怪的东西是从哪来的?
Look at the way you look! What is that contraption you've got there?
我向你姑妈借的一个别针 你知道的 “借来的东西--”
A pin I borrowed from your aunts. You know, "Something borrowed--"
我知道:“借来的东西总是最好的” 不管新的旧的
I know, "Something borrowed, something blue." Old, new.
稻子和破鞋子 就是你新起点的障碍
Rice and old shoes. Carry you over the threshold.
尼亚加拉河瀑布 都是这么的无聊 这就是为什么我来这里?
Niagara Falls. All that silly tripe. Is this what I've come to?
我不喜欢这样的生活 我不会和你结婚的 对不起
I can't go through with it. I won't marry you. That's that.
是的 布鲁斯特先生 -你这是什么意思 "是的 布鲁斯特先生"?
Yes, Mortimer. -What do you mean, "Yes, Mortimer"?
你被侮辱了? 你不想哭出来吗?
Aren't you insulted? Aren't you going to cry?
不 布鲁斯特先生 -不要对我说 "不 布鲁斯特先生" !
No, Mortimer. -And don't "No, Mortimer" me, either!
Marriage is a superstition.
It's old-fashioned. It's....
哈玛 不要这么垂头丧气的 你还没有意识到
O'Hara, don't be a jerk. You don't realize...
...我已经把布鲁克林最漂亮 最舒服的一片交给你了吗
...I'm turning over to you the nicest, best beat in Brooklyn.
你看看那些老教堂 还有这些老房♥子
Now look at that old church. And them old houses.
乔治 华盛顿以前埋在这里吗?
Did George Washington ever sleep here?
当然 这附近的空气都散发着一股臭味
Of course he did. This whole neighborhood just stinks with atmosphere.
看看那些老房♥子 -以前的主人还住在里面?
And look at that old house. -The original owners still there?
Don't crack wise about the Brewster sisters.
They're two of the dearest, sweetest old ladies that ever walked the earth.
They're out of this world.
They're like pressed rose leaves.
Pressed rose leaves?
The old girls must be kind of hard up.
Their old man left them fixed for life.
你也不要叫她们 "老女人" 了
Don't you call them "the girls," either.
是我 警长在吗?
Brophy. Is Lieutenant around?
So what are they renting rooms for?
They don't. But you can bet if anybody came looking for a room...
...她们会给租♥房♥♥的人做饭 然后收一点钱
...they wouldn't go away without a good meal and a couple of bucks.
That's their way of digging up people to do good to.
哈珀牧师 我真希望你不要反对莫蒂默的观点
Reverend Harper, I do hope you don't disapprove of Mortimer...
...因为他是一位戏剧批评家 带你的女儿去剧院吧
...because he's a dramatic critic and takes your daughter to the theater.
It's not that I disapprove of his being a critic...
...but no man with this published attitude...
...should take any man's daughter anyplace, at any time.
I must be catching cold.
不 亲爱的. 是哈珀牧师 打了个喷嚏. 上帝保佑
No, dear. It was Reverend Harper who sneezed. Bless you.
We mustn't be angry with Mortimer.
他是深爱着她的 玛瑟姐姐和我都非常高兴
He's so very much in love with her. Sister Martha and I are so happy.
他过去只是偶尔来看看我们 现在...
He used to come to see us only occasionally, and now...
...he's in Brooklyn six nights a week.
记住 注意点你的语言
Remember now, watch your language.
You know I'm not a swearing man.
You'd be surprised what they'd consider swearing.
稍等一下? 特迪 亲爱的 谢谢 让我来
Will you excuse me? No, no, Teddy, dear. Thank you. I'll go.
快进来 布鲁尼先生 -艾比女士 我们为玩具的事情而来
Come right in, Mr. Brophy. -Miss Abby, we came for the toys.
这是哈玛警官 他刚调来这儿
This is Officer O'Hara. He's taking over my beat.
你好 女士 -欢迎欢迎
How do you do, miss? -Welcome to our neighborhood.
先生们 你们为我带来了什么新闻吗?
Gentlemen, what news have you brought me?
长官 现在还没有什么新闻
Colonel, we have nothing to report.
哦 对了 实际上是没有什么新闻
No, absolutely nothing to report.
非常感谢 先生们 那就这样吧
Thank you, gentlemen. At ease.
You know the Reverend Dr. Harper from the church next door?
你好 这是哈玛警官 这一片的新警官
Hello. This is Officer O'Hara, the new man on the beat.
你好 先生...很高兴见到你
How do you do, sir? It's nice to meet you.
The toys are on the chair up here, by the library door.
特迪 上楼去把玛瑟姑妈房♥间里的玩具军队拿下来
Teddy, run upstairs and bring down your Army and Navy from Aunt Martha's room.
They're all packed.
你们的工作做的很好 为孩子们把这些废弃的玩具在露营地修补好
That's splendid work you men do, fixing up discarded toys for the kids at camp.
It gives us something to do at the station. You get tired of playing cards.
这就是那些玩具吧? -布鲁尼太太怎么样了?
So these are the toys? -How's Mrs. Brophy?
她好多了 谢谢你 不过她的身体有点虚弱
She's better, thank you. But a little weak, still.
我做了一些牛肉汤 你帮我顺便带给她
I'll get some beef broth for you to take to her.
不用这么麻烦了 你已经够忙的了
Please don't bother. You've done so much already.
谁说的! 我一会就来
Stop the nonsense! I won't be a minute.
先生们 如果我知道什么是纯粹的仁慈和完全的慷慨的话...
Gentlemen, if I know what pure kindness and absolute generosity are...
...it's because I've known the Brewster sisters.
特迪 答应我你以后不会再这样
Teddy, you promised me you wouldn't do that anymore.
我想找一个柜子来装这些东西 不过我得召开一个内阁会议来提供这些物品
But I have to call a Cabinet meeting to get those supplies.
Now don't do that again. Do you hear me?
He used to do that at night...
...邻居们都引起骚乱了 他们都很怕他
...and the neighbors raised Cain. They're afraid of him.
听着 这个地狱---
Look, Sarge, I promised I wouldn't swear, but what the heck--
What's going on here?
他没有恶意 -他觉得他是特迪 罗斯福
He's quite harmless. -He thinks he's Teddy Roosevelt.
There's a lot of worse guys he could think he was.
That's right.
我会记下来 他是个有趣的演员
I'll make a note. He's an interesting character.
这真是让人觉得惭愧 神父...
Isn't it a shame, Father....
真是让人惭愧 牧师 这样美好的家庭应该 发生这样的事情吗?
Isn't it a shame, Reverend, that this nice family should be hatching a cuckoo?
Well, now, isn't this nice!
下午好 布鲁斯特女士 -你好?
Good afternoon, Miss Brewster. -How do you do?
下午好 -牧师 你好?
Good afternoon. -Reverend, how do you do?
玛瑟小姐 这是哈玛警官 他是来接替我的工作的
Miss Martha, Officer O'Hara. He's taking over my duties.
How do you do?
很高兴认识你 -谢谢
I'm very glad to know you. -Thank you.
玛瑟 你回来了
Martha, you're back.
这是给布鲁尼的牛肉汤 一定要趁热喝了
Here's the broth for Mrs. Brophy. Be sure it's good and hot.
一定 非常感谢
You bet I will, and thank you very much.
The Army and Navy are ready for action.
上校 这么多玩具 孩子们一定会很高兴的
Colonel, this is grand. It'll make a lot of kids happy.