- 操!你干嘛!薇儿! - 我警告过你了
- Shit.Jesus, Vee! - I told you once.
- 你这样是不对的 你是我媳妇儿 - 别这么无聊
- It's not right. You're my wife. - Don't be such a bore.
I saw her today...
by the park.
上次那种事发生后 我希望你小心为是
I want you to be careful there,after what happened last time.
操 小心?
Fuck, careful?
你有欲望 我也有欲望
You want this as much as I do.
我们都有欲望 理查德
We all have appetites, Richard.
Some of us just have different tastes.
- 我饿了 - 俺也一样
- I'm hungry - Yeah, me too.
Someone will turn up soon.
- 喂 那家伙在偷看我们 - 哪个家伙?
- Oy, that bloke's watching us. - Where?
Over there.
噢 我前阵子就看到他在这附近晃悠
Ya, I've see him hanging around here before.
What direction? Pig or pervert.
Same difference.
天呐 好冷啊
Jesus, it's cold.
You just need a decent meal inside you.
Get some meat on those bones.
- 耗子都比咱吃得好
- Fucking rats eat better than we do.
- 那是因为它们不挑食 是吧?
- Well, rats aren't fussy, are they?
You've got expensive tastes.
- 我真希望你有时候能吃顿像样的饭 理查德
- I do wish you'd eat a decent meal sometimes, Richard.
- 我在酒吧里吃了块三明治
- I had a sandwich at the club.
- 和谁? - 查尔斯 还有几个小伙伴
- Who was there? - Just Charles, some of the boys.
- 有啥消息吗? - 啥也没
- Any news? - Nothing ever happens anymore.
What else did you get up to?
Stopped at the park.
- 然后呢? - 她在那 那个男的也在
- And? - She was there.He was too.
- 他俩总在一块
- He's always with her.
- 不 他们经常在下午分开
- No, they often split up in the afternoon.
Better for business I would've thought.
Tomorrow then.
- 我会提前下班 - 晚餐怎么说?
- I'll leave work early. - What do you want for dinner?
随便 你扔啥她都肯吃 那种人就那样
Well, whatever.She'll eat whatever you put in front of her.They always do.
上回有个女的不吃鱼 那可是我花了几个小时才烤好的多佛比目鱼
There was that one girl wouldn't eat fish.Spent hours on the Dover sole.
Pearls before fucking swine.
目测她只求填饱肚子就行 不是那种挑三拣四的婊♥子♥ 不是吗?
Well, If she wants to be fussy,she'll be sent straight to bed without any supper,won't she?
- 我得早点睡觉了 - 晚安 薇儿
- I'm going to get an early one. - Night, Vee.
- 好油腻 - 我上♥床♥前会弄干净的
- Greasy. - I'll clean up before bed.
上♥床♥别太晚 不要打扰我睡个好觉
Don't be too long.I want to get a good night's sleep
- 我马上就来 - 晚安 达令
- I'll just be a few minutes. - Good night, darling.
- 薇儿。。。 - 嗯?
- Vee... - Yes?
Do you ever think it's wrong?
挺好玩的啊 他们有吃有喝 还能拿点碎银子
It's just a bit of fun.They get a meal and a few quid out of it.
而且 没人会受伤
Besides, no one gets hurt.
饥饿难耐 无家可归 行行好 打发点吧
- 同志 这钱太大了 我找不开 - 不用找
- I don't have change for that, mate. - No need.
What do you want?
- 我可不是站街的失足妇女 - 我也希望你不是
- I'm not in the game or nothing. - I hope not.
So what do you want?
我叫理查德 理查德·高
I'm Richard.Richard Gull.
I just have one question.Do you know Jesus?
I've never met the man.
- 但是他却认识你 - 哦 是嘛 我还挺有人气的嘛
- Well, he knows you. - Yeah, well, I get about a bit, don't I?
Can't be expected to remember everybody.
是这样的 我和我太太一直都尽我们所能去帮助那些比我们不幸的人
Listen,my wife and I,we believe in doing what little we can to help those less fortunate than ourselves,
一顿美餐 一次热水澡 一些零花钱
a meal, a hot bath, a few pounds in the pocket.
Perhaps even a sense of possibility.
You know, we like to think we give a small amount of hope
虽然对于这残忍♥的世界来说这点微不足道 但也聊胜于无
to those who cross our paths.It's not much in a world as cruel as this one but it's something.
- 你和你太太? - 薇多利亚 你会喜欢她的
- You and your wife? - Victoria. You'll like her.
Everybody does.
- 你的车真炫酷 - 我承认幸运之神对我挺好
- It's a nice ride. - I admit the Lord has been good to me.
看出来了 那么这是幸运之神赐予你的礼物 还是说你迟早要还的呢?
I reckon.So is this a present then or do you have to pay him back?
One thing, my wife and I take our faith seriously.
I'd appreciate it if you respected that.
嗯 是 抱歉
Yeah, yeah, sorry.
没关系 享受幸运之神给我们的礼物吧 好吗?
Don't be.Let's just enjoy what the good Lord has provided, shall we?
- 你好 我是薇多利亚 - 我叫北上
- Hello. I'm Victoria. - Sorrow.
I wouldn't normally welcome Sorrow into my home
但为了你 我可以破一次例
but in your case I'll make an exception.
- 那么 晚餐准备得怎么样了? - 玉盘珍馐
- So, how's dinner coming along? - Very nicely.
不过 也许北上想在用餐前先洗个澡
But perhaps Sorrow would like to clean up before we eat.
Richard will show you where everything is.
好极了 那一会儿我们再好好聊聊
Wonderful. And we can chat properly later.
I'm really very pleased to meet you.
- 给 - 谢谢
- Here you are. - Cheers.
甭客气 尽管放松享受 想用什么就用什么
Well, you just relax and enjoy yourself.Feel free to use whatever's there.
慢慢洗吧 还要一会儿才开饭 你吃羊肉吗?
No hurry. Dinner won't be ready for a little while yet.You do eat lamb?
- 我没忌口 - 啊 额 好好洗个澡吧
- Whatever. - Well, um, have a nice bath.
- 噢 我们猜你饭前可能想来点开胃酒 - 啥?
- Oh,we thought you might enjoy a small aperitif before dinner. - What?
A glass of wine.
耶 霞霞侬
Yeah. Cheers.
- 菜做得怎么样? - 对她这种人来太丰盛了
- How's it going? - Too good for the likes of her.
- 她叫北上是吗? - 她还可以吧?
- Sorrow, I ask you. - She's all right then?
她很完美 你门槛蛮精的
She's perfect.You are clever.
I feel like a little girl on Christmas morning.
呵 我没想到像你这样的坏女孩还能收到礼物
Oh, I didn't think bad girls like you got presents.
- 北上?马上吃晚饭了 - 诺 我一会儿就好
- Sorrow?I'm just going to set dinner. - Cool, I 'll be a minute.
妥 我等不及让你来品尝了
Wonderful.I can't walt for you to taste this.
万分感谢我主 赐予我们食物
For what we are about to receive,may the Lord make us truly grateful.
And thanks unto him for delivering Sorrow to our doorstep.
The Lord Jesus is a caring shepherd
and watches over even the most hopelessly lost of his flock.
- 看起来好好吃的样子 - 希望北上喜欢我做的菜
- This looks delicious. - I just hope Sorrow enjoys it.
- 其实我现在不是很饿 - 不要作客 敞开吃吧
- I'm actually not that hungry. - Well, eat what you can.
理查德 再给她倒点酒
Richard, pour her some more wine.
- 您二位。。。不喝吗? - 我们不喝酒的
- Are you not-are you not having any? - We don't drink.
But we do like to provide for our guests.
- 那你们可真是错过美酒了 - 甭客气 北上
- H m. You don't know what you're missing. - Tell you what, Sorrow
you just help yourself.
跟我说说 北上 你是怎么流落街头的?
So, tell me Sorrow,how did you end up sleeping rough?
别介意 你可以信任我 我听过很多悲伤的故事
Don't worry. You can confide in me.I've heard very many hard luck stories.
- 其中有些令人震精 - 这是大实话
- Some of them quite shocking. - It's true.
理查德有时候太感情用事 我更敬佩那种不会轻易落泪的男人
Richard gets quite overcome sometimes.I do admire a man who's not afraid to cry.
My father always said he was a bit of a weakling
不过男人总得跟上时代 不是吗?
but men have to move with the times, don't they?
额 其实也没什么好说的
Uh, really there's not that much to tell.
总有些故事的吧 说出来心里会好受点
But there must be.You'll feel so much better for getting it off your chest.
So what was it? Drugs?
Or was bad old Daddy sneaking in for a quickie every night?
- 我猜就是这样吧? - 你这个淘气妹纸
- I bet that's it, isn't it? - You naughty girl.
来 再来点酒吧
Here, why don't you have some more to drink?
I think... I think it's going to my head a little bit.
别担心 我敢说你在大马路上喝不到这种品质的酒
Don't worry about that.I daresay you don't get booze of this quality on the streets.
- 喝多了吗?北上 - 没有 额。。。
- Do you drink very much, Sorrow? - No, um...
我喜欢保持体内干净 就是 纯洁 没有化学物质
I like to keep my body clean,you know,pure,no chemicals
干净又纯洁 这是否也适用于男生?
Clean and pure.And does that extend to boys?
我是说 男人们 都想把鸡♥巴♥塞进一个又一个的洞里
You know, men wanting to stick it into one hole or another.
You must get a lot of that.
我想如果有人给你几英镑来换取这份特权 那是很有诱惑力的
I suppose It's quite tempting sometimes if you're offered a few quid for the privilege
If you can call it that.
- 我有个。。。男朋友 - 寺伐?你们过得好伐啦?
- I have...a boyfriend. - Do you now?And how's that working out?
果断不好 要在公园和后巷过夜